Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Configuring the Payments Module >

Setting Up PayPal Payflow Pro Certification (IBM WebSphere Users Only)

To use PayPal Payflow Pro as a gateway, IBM WebSphere users must follow this procedure to export the PayPal Payflow Pro digital certificate and link it in the IBM WebSphere console. (Oracle WebLogic users do not need to complete this task.)

To export and link the PayPal Payflow Pro certificate

  1. Using Firefox 3.0 or higher, go to

  2. Click the blue icon to the left of the URL. Click More Information.
  3. In the Security window, click View Certificate.
  4. Click the Details tab. Click Export to save the certificate.
  5. Add the PayPal Payflow Pro certificate link in your IBM WebSphere console. Complete this step for both the Billing and Payment and the Command Center profiles:
    1. Log in to the IBM WebSphere console.
    2. Select Security, SSL certificate and key management, Key stores and certificates, NodeDefaultTrustStore, Signer certificates, and Add signer certificate.
    3. In the Alias field, type payflow.
    4. In the File name field, specify the full file path where the certificate you downloaded is located, such as $eBilling/
  6. Save and restart the application server.
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