1 About the Connector

Oracle Identity Manager automates access rights management, security, and provisioning of IT resources. Oracle Identity Manager connectors are used to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with external, identity-aware applications. This guide discusses the connector that enables you to use Oracle E-Business HRMS as an authoritative (trusted) source of identity data for Oracle Identity Manager.

In the identity reconciliation (trusted source) configuration of the connector, person records are created and modified only on Oracle E-Business HRMS and information about these users is reconciled into Oracle Identity Manager.


At some places in this guide, Oracle E-Business HRMS has been referred to as the target system.

This chapter is divided the following sections:

1.1 Certified Components

Table 1-1 lists the certified components for the connector.

Table 1-1 Certified Components

Component Requirement

Oracle Identity Manager

You can use one of the following releases of Oracle Identity Manager:

  • Oracle Identity Manager Release BP02 and any later BP in this release track

  • Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 1 BP06 ( and any later BP in this release track

  • Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 1 PS2 ( and any later BP in this release track

  • Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 2 BP04 ( and any later BP in this release track

  • Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 2 PS1 ( and any later BP in this release track

  • Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 2 PS2 ( and any later BP in this release track

  • Oracle Identity Manager 11g Release 2 PS3 (

Target system

You can use one of the following releases of Oracle E-Business Suite:

  • Oracle E-Business Suite 11.5.10

  • Oracle E-Business Suite 12.0.0 through 12.0.6

  • Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.0 through 12.1.3

  • Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.0 through 12.2.4

These applications may run on Oracle Database 10g or Oracle Database 11g, as either single database or Oracle RAC implementation.

Note: Communication between Oracle Identity Manager and the target system can be in SSL or non-SSL mode.


The JDK requirement is as follows:

  • For Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, use JDK 1.5 or later

  • For Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x, use JDK 1.6 or later

1.2 Certified Languages

The connector supports the following languages:

  • Arabic

  • Chinese (Simplified)

  • Chinese (Traditional)

  • Danish

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Portuguese (Brazilian)

  • Spanish

See Also:

Oracle Identity Manager Globalization Guide for information about supported special characters

1.3 Connector Architecture

Figure 1-1 shows the architecture of the connector.

Figure 1-1 Architecture of the Connector

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Architecture of the Connector"

The connector is configured to perform identity (trusted source) reconciliation with the target system. In this form of reconciliation, identity data is fetched to Oracle Identity Manager and this data is used to create or update OIM Users.

The following is an overview of the steps involved in trusted source reconciliation:


In Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x, a scheduled job is an instance of a scheduled task. In this guide, the term scheduled task used in the context of Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x is the same as the term scheduled job in the context of Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for more information about scheduled tasks and scheduled jobs.

  1. A SQL query is used to fetch target system records during reconciliation. All predefined SQL queries are stored in a properties file. Each query in the file is identified by a name. While configuring the eBusiness HRMS Trusted Reconciliation scheduled task, you specify the name of the properties file and the query that you want to run.

  2. The scheduled task is run at the time (frequency) that you specify. This scheduled task contains details of the mode of reconciliation you want to perform.

    The Section 3.2.7, "Configuring the Reconciliation Scheduled Tasks" section provides information about the scheduled task.

  3. The scheduled task establishes a connection with the target system.

  4. The scheduled task reads values that you set for the task attributes, maps the task attributes to parameters of the reconciliation query, formats the query, and then runs the query on the target system database.

  5. Person records on the target system that meet the query criteria are fetched into Oracle Identity Manager.

  6. Each person record fetched from the target system is compared with existing OIM User records. The reconciliation rule is applied during the comparison process. See Section 1.5.3, "Reconciliation Rules for Trusted Source Reconciliation" for information about the reconciliation rule.

  7. The next step of the process depends on the outcome of the matching operation:

    • If a match is found between the target system person record and an OIM User, then the OIM User is updated with changes made to the person record.

    • If no match is found, then the target system person record is used to create an OIM User.

Oracle E-Business HRMS allows effective-dating of some employee lifecycle events. For example, a person's hire date can be set to a future date. This effective date is stored in the EFFECTIVE_START_DATE column of the target system database table. Similarly, events such as a person's resignation and last day with the organization can be set in advance. The date for an event of this type is stored in the EFFECTIVE_END_DATE column. For a particular future-dated change, when the current date equals the date stored in the EFFECTIVE_START_DATE or EFFECTIVE_END_DATE column, the appropriate change is made in the person's record on the target system.

The connector can detect and respond to these effective-dated lifecycle events.

When you run the predefined query to reconcile all person records, only records with current-dated changes are fetched into Oracle Identity Manager. When you run the predefined query to reconcile future hires, only records with future-dated Start Date values are fetched into Oracle Identity Manager.


In Oracle Identity Manager release, reconciliation events created out of future-dated hire events are set to the Event Deferred state. The Process Deferred Recon Events scheduled task is used to process events that are in this state. For each event in the Event Deferred state, the scheduled task compares the Start Provisioning date of the event with the system date. If the Start Provisioning date is less than or equals the system date, then the event is forwarded to the Reconciliation Manager in Oracle Identity Manager.

Figure 1-2 shows the architecture of the connector integrating Oracle Identity Manager with an Oracle RAC installation.

Figure 1-2 Architecture of Integration with an Oracle RAC Installation

Description of Figure 1-2 follows
Description of "Figure 1-2 Architecture of Integration with an Oracle RAC Installation"

As shown in this figure, the load balancer acts as the interface for reconciliation queries sent by the scheduled task. During each reconciliation run, the query is sent to one of the Oracle RAC nodes and the query results are sent through the load balancer to Oracle Identity Manager.

1.4 Features of the Connector

The following are features of the connector:

1.4.1 Dedicated Support for Trusted Source Reconciliation

You can use the connector to integrate Oracle E-Business HRMS as a trusted source of Oracle Identity Manager. In other words, the target system is the authoritative source of identity data for Oracle Identity Manager. This identity data is used to create or update OIM Users. The connector can also be configured for use in scenarios in which Oracle E-Business HRMS is one of the trusted sources in the operating environment of the organization.

The connector cannot be used to set up Oracle E-Business HRMS as a target resource. In other words, the connector does not support provisioning operations and target resource reconciliation with Oracle E-Business HRMS. This is because person records maintained in Oracle E-Business HRMS are not accounts that users can use to log in to the system and perform business-related work.

1.4.2 Predefined Reconciliation Queries

The connector is shipped with predefined queries that enable you to reconcile data for the following types of lifecycle events on the target system:

  • A person's record is added or modified.

  • A person's department is changed.

  • A person's record is created, but the hire date is set to a future date. This is an effective-dated hire.

  • A person's services are terminated.

  • A person's record is deleted.

While configuring the reconciliation scheduled task, you can specify the query that you want to run on the target system.


Oracle E-Business HRMS allows you to configure (customize) the changes that must be applied to a person record in response to the promotion event. Therefore, the connector does not provide a predefined query for this lifecycle event. If required, you can create a reconciliation query to fetch promotion events into Oracle Identity Manager. The procedure to create custom reconciliation queries is explained later.

See Section 1.5.1, "Reconciliation Queries" for more information.

1.4.3 Custom Reconciliation Queries

You can modify and use any of the predefined queries. In addition, you can create your own reconciliation queries.

See the following sections for more information:

1.4.4 Reconciliation of Effective-Dated Events

The target system allows you to set a future or effective date for certain lifecycle events. The connector can detect and respond to these events. For example, suppose you schedule John's employment with your organization to begin 2 months from the current date. When you configure the scheduled task to reconcile future hires, the query fetches John's record because his hire date is set to a future date. However, if you configure the scheduled task to reconcile newly added or modified records, John's newly created record will be ignored because it is effective dated.

See Section 1.3, "Connector Architecture" for more information.

1.4.5 Support for Multiple Person Types

An organization can use Oracle E-Business HRMS to store different types of person records. Examples of person types include employees, part-time workers, contingent workers, and contractors. The connector can distinguish between records of different person types. In addition, you can add to or modify the predefined set of supported person types.

See the following sections for more information:

1.4.6 Full and Incremental Reconciliation

In full reconciliation, all person records are fetched from the target system to Oracle Identity Manager. In incremental reconciliation, only person records that are added or modified after the last reconciliation run are fetched into Oracle Identity Manager.

The Last Execution Time and Batch Size scheduled task attributes are used to implement full and incremental reconciliation. If the Last Execution Time attribute is set to 0 and the Batch Size attribute is set to a non-zero value, then full reconciliation is performed. If the Last Execution Time attribute holds a non-zero value, then incremental reconciliation is performed.

See Section 3.1, "Performing First-Time (Full) Reconciliation" for more information.

1.4.7 Limited (Filtered) Reconciliation

To limit or filter the records that are fetched into Oracle Identity Manager during a reconciliation run, you can add conditions in the WHERE clause of the reconciliation query that you run.

See Section 3.2.6, "Configuring Limited Reconciliation" for more information.

1.4.8 Batched Reconciliation

You can break down a reconciliation run into batches by specifying the number of records that must be included in each batch.

See Section 3.2.1, "Batched Reconciliation" for more information.

1.4.9 Connection Pooling

A connection pool is a cache of objects that represent physical connections to the target system. Oracle Identity Manager connectors can use these connections to communicate with target systems. At run time, the application requests a connection from the pool. If a connection is available, then the connector uses it and then returns it to the pool. A connection returned to the pool can again be requested for and used by the connector for another operation. By enabling the reuse of connections, the connection pool helps reduce connection creation overheads like network latency, memory allocation, and authentication.

The configuration properties of the connection pool are part of the IT resource definition. See Section 2.3.3, "Setting Up Connection Pooling" for information about using the connection pool.

1.4.10 Support for SSL Communication Between the Target System and Oracle Identity Manager

You can configure SSL to secure communication between Oracle Identity Manager and the target system.

See Section 2.3.4, "Configuring Secure Communication Between the Target System and Oracle Identity Manager" for more information.

1.5 Connector Objects Used During Reconciliation

This section discusses the following topics:

1.5.1 Reconciliation Queries

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, a SQL query is used to fetch target system records during reconciliation. All predefined SQL queries are stored in the ebsERQuery.properties file.


Depending on your requirements, you can modify existing queries or add your own query in the ebsERQuery.properties or a different properties file. The Section 4.5, "Configuring Reconciliation Queries" section provides more information.

Columns in the SELECT clause of each predefined query are from the PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table of the target system. Column aliases in the SELECT clause are mapped to Oracle Identity Manager process form fields by the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.Recon lookup definition.

Most of the predefined queries are used in conjunction with the Last Execution Time scheduled task attribute. This attribute stores the time stamp at which the last reconciliation run started. Except for the query to reconcile deleted user records, the predefined queries apply some variation of the following criteria to extract records for reconciliation from the target system:


You can specify a value for the Last Execution Time attribute. See Section 3.2.3, "Reconciliation Time Stamp" for more information.
  • The date in the LAST_UPDATE_DATE column of the PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table must be greater than the date part of the time stamp stored in the Last Execution Time scheduled task attribute.

  • The CURRENT_EMPLOYEE_FLAG column must be set to y.

  • The date of the host computer on which the target system database is running must be between dates stored in the EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and EFFECTIVE_START_DATE columns.

The queries in the predefined properties file support the following modes of reconciliation: Reconciliation of New and Modified Person Records

The ReconcileCurrentPersons query is used to reconcile all person records that have been added or modified after the time stamp stored in the Last Execution Time attribute.

The following is a sample scenario in which the ReconcileCurrentPersons query can be used:

Drew, Maria, and Richard joined the organization on 21-March. Person records for these individuals were created in Oracle E-Business HRMS on the same day. Theresa's last name was updated on the same day. These newly added and modified person records are fetched into Oracle Identity Manager during the next run of the ReconcileCurrentPersons query.

The ReconcileCurrentPersons query uses data stored in the following target system tables:








HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS Reconciliation of Persons Whose Department Has Changed

The ChangedDepartments query is used to reconcile records of persons whose department has changed within the date range that you specify in the query. In addition to the three criteria listed earlier, this query accepts a date range for the department change. Only users whose departments were changed within the specified date range are reconciled.

The following is a sample scenario in which the ChangedDepartments query can be used:

After the merger of the West Coast Sales and Support teams, some members of both teams were assigned to other teams. This change in teams took place over a period of 3 weeks. When you run the ChangedDepartments query, you can specify a start date and end date to reconcile the modified records of individuals who moved to new teams.

The ChangedDepartments query uses data stored in the following target system tables:








PER_GRADES Reconciliation of Future Hires

The FutureHires query is used to reconcile records of future hires. For these persons, the date in the DATE_START column is greater than the current date. When this query is run, the following criterion is applied along with the first two criteria mentioned earlier:

The date of the host computer on which the target system database is running is less than the date stored in the EFFECTIVE_START_DATE column.

The following is a sample scenario in which the FutureHires query can be used:

Anson has been hired for a project that is scheduled to start in June. Anson's appointment letter states that he must join the company on 25-May, which is 10 weeks away from the current date. In the person record that is created for Anson, the DATE_START column is set to 25-May. Anson's record cannot be fetched by the ReconcileCurrentPersons query because the record is effective (future) dated. When you run the FutureHires query, Anson's record meets the query criteria and the record is fetched into Oracle Identity Manager.


The FutureHires query is used in conjunction with the Last Execution Time scheduled task attribute.

The FutureHires query uses data stored in the following target system tables:









HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS Reconciliation of Terminated Persons

For a person whose services have been terminated, the date in the End Date column is less than or equals the current date.

The TerminatedPersons query is used to reconcile records of persons whose services have been terminated. In these records, the DATE_END column value is less than or equals the current date. When the record of a terminated person is reconciled, the status of the corresponding OIM User is set to Disabled.

The following is a sample scenario in which the TerminatedPersons query can be used:

Patrick has resigned and his last date with the company is 25-Aug. When the TerminatedPersons query is run on 31-Aug, the OIM User identity for Patrick is set to the Disabled state.


The TerminatedPersons query is used in conjunction with the Last Execution Time scheduled task attribute.

The TerminatedPersons query uses data stored in the following target system tables:







PER_GRADES Reconciliation of Deleted Person Records

The DeletedPersons query is used to reconcile deletion of person records. In this mode of reconciliation, Person ID values of all target system records are fetched and compared with the Person ID values of existing OIM User records. If a match is not found for a particular OIM User, then the status of that OIM User is set to Deleted.


You must not modify this query. If you add a WHERE clause to this query, then only a subset of the actual set of person IDs is brought to Oracle Identity Manager for comparison. OIM Users whose user IDs do not match any of these person IDs are deleted from Oracle Identity Manager.

The following is a sample scenario in which the DeletedPersons query can be used:

The company maintains a policy of retaining for 2 years records of individuals who have left the company. Martin's record was deleted 2 years after he left the company. During the next run of the DeletedPersons query, the reconciliation module detects that there is no person record in the target system corresponding to the Martin's OIM User identity, which is currently in the Disabled state. Now, the status of Martin's OIM User identity is set to Deleted.

The DeletedPersons query uses data stored in the PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F target system table. Reconciliation of All Person Records

The ReconcileAllPersons query is used to reconcile all person records that are reconciled individually by each of the other queries:


Deleted person records are brought into Oracle Identity Manager only when you run the DeletedPersons query.
  • New and modified person records

  • Records of persons whose department has changed

  • Records created for future hires

  • Terminated person records

1.5.2 Target System Fields Used in Reconciliation

During trusted source reconciliation, values of the target system fields listed in Table 1-2 are fetched into Oracle Identity Manager. These fields are columns of the PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table.

Table 1-2 Reconciled Target System Fields

Oracle E-Business HRMS Attribute OIM User Form Field Description


User ID

Unique ID of a person record in the PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table


Person ID

Unique ID of a person record


First Name

First name


Last Name

Last name


Start Date

Start date for the account on the target system


End Date

End date for the account on the target system



E-mail address


Employee Number

Employee number


Business Group ID

Unique ID for the business division in an organization


Supervisor ID

Unique ID of the person's supervisor


Supervisor Name

Name of the person's supervisor



Job code of the person



Grade of the person

1.5.3 Reconciliation Rules for Trusted Source Reconciliation

See Also:

Oracle Identity Manager Connector Concepts for generic information about reconciliation matching and action rules

The following is the process matching rule:

Rule name: eBusiness Employee Recon Rule

Rule element: Person ID Equals Person ID

In this rule:

  • The Person ID field on the left of "Equals" is the field on the OIM User form.

  • The Person ID field on the right of "Equals" is the target system field.

After you deploy the connector, you can view the reconciliation rule for trusted source reconciliation by performing the following steps:


Perform the following procedure only after the connector is deployed.
  1. Log in to the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console.

  2. Expand Development Tools.

  3. Double-click Reconciliation Rules.

  4. Search for eBusiness Employee Recon Rule. Figure 1-3 shows the reconciliation rule for trusted source reconciliation.

    Figure 1-3 Reconciliation Rule

    Description of Figure 1-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-3 Reconciliation Rule"

1.5.4 Lookup Definitions Used During Reconciliation

The following lookup definitions are created in Oracle Identity Manager when you deploy the connector: Lookup.EBS.HRMS.Recon Lookup Definition

The Lookup.EBS.HRMS.Recon lookup definition holds information about target system to process form field mappings. The Code Key column of this lookup definition holds OIM User form field names. The Decode column holds aliases for target system database columns that are in the SELECT clause of the reconciliation query. See Section 4.5, "Configuring Reconciliation Queries" for more information about reconciliation queries.

Table 1-3 describes entries in the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.Recon lookup definition.


If required, you can add entries in this lookup definition. The Section 4.1, "Adding New Attributes for Reconciliation" section provides more information.

Table 1-3 Entries in the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.Recon Lookup Definition

Code Key Decode

Person ID


User ID


First Name


Last Name


Email Address


Effective Start Date


Employee Number


Effective End Date


Employee Type


Business Group ID


Supervisor ID


Supervisor Name





GRADE Lookup.EBS.HRMS.PersonTypes Lookup Definition

The Lookup.EBS.HRMS.PersonTypes lookup definition maps user (person) types defined in the target system and Oracle Identity Manager. The Code Key column holds USER_PERSON_TYPE values of the target system, and the Decode column holds USR_EMP_TYPE values of Oracle Identity Manager.

If required, you can add entries in this lookup definition. For example, if University Student is one of the person types in your operating environment and if you have added the Intern user type in Oracle Identity Manager, then you can add an entry that maps University Student to Intern.


If you add or modify entries in this lookup definition, then you must make the same change in the reconciliation queries. See Section 4.5, "Configuring Reconciliation Queries" for more information.

Table 1-4 shows the default entries in the lookup definition.

Table 1-4 Entries in the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.PersonTypes Lookup Definition

Code Key Decode



Contingent Employee



Consultant Lookup.EBS.HRMS.DeleteRecon Lookup Definition

The Lookup.EBS.HRMS.DeleteRecon lookup definition maps the Person ID field of the OIM User form and the PERSON_ID field of the target system. This lookup definition is used during reconciliation of deleted person records.


You must not modify this lookup definition. If you modify this lookup definition, then reconciliation of deleted employee records will not work.

See Also:

For information about reconciliation of deleted person records, see the following sections: Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters Lookup Definition

The Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters lookup definition contains reconciliation filter parameters that you specify. These filter parameters are automatically appended to the WHERE clause of the query that you select for reconciliation.

See Section 3.2.4, "Setting the Business Group ID and Date Range for Reconciliation" for information about the predefined entries in this lookup definition.

You can add multiple filter parameters in the lookup definition. See Section 3.2.6, "Configuring Limited Reconciliation" for the procedure. Lookup.EBS.ER.Configurations Lookup Definition

The Lookup.EBS.ER.Configurations lookup definition contains configurable data items used by the connector during reconciliation.

You can modify Decode values for the following entries of this lookup definition:


    You use the USE_CONNECTION_POOLING entry to specify whether or not you want to use the connection pooling feature introduced in Oracle Identity Manager release You can enter either Yes or No as the Decode value for this entry.

    The Lookup.EBS.ER.Configurations lookup definition is used in conjunction with the parameters of the IT resource that hold connection pooling information.

    See Section 2.3.3, "Setting Up Connection Pooling" for more information.


    You use the TO_CHAR_DATE_FORMAT and RECON_DATE_FORMAT entries to specify the format to which you want to convert values that are fetched from the date-type target system columns during reconciliation.

    The RECON_DATE_FORMAT entry holds the Java-equivalent date format of the format specified in the TO_CHAR_DATE_FORMAT entry. Table 1-5 lists SQL date formats and the corresponding Java date formats that you can enter as the Decode value of the TO_CHAR_DATE_FORMAT and RECON_DATE_FORMAT entries, respectively.

    Table 1-5 Date Formats That Can Be Entered as the Values of the TO_CHAR_DATE_FORMAT and RECON_DATE_FORMAT Entries










    By default, the value of the TO_CHAR_DATE_FORMAT and RECON_DATE_FORMAT entries is set to dd-Mon-yy and dd-MMM-yy, respectively. See Section 3.2.5, "Setting the Format for Values Fetched From Date-Type Target System Columns" for information about converting values fetched from date-type target system columns to other date formats.

1.6 Roadmap for Deploying and Using the Connector

The following is the organization of information in the rest of this guide: