Implementation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Customizing Payment >

Configuring International Bank Routing

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing supports ACH gateways with US routing number standards as the default. To provide your customers with the option to make payments using international bank accounts, configure the check gateway specifications for the particular country.

To configure international bank routing

  1. Implement the following custom classes:
    • Check cassette class. For the country's specific check gateway standard, including properties for communicating with the gateway, replace the default implementation in \com\edocs\payment\cassette\ach\ach_CheckCassette.class.
    • ACH check class. For extending the standard Check class, including properties coming from different check gateway standards. This class is used to generate files sent to the check gateway for authentication or check transaction purposes. Replace the default implementation in \com\edocs\payment\cassette\ach\AchCheck.class.
    • Returned check class. For processing the returned check file for the gateway. Replace the default implementation in \com\edocs\payment\cassette\ach\AchReturnedCheck.class.

      Replace the default files with your custom class files in the payment_custom.jar file in the following directories. For Windows, change the slashes and root as necessary.

      Application Server
      Jar Files and Directories

      Oracle WebLogic


      EDX_HOME\J2EEApps\ebilling\weblogic \ebilling-weblogic-10-6.0.1.ear\lib\payment_custom.jar


      IBM WebSphere

      EDX_HOME\J2EEApps\commandcenter\websphere\command-center-websphere-6-6.0.1.ear \lib\payment_custom.jar



  2. Implement a custom RoutingNumber.class. This class is used to validate routing numbers when creating a new check account. This file is located in the following directory. For Windows, change the slashes and root as necessary.
    • Oracle WebLogic. EDX_HOME/J2EEApps/ebilling/weblogic/ebilling-weblogic-10-6.0.4.ear/ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war/WEB-INF/lib/ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar/com/edocs/application/ebilling/payment/util/RoutingNumber.class
    • IBM WebSphere. EDX_HOME/J2EEApps/ebilling/websphere/ebilling-websphere-10-6.0.4.ear/ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war/WEB-INF/lib/ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar/com/edocs/application/ebilling/payment/util/RoutingNumber.class
  3. In the validation-payment.xml file, edit the validation rules for the routingNumber field property. This file is located in the following directory:
    • Oracle WebLogic. EDX_HOME/J2EEApps/ebilling/weblogic/ebilling-weblogic-10-6.0.4.ear/ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war/WEB-INF/validation-payment.xml
    • IBM WebSphere. EDX_HOME/J2EEApps/ebilling/websphere/ebilling-websphere-10-6.0.4.ear/ebilling-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war/WEB-INF/validation-payment.xml
  4. Customize your templates files for generating the files sent to the gateway or for parsing the returned file from the gateway.
Implementation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Copyright © 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.