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Oracle® Application Server Adapter for Tuxedo User's Guide
10g Release 3 (

Part Number B29000-01
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B OracleAS Adapters for Tuxedo Message Buffer Support and Data Type Support

This appendix contains the following sections:

OracleAS Adapters for Tuxedo Message Buffer Support

Oracle Connect provides support for all standard types of OracleAS Adapters for Tuxedo message buffers as I/O, as follows:


Synonyms such as X_C_TYPE,and X_OCTET are also recognized.

Unstructured message buffers are wrapped within a record as follows:

User-Defined Message Buffers

Oracle Connect does not support user-defined message buffers.

Data Type Support

This section contains the following topics:

Data Type Mapping

OracleAS Adapters for Tuxedo support a number of data types that are used to define metadata in Oracle Studio. The data types are mapped from the Tuxedo data types during the import procedure.


The mapping of data types between OracleAS Adapters for Tuxedo and Oracle Application Server is performed internally by Oracle Connect.

Table B-1 Data Type Mapping: Tuxedo and Oracle Connect

Tuxedo Data Type Oracle Connect Data Type

















Data Type Handling

OracleAS Adapters for Tuxedo handle the fields contained in the VIEW file as follows:

  • Specifying a value greater than one in the COUNT field of the Tuxedo field definition within a VIEW file, translates to array=xx attribute.

  • Specifying a value in the SIZE field of Tuxedo field definition within a VIEW file, translates to size=yy attribute.

  • Specifying C in the FLAG field of Tuxedo field definition within a VIEW file, imposes generation of an extra leading COUNTER field to hold the actual count value.

  • Specifying L in the FLAG field of Tuxedo field definition within a VIEW file, imposes generation of an extra leading LENGTH field to hold the actual length value.


    • The L flag is applicable for STRING and CARRAY data types only.

    • In the case where a COUNT value greater than one is specified for the field, the extra leading LENGTH field is generated as an array. The array entries should hold the actual length values of the corresponding field array entries.

  • Specifying a value in the NULL field of Tuxedo's field definition within a VIEW file is not reflected in Oracle Connect back-end adapter record.

Tuxedo's restrictions with regard to VIEW fields are preserved.

The following is an example of a VIEW file definition:

VIEW emp
#TYPE     CNAME            FBNAME          COUNT   FLAG  SIZE   NULL
long      lSalary          SALARY            1      -      -     0
short     nDeptnum         DEPTNUM           1      -      -     0
short     nEmpnum          EMPLOYEE_NUMBER   1      -      -     0
short     nJobcode         JOBCODE           1      -      -     0
string    szMessageText    MESSAGE_TEXT      1      -     80     ""
string    szFirstName      FIRST_NAME        1      -     16     ""
string    szLastName       LAST_NAME         1      -     21     ""

The following is an example of a field table that defines the FML field IDs:

*base 100
# name           number   type    flags comments
MESSAGE_TEXT           1  string   -     -
DEPTNUM              100  short    -     -
EMPLOYEE_NUMBER      101  short    -     -
JOBCODE              102  short    -     -
FIRST_NAME           103  string   -     -
LAST_NAME            104  string   -     -
SALARY               105  long     -     -

Header Record Structure

Each adapter has a HEADER record which is mapped to Tuxedo ATMI Queue Control Structure. The HEADER record is included in all records defined.

HEADER input fields (for writing and subscribing) are as listed in the following table:

Table B-2 HEADER Record Input Fields

Field Description

long flags;

Indicates which of the values are set.

long deq_time;

Indicates absolute/relative time for dequeing.

long priority;

Specifies the enqueing priority.

long exp_time;

Specifies the expiration time.

long delivery_qos;

Specifies the delivery quality of service.

long reply_qos;

Specifies the reply quality of service.

long urcodes;

User-return code.

char corrid[32];

Specifies the correlation identifier used to identify the message.

char replyqueue[16];

Species the queue name for the reply message.

char failurequeue[16];

Specifies the queue name for failure messages.

HEADER output fields (for reading) are as listed in the following table:

Table B-3 HEADER Record Output Fields

Field Description

long flags;

Indicates which of the values should be set.

long priority;

Specifies the enqueing priority.

char msgid[32;]

Specifies the ID of the message dequeued.

char corrid[32];

Specifies the correlation identifier used to identify the message.

long delivery_qos;

Specifies the delivery quality of service.

long reply_qos;

Specifies the reply quality of service.

char replyqueue;

Specifies the queue name for the reply.

char failurequeue[16];

Specifies the queue name for failure messages.

long diagnostic;

Specifies the reason for failure.

long appkey;

Specifies the application authentication client key.

long urcodes;

User-return code.


Specifies the client identifier for the originating client.

char replyqueue[16];

Species the queue name for the reply message.

char failurequeue[16];

Specifies the queue name for failure messages.