Transfering Record Custody

Responsibility for registry records eventually devolves down to users. Each record is associated with exactly one user account. The user is seen as having custody over records associated with their account. Often, for a variety of reasons, users need to relinquish and accept custody of records.

Transfer must be done securely. For this reason it involves the use of tansfer tokens to be passed from users relinquishing custody to users accepting it. The process takes three steps.

  1. Request a Transfer Token

  2. Accept the Transfer

To Request a Transfer Token

  1. Log in

  2. Click the Publish tab.

  3. Click the Custody Transfer menu item. The root Custody transfer page loads.

  4. Click the Request transfer token button. A Select structures table, containing all structured records for which you have custody, loads.

  5. Check the box for any and all records that you which to transfer. Structures which include dependent structures such as Services which also have bindings and endpoints need to have their dependent structures selected as well.

  6. Click the Request transfer token button at the bottom of the page.

  7. A transfer token is generated. Save it to a file by clicking the Save to file button.

    Note Expiration - Check the expirationTime element to see when this token expires. Default time to live is three hours after generation. The transfer must be accepted before this expiration time.

  8. Send or make available a copy of the token to the user who will accept custody. This can be done through email, or a shared secure URL or filesystem directory.

To Accept a Transfer

  1. If you have not already, Log in

  2. Click the Publish tab

  3. Click the Custody Transfer menu item. This loads the root Custody transfer page.

  4. Click the Transfer custody button.

  5. Load the transfer token from the file to which it was saved.

    • Either enter the path to the file by hand OR click the Browse button and locate it using the system's Choose file dialog.

    • Click the Load from file button. This loads the contents of the file into the Transfer token field.

  6. Click the Transfer button at the bottom right corner of the screen. Your account workspace loads. You can now navigate to the record in the left panel and view its details.