Implementation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Customizing Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Customizing the User Interface Files >

Customizing the Existing Look-and-Feel

The Oracle Self-Service E-Billing UI is based on Tiles definitions. The user interface properties, such as color and font size, are controlled using a style sheet (CSS file).

The stylesheet defines the styles for all classes defined. You can define as many stylesheets as required, however, leave the class name the same as it is in take1.css.

The template files must also import the corresponding customized CSS files as necessary. Then the JSPs will use the new styles.

You can modify the Tiles definitions file to use your own Tiles. All the Tiles definitions are in the ebilling-weblogic-10-6.0.4.ear/ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war/WEB-INF/ directory.

The hierarchy UI-related JSP pages are in the ebilling-weblogic-10-6.0.4.ear/ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war/hierarchy directory.

Reporting-related JSP pages are in the ebilling-weblogic-10-6.0.4.ear/ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war/reporting directory. If necessary, customize these JSP pages.

In special cases, when you use the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing presentment engine to generate a report or a search page, the result of the query is not presented by JSP, instead, a set of Velocity templates are used. These templates are defined in the EDX_HOME/templates/common/lib and reporting directories. In the path, EDX_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Self-Service E-Billing. Do not touch the VM files in the lib directories. For the files under reporting, you can customize them if necessary. However, most of the time you can customize reports using report xml files without touching the VM files.

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