Implementation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Customizing Oracle Self-Service E-Billing >

Debugging Oracle Self-Service E-Billing

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing produces various logging information for you to use to debug problems.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing has three logging mechanisms:

  • Log4j. Log4j is the main logging mechanism. Each EAR (application) requires different log4j files to avoid conflicting with each other. For more information about logs, see Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

    CAUTION:  Because of security concerns, update the log4j_cc.xml file to write Command Center logs to the database, not to a file. There are no file appenders to Command Center logs. An appender is a named entity that represents a specific output destination for messages. It is technically valid to write the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing and CSR application logs to either the database or files as specified in the log4j.xml and log4j_csr.xml files.

  • DB-logging. Most Command Center jobs also use DB-logging for job-level information and log4j is still used to log API-level information. The DB-logging writes log information into DB tables and can be viewed from the Command Center.
  • Java-option-logging. The logging is controlled by pass-in a JVM -D option. This is usually used to log debug-level information and mostly for development purpose.

In addition, in the majority of use cases, Oracle Self-Service E-Billing prints out the exception stack trace to the console or as part of the JSP error output page when an exception occurs.

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