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Oracle® Application Server Adapter for VSAM User's Guide
10g Release 3 (

Part Number B31002-01
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C Advanced Tuning of the Daemon

The daemon configuration is managed using Oracle Studio. Daemon configuration is divided into the following groups:

Daemon Control

Using the Daemon Control tab, you define various daemon control options. The Daemon Control tab is accessed as follows:

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.

  2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.

  3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.

  4. Right-click the required daemon in the Runtime Explorer and select Edit Daemon Configuration. The Daemon Control tab is displayed.

  5. After making changes to the daemon, right-click the daemon and select Reload Configuration.


    You can also change daemon settings using the Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit Daemon.

    Changes made to the daemon configuration are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager perspective.

The Daemon Control tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure C-1 The Daemon Control tab

The Daemon Control tab.
Description of "Figure C-1 The Daemon Control tab"

The Daemon Control tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:

Table C-1 Daemon Control tab Components

Field Description

Automatically recover from failure

The daemon restarts automatically if it fails for any reason (any error that causes the daemon process to terminate, such as network process lost or the CPU running the daemon crashes and the backup daemon is defined on another CPU). All available and unconnected servers are terminated and any connected servers are marked and terminated on release. Also the backup starts a backup for itself. The backup appends a new log file to the log of the original daemon, adding a line indicating that a backup daemon was started.

Maximum XML request size

The maximum number of bytes that the daemon handles for an XML document.

Maximum XML in memory

The maximum amount of space reserved for the XML in memory.

Default language

The language that the daemon supports. This setting is used when working with a client with a code page different from the server code page.

Call timeout

The timeout period for short calls for all daemons. The definition of a short call is a call that should be completed in a few seconds. For example, most calls to a database such as DESCRIBE should be completed in a few seconds as opposed to call like a GETROWS call, which can take a long time. In heavily loaded or otherwise slow systems, even short calls such as calls to open a file, may take a significant amount of time. If a short call takes more than the specified time to complete, then the connection is stopped. The default value for this parameter is 60 seconds. Values of less than 60 seconds are considered to be 60 seconds.

Specifying the timeout in a workspace overrides the value set in this field for that workspace.

Connect timeout

The time the client waits for a daemon server to start. If the daemon server does not start within this period, then the client is notified that the server did not respond. The value specified for this parameter serves as the default timeout for all the workspaces listed in the daemon configuration. The default value for this parameter is 60 seconds.


  • Entering the timeout in a workspace overrides the value set in this field for that workspace.

  • Even if the XML source does not list this parameter in the workspace section, the workspace gets it using the default value. If you want to prevent a workspace from using the default value, you must enter a value of zero for this parameter in the workspace section.

Client idle timeout

The maximum amount of time any daemon client may be idle before the connection with the server is closed.

Specifying the timeout in a Workspace overrides this setting for that workspace.

Daemon Logging

Using the Daemon Logging tab, you define the daemon log file settings, the log file structure and the location where the log is saved. In addition, use it to define the data that is logged and traced in the file.

The Daemon Logging tab is accessed as follows:

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.

  2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.

  3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.

  4. Right-click the daemon in the Runtime Explorer and select Edit Daemon Configuration.

  5. Click the Daemon Logging tab.

  6. After making changes to the daemon, right-click the daemon and select Reload Configuration.


    You can also change daemon settings using the Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit Daemon.

    Changes made to the daemon configuration are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager perspective.

  7. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.

The Daemon Logging tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure C-2 The Daemon Logging tab

The Daemon Logging tab.
Description of "Figure C-2 The Daemon Logging tab"

The Daemon Logging tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:

Table C-2 Daemon Logging tab Components

Field Description

Daemon log file location

Specifies the daemon produces its log data. The full path must be specified.

Logging options

Specifies what tracing is performed.

Client requests for server

Logs client requests for server activations; this provides logging of the process IDs of the started servers along with the location of the log files.

Administration requests for daemon

Logs all of the administration requests for the daemon.

Daemon operations

Logs all of the daemon operations.

Daemon logins

Logs daemon logins.

Daemon RPC function calls

Logs all daemon RPC function calls.

Daemon internal operations

Logs daemon internal operations.

Log trace information

Logs low-level RPC operations.

Display host and client domain name

Specifies whether the client host and domain name are logged rather than the client IP address. The default is false.

Trace options

Specifies the type of tracing being performed.

No timeout

Disables the standard RPC timeouts, setting them to a long duration (approximately an hour) to facilitate debugging.

Call trace

Generates a message in the server log file for each RPC function called. This is useful for troubleshooting the server.

RPC trace

Enables debugging messages on the server.


Generates a message in the server log file for each socket operation.

Extended RPC trace

Generates a verbose message in the server log file for each low-level RPC function called. This is useful for troubleshooting the server.

System trace

Generates system-specific tracing of various operations.


Generates a timestamp for every entry to the server log file.

Binary XML log level

Sets the binary XML log level. Your options are:

  • debug

  • none (the default)

  • api

  • info

Server log filename format

Defines the name and location of the server log file. The field must specify the full path name. If no directory information is provided for the log file, then it will be located in the login directory of the account running Oracle Connect workstation.

The following tokens can appear in the log file template and will be replaced accordingly:

For example, %L/server_%A%I.log may produce a log file such as: /usr/smith/server_sales15.log.

The default log file template is %L/server_%A%I.log.

Daemon Security

The Daemon Security tab is used to:

The Daemon Security tab is accessed as follows:

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.

  2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.

  3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.

  4. Right-click the daemon in the Runtime Explorer and select Edit Daemon Configuration.

  5. Click the Daemon Security tab.

  6. After making changes to the daemon, right-click the daemon and select Reload Configuration.


    You can also change daemon settings using the Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit Daemon.

    Changes made to the daemon configuration are not implemented. They are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager.

  7. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.

The Daemon Security tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure C-3 The Daemon Security tab

The Daemon Security tab.
Description of "Figure C-3 The Daemon Security tab"

The Daemon Security tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:

Table C-3 Daemon Security tab Components

Field Description

Administrators privileges

Identifies the users (accounts) allowed to perform administrative tasks (tasks that require administrative login).

All users

Enables all users to access the daemon and change the settings.

Selected users only

Identifies the names of users (accounts) and groups that can be administrators.Foot 1 

If a user is not specified, the account from which the daemon was started is considered the administrator. Note that the daemon does not require the user to log in to the account on the system, but to log in to the daemon using the account name and password.

Machine access

Manages access to the computer.

Allow anonymous login

Whether workspaces allow anonymous logins (without user name/password entries). For the optimal level of security, keep this option unchecked and define a username for the Daemon Administrators parameter. If unchecked, then no workspace can have an anonymous client. If checked, then a particular workspace allows anonymous clients.

Cached password

Enables login passwords to be cached. This enhances performance by reducing login times for future connections from the same client in a session.

Encryption methods

Specifies the encryption method used to send information across the network. The default is an asterisk (*), meaning that all methods are acceptable. If an encryption method is specified, it must be used. The RC4 and DES3 protocols are currently supported.

Footnote 1 The name is prefixed with '@', to utilize the operating system GROUP feature.


A daemon can include a number of workspaces. A workspace defines the server processes and environment that are used for the communication between the client and the server for the duration of the client request. Each workspace has its own definition. The workspace definition is divided into the following groups:

WS Info.

Using the WS Info. tab, you specify the features that control the operation of the workspace, such as the server type, the command procedure used to start the workspace and the binding configuration associated with this workspace.

The WS Info. tab is accessed as follows:

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.

  2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.

  3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.

  4. Expand the Daemons node to display the workspaces in the Runtime Explorer.

  5. Right-click the workspace and select Edit Workspace Configuration. The WS Info. tab opens.

  6. After making changes to the workspace, right-click the daemon and select Reload Configuration.


    You can also change daemon settings using the Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit Daemon.

    Changes made to the daemon configuration are not implemented. They are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager.

  7. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.

The WS Info. tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure C-4 The WS Info tab

The Daemon workspace WS Info tab.
Description of "Figure C-4 The WS Info tab"

The WS Info. tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:

Table C-4 WS Info tab Components

Field Description

Workspace name

The name used to identify the workspace.

Note: The default configuration includes the default Navigator workspace. This workspace is automatically used if a workspace is not specified as part of the connection settings.


A description of the workspace.

Startup script

The full path name of the script that starts the workspace server processes. The script specified here must always activate the nav_login procedure and then run the server program (svc). If you do not specify the directory, the startup procedure is taken from the directory where the daemon resides. Oracle Connect includes a default startup script, which it is recommended to use.

Server type

This field is not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapters for VSAM.

Workspace binding name

This field is not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapters for VSAM.

Timeout parameters

The time the client waits for the workspace server to start. If the workspace server does not start within this period, then the client is notified that the server did not respond. Specifying the timeout here overrides the default setting, specified in the Control section.

See Also: "Daemon Control" for details about the Daemon Control section.

Client idle timeout

The maximum amount of time a workspace client can be idle before the connection with the server is closed.

Connect timeout

The time the client waits for a workspace server to start. If the workspace server does not start within this period, then the client is notified that the server did not respond.

WS Server

Using the WS Server tab, you specify the features that control the operation of the servers started up by the workspace and allocated to clients.

For example, you can configure the workspace to start up a number of servers for future use, prior to any client request, instead of starting each server when a request is received from a client.

The WS Server tab is accessed as follows:

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.

  2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.

  3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.

  4. Expand the Daemons node to display the workspaces in the Runtime Explorer.

  5. Right-click the workspace and select Edit Workspace Configuration.

  6. Click the WS Server tab.

  7. After making changes to the workspace, right-click the daemon and select Reload Configuration.


    • You can also change daemon settings using the Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit Daemon.

    • Changes made to the daemon configuration are not implemented. They are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager.

  8. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.

The WS Server tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure C-5 The WS Server tab

The Daemon workspace WS Server tab.
Description of "Figure C-5 The WS Server tab"

The WS Server tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:

Table C-5 WS Server tab Components

Field Description

Workspace server mode

Specifies the type of new server processes that the daemon starts up. The daemon supports the following server modes:

  • singleClient: Each client receives a dedicated server process. The account in which a server process runs is determined either by the client login information or by the specific server workspace.

    This mode enables servers to run under a particular user account and isolates clients from each other, as each receives its own process. However, this server mode incurs a high overhead due to process startup times and can use a lot of server resources as it requires as many server processes as concurrent clients.

  • multiClient: Clients share a server process and are processed serially. This mode has low overhead because the server processes are already initialized. However, because clients share the same process, they can impact one another, especially if they issue lengthy queries. The number of clients that share a process is determined by the Clients per server limit field.

  • multiThreaded: This mode is not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapter for VSAM.

  • reusable: An extension of single-client mode. Once the client processing finishes, the server process does not die and can be used by another client, reducing startup times and application startup overhead.

    This mode does not have the high overhead of single-client mode because the servers are already initialized. However, this server mode can use a lot of server resources as it requires as many server processes as concurrent clients.

    Note: The other modes can be set so that the server processes are reusable. The number of times a process can be reused is controlled by the Reuse limit field value.

Reuse limit

Sets the maximum number of times a particular server can be reused. A one-client server can be reused after its (single) client has disconnected. Reuse of servers enhances startup performance because it avoids the need to repeat initialization. The default for this field is none (0), indicating that server reuse is unlimited. This parameter is disabled only if the server mode value is singleClient.

Clients per server limit

Sets the maximum number of clients a server process for the current workspace accepts. The default for this field is none (0), indicating that the number of clients for each server is unlimited. This field is enabled only if the server mode value is multiClient or multiThreaded.

Server availability

Specifies the number of servers in a pool of servers, available to be assigned to a client.

The following options are available:

  • Initial number of servers: The number of server processes that are prestarted for this workspace when the daemon starts up. When the number of available server processes drops lower than the value specified in the Minimum number field, the daemon again starts server processes until this number of available server processes is reached. The default for this field is 0.

  • Minimum number: The minimum number of server processes in the prestarted pool before the daemon resumes creating new server processes (to the value specified in the Initial number of servers field). If this field is set to a value higher than the Initial number of servers field, the daemon uses the value specified in the Initial number of servers field. The default for this field is 0.

  • Keep when daemon ends: When a daemon is shutdown, all the servers started by that daemon are also killed, even if they are active. Set this field to true if you want the servers for the workspace to remain active, even after the daemon has been shut down. If this field is set to true, it is the responsibility of the system operator or manager to ensure that the servers are eventually killed. This must be done at the system level.

  • Set maximum number of servers: The maximum number of available server processes. Once this number is reached, no new nonactive server processes are created for the particular workspace. For example, if a number of server processes are released at the same time, so that there are more available server processes than specified by this field, the additional server processes higher than this value are terminated. The default for this field is zero, meaning that there is no maximum.

resource limitations

Specifies the number of servers that can be in use at any one time. The more servers used, the greater the system resources that are used.

The following options are available:

  • Number of subtasks: The number of subtasks for a server that are prestarted for this workspace when the daemon starts up. Thus, setting 10 prestarted servers and 10 subtasks results in 100 tasks started (10 subtasks for each process).

  • Limit number of active servers: The maximum number of active server processes (either available or in use). Once reached, no new server processes will be created for the particular workspace and client connections would be rejected if there is no available server to accept them. Once the number of active servers drops below the maximum (for example, a client disconnects from a server and the server terminates), new servers can again be started. If the value of this field is set to a nonzero value lower than the value for the Initial number of servers field, the daemon assumes it is set to the same value as the Initial number of servers field. The default for this field is 0, meaning that no maximum is enforced.

Server Priority

The priority for servers. For example, a workspace for applications with online transaction processing can be assigned a higher priority than a workspace that requires only query processing.

The following priority options are available:

  • Use default priority: Sets the priority as 0. There is no specific priority for this workspace.

  • Use priority: Enables setting the priority.

WS Logging

Using the WS Logging tab, you specify parameters to log, that occur with the workspace server process.

The WS Logging tab is accessed as follows:

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.

  2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.

  3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.

  4. Expand the Daemons node to display the workspaces in the Runtime Explorer.

  5. Right-click the workspace and select Edit Workspace Configuration.

  6. Click the WS Logging tab.

  7. After making changes to the workspace, right-click the daemon and select Reload Configuration.


    You can also change daemon settings using the Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit Daemon.

    Changes made to the daemon configuration are not implemented. They are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager.

  8. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.

The WS Logging tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure C-6 The WS Logging tab

The Daemon workspace WS Logging tab.
Description of "Figure C-6 The WS Logging tab"

The WS Logging tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:

Table C-6 WS Logging tab Components

Field Description

Specific log file format

Defines the name and location of the server log file if you want the data written to a file instead of SYSOUT for the server process. The parameter must specify the name and the high level qualifier.

The following tokens can appear in the log file template and will be replaced accordingly:

  • %A: workspace name

  • %D: date (yymmdd)

  • %I: instance number of the given workspace server

  • %L: server account's login directory

  • %P: server's process ID

  • %T: time (hhmmss)

  • %U: server's account name (username)

Trace options

Specifies the type of tracing to be performed. The following tracing options are available:

  • No timeout: Disables the standard RPC timeouts, setting them to a long duration (approximately an hour) to facilitate debugging.

  • Call trace: Generates a message in the server log file for each RPC function called. This is useful for troubleshooting the server.

  • RPC trace: Enables debugging messages on the server.

  • Sockets: Generates a message in the server log file for each socket operation. This is useful for troubleshooting client/server communication - providing a detailed trace of every client/server communication.

  • Extended RPC trace: Generates a verbose message in the server log file for each low-level RPC function called. This is useful for troubleshooting the server.

  • System trace: Generates operating system-specific tracing.

  • Timing: Generates a timestamp for every entry to the server log file.


Specifies the level of events that are logged for the workspace. The following event levels are available:

  • none: The event log only displays the IP addresses of client that have logged in and out from the workspace.

  • error: The event log displays the IP addresses of client that have logged in and out from the workspace as well as any errors that have been generated.

  • debug: The event log displays the IP addresses of client that have logged in and out from the workspace as well as any errors that have been generated and all trace results that were specified in the Daemon Logging tab.


Specifies the server connection events to log. The following server events are available:

  • Connect: The event log displays the server connection events.

  • Disconnect: The event log displays the server disconnect events.


Specifies the type of tracing performed. The following client events are available:

  • Connect: The event log displays the client connection events.

  • Disconnect: The event log displays the client disconnect events.


This group is not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapter for VSAM.

WS Security

Using the WS Security tab, you specify the level of security at the workspace level, as opposed to the daemon level, which is set in the Daemon Security tab.

See Also:

"Daemon Security" for details about security.

The WS Security tab is used to:

  • Grant administration rights for the workspace

  • Determine access to the workspace by a client

The WS Security tab is accessed as follows:

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.

  2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.

  3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.

  4. Expand the Daemons node to display the workspaces in the Runtime Explorer.

  5. Right-click the workspace and select Edit Workspace Configuration.

  6. Click the WS Security tab.

  7. After making changes to the workspace, right-click the daemon and select Reload Configuration.


    You can also change daemon settings using the Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit Daemon.

    Changes made to the daemon configuration are not implemented. They are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager.

  8. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.

The WS Security tab is shown in the following figure:

Figure C-7 The WS Security tab

The Daemon workspace WS Security tab.
Description of "Figure C-7 The WS Security tab"

The WS Security tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:

Table C-7 WS Security tab Components

Field Description


Defines the users (accounts) allowed to perform administrative tasks (tasks that require administrative login) on this workspace.

Administrator privileges

Identifies the users (accounts) with administrator privileges. The following options are available:

  • All users: Indicates that anyone can access the workspace and change the settings.

  • Selected users only: The names of users (accounts) and groups that can be administrators.

    Note: If a user is not specified here, the user specified in the Workspace users area will have administrator rights for this workspace. In this case, if all users are selected for the Workspace users area, then all users have administrator rights for this workspace.

  • Allow Listing: Determines whether this workspace appears in the list of workspaces.

Workspace account

Defines the users (accounts) allowed to access the workspace, firewall access ports, workspace account, and anonymous login permissions.

Workspace users

Lists the users who are allowed to use the workspace.

  • All users: Indicates that any user who has logged on to the daemon can use the workspace.

  • Selected users only: Specifies users (accounts) and groups that can use the workspace.

    Note: If a user is not specified, any user who has logged on to the daemon can use the workspace.

  • Enable ports range: Defines the firewall ports through which you access the workspace. Specifies the range of ports available for this workspace when starting server processes. Use this option when you want to control the port number, so that Oracle Connect can be accessed through a firewall.

  • Use specific workspace account: Defines the operating system account used for the workspace. If not specified, the account name that was provided by the client is used.

  • Allow anonymous client login to server account: Defines whether this workspace can be accessed without authentication (user name/password). If anonymous login is allowed, specify the server account name to use. If this field is not specified, then the value in the Workspace account field is used.