3 Using the Connector

This chapter describes the following procedures:


In Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x, a scheduled job is an instance of a scheduled task. In this guide, the term scheduled task used in the context of Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x is the same as the term scheduled job in the context of Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for more information about scheduled tasks and scheduled jobs.

3.1 Performing First-Time (Full) Reconciliation

After you deploy the connector, you must run first-time reconciliation to fetch all existing target system records into Oracle Identity Manager. The first-time reconciliation run is a full reconciliation run. At the start of this reconciliation run, the Last Execution Time scheduled task attribute is populated with the time stamp. For subsequent runs, the scheduled task automatically switches to incremental reconciliation because the Last Execution Time attribute contains a non-zero value.


At any time after first-time reconciliation, you can switch from incremental to full reconciliation by setting the Last Execution Time attribute to 0 and specifying a non-zero value for the Batch Size scheduled task attribute.

The following are the steps involved in this procedure:

  1. Depending on the Oracle Identity Manager release you are using, perform one of the following steps:

    • For Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x or 11.1.1:

      1. Log in to the Administrative and User Console.

      2. On the Welcome to Oracle Identity Manager Self Service page, click Advanced in the upper-right corner of the page.

    • For Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.2.x or later:

      1. Log in to Oracle Identity System Administration.

      2. In the left pane, under System Management, click Scheduler.

  2. Depending on the Oracle Identity Manager release you are using, perform one of the following steps:

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, expand Resource Management, and then click Manage Scheduled Task.

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.1, then:

      1. On the Welcome to Oracle Identity Manager Self Service page, click Advanced.

      2. Click the System Management tab, and then click Scheduler.

      3. On the left pane, click Advanced Search.

  3. Search for and open the scheduled task (eBusiness HRMS Trusted Reconciliation) as follows:

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, then:

      1. On the Scheduled Task Management page, enter the name of the scheduled task (eBusiness HRMS Trusted Reconciliation) as the search criteria and then click Search.

      2. In the search results table, click the edit icon in the Edit column for the scheduled task. The Edit Scheduled Task Details page is displayed.

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x, then:

      1. On the Welcome to Oracle Identity Manager Advanced Administration page, in the System Management region, click Search Scheduled Jobs.

      2. On the left pane, in the Search field, enter the name of the scheduled job (eBusiness HRMS Trusted Reconciliation) as the search criterion. Alternatively, you can click Advanced Search and specify the search criterion.

      3. In the search results table on the left pane, click the scheduled job in the Job Name column.

  4. Modify the details of the scheduled task. To do so:

    1. If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, then on the Edit Scheduled Task Details page, you modify the following parameters, and then click Continue:

      • Status: Select Enabled.

      • Max Retries: Enter an integer value in this field. This number represents the number of times Oracle Identity Manager must attempt to complete the task before assigning the ERROR status to the task. The default value is 2.

      • Next Start: Specify the date and time at which you want to run reconciliation.

      • Frequency: Select Once.

    2. If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x, then on the Job Details tab, you can modify the following parameters:

      • Retries: Enter an integer value in this field. This number represents the number of times Oracle Identity Manager must attempt to complete the task before assigning the ERROR status to the task. The default value is 2.

      • Schedule Type: Select Single.

      See Also:

      Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for detailed information about schedule types
  5. Specify values for the attributes of the scheduled task. To do so:


    • Attribute values are predefined in the connector XML file that you import. Specify values only for those attributes that you want to change.

    • Values (either default or user-defined) must be assigned to all the attributes. If even a single attribute value is left empty, then reconciliation is not performed.

    • Attributes of the scheduled task are discussed in Section, "Attributes of the Scheduled Tasks."

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, then on the Attributes page, select each attribute from the Attribute list, specify a value in the field provided, and then click Update. Table 3-1 describes the values that you must specify.

      Table 3-1 Attribute Values for First-Time Reconciliation

      Attribute Description

      Task Name

      Accept the default value (eBusiness HRMS Trusted Reconciliation).

      IT Resource Name

      Enter the name that you specify for the IT resource while performing the procedure described in the Section 2.3.6, "Configuring the IT Resource" section.

      Default value: EBS-HRMS-APPS12

      Last Execution Time

      Accept the default value (0).

      Resource Object

      Accept the default value (eBusiness Person).

      User Type

      Enter the user type that must be assigned to OIM Users created during reconciliation.

      Default value: End-User


      Enter the name of the Oracle Identity Manager organization in which OIM Users must be created or modified during reconciliation.

      Default value: Xellerate Users

      Batch Size

      Accept the default value (1000).

      Query Properties File

      Enter the full path and name of the properties file in which the reconciliation query that you want to run is stored.

      Sample value: DIRECTORY_PATH/ebsERQuery.properties

      In this value, DIRECTORY_PATH is the path of the directory on the target system host computer in which this file is stored.

      See Section 4.5, "Configuring Reconciliation Queries" for information about this file.

      Query Name

      Enter the name of the reconciliation query that you want to run.

      Sample value: ReconcileCurrentPersons

      Note: You must run either the ReconcileCurrentPersons query or your version of this query. None of the remaining predefined queries can be used for first-time reconciliation.

      Person Type Look Up Definition

      Accept the default value (Lookup.EBS.HRMS.PersonTypes).

      Recon Lookup Definition

      Accept the default value (Lookup.EBS.HRMS.Recon).

      Query Filter Lookup Definition

      This attribute holds the name of the lookup definition that contains information about reconciliation filter parameters.

      Default value: Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters


      You must ensure that the filter parameters in this lookup definition can be applied along with the query specified by the Query Name attribute. An error is encountered if this condition is not met.

      You must not change the value of this attribute. However, if you create a copy of all the connector objects, then you can specify the unique name of the copy of this lookup definition as the value of the Query Filter Lookup Definition attribute in the copy of the scheduled task.

      Target Date Format

      Enter the format of date values stored in the target system database.

      Default value: MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x, then on the Job Details tab, in the Parameters region, specify values for the attributes of the scheduled task. Table 3-1 describes the values that you must specify.

  6. After specifying the attributes, do one of the following:

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, then click Save Changes to save the changes.

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x, then click Apply to save the changes.

  7. In the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters lookup definition, specify the business group ID of the person records that you want to reconcile:

    1. Log in to the Design Console.

    2. Expand the Administration folder, and then double-click Lookup Definition.

    3. Search for and open the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters lookup definition.

    4. In the Decode column for the businessGroupID Code Key, add the business group ID in the following format:


      For example: 202|NUMBER

    5. In the Decode column for the following Code Keys, enter the date range that you want to be applied during reconciliation:

      • fromDate

        Enter the start date of the date range that you want to apply for reconciliation of newly created and modified records.

        The format is as follows:


        For example: 12-May-2009|Date|DD-Mon-YYYY

      • toDate

        Enter the end date of the date range that you want to apply for reconciliation of newly created and modified records.

        The format is as follows:


        For example: 16-May-2009|Date|DD-Mon-YYYY

    6. Click the Save icon.

  8. After each run of the scheduled task, repeat Steps 3 through 7 for each person type whose records you want to reconcile into Oracle Identity Manager. Each time you perform the procedure, change the value of the User Type scheduled task attribute to the person type for which you are running reconciliation.

3.2 Configuring Reconciliation

Configuring reconciliation involves configuring the scheduled task that initiates reconciliation.

The following sections discuss some of the attributes of the scheduled task:

The following section describes the procedure additional options to configure reconciliation:

The following section describes the procedure to configure the scheduled tasks:

3.2.1 Batched Reconciliation


This section describes the Batch Size attribute of the scheduled task.

During a reconciliation run, all changes in the target system records are reconciled into Oracle Identity Manager. Depending on the number of records to be reconciled, this process may require a large amount of time. In addition, if the connection breaks during reconciliation, then the process would take longer to complete.

You can configure batched reconciliation to avoid these problems.

To configure batched reconciliation, you must specify values for the Batch Size reconciliation scheduled task attribute. You use this attribute to specify the number of records that must be included in each batch. The default value is 1000.


If you want to configure full reconciliation, then you must specify a non-zero value for the Batch Size attribute.

Suppose you specify 20 as the value of the Batch Size attribute. If 314 person records were created or modified after the last reconciliation run, then these records are reconciled in batches of 20 records. The last batch contains 14 records.

3.2.2 Reconciliation Query


This section describes the Query Name attribute of the scheduled task.

The following are the predefined reconciliation queries in the ebsERQuery.properties file:

  • ReconcileAllPersons

  • ReconcileCurrentPersons

  • ChangedDepartments

  • FutureHires

  • TerminatedPersons

  • DeletedPersons

See Section 1.5.1, "Reconciliation Queries" for information about these queries. As mentioned in the Section 4.5, "Configuring Reconciliation Queries" section, you can use one of the predefined queries, a modified predefined query, or your own query.

While configuring the scheduled task, you specify the name of the query as the value of the Query Name attribute.

3.2.3 Reconciliation Time Stamp


This section describes the Last Execution Time attribute of the scheduled task.

The Last Execution Time attribute holds the time stamp at which the last reconciliation run started. This attribute is used in conjunction with the reconciliation query specified by the Query Name attribute. During a reconciliation run, only target system records added or modified after the time stamp value stored in the Last Execution Time attribute are fetched into Oracle Identity Manager for reconciliation.

Apply the following guidelines while deciding on a value for the Last Execution Time attribute:

  • For a particular reconciliation query, if you want to perform full reconciliation, then set the value of the attribute to 0.

  • If you want to specify a time stamp, then first run the following query to convert the time stamp into the required format:

    SELECT (TO_DATE('DATE_TO_BE_CONVERTED','DD-MON-YYYY') - TO_DATE('01011970', 'DDMMYYYY')) *24*60*60*1000 as ts FROM DUAL

    In this query, replace DATE_TO_BE_CONVERTED with the date that you want to use as the time stamp. For example, if you want to use 5-Dec-2008 as the time stamp, then run the following query:

    SELECT (TO_DATE('5-Dec-2008','DD-MON-YYYY') - TO_DATE('01011970', 'DDMMYYYY')) *24*60*60*1000 as ts FROM DUAL

    The query returns the following value:


    Specify this value as the value of the Last Execution Time attribute.

  • The Last Execution Time attribute is updated during each reconciliation run, regardless of the reconciliation query that you specify. For example, when you run the ReconcileCurrentPersons query, the Last Execution Time attribute is set to the time stamp at which the run begins. If you next run the FutureHires query, then the time stamp currently stored in the Last Execution Time attribute is used to determine the subset of future hires' records that must be fetched for reconciliation.

    To reuse the time stamp for a particular mode of reconciliation, you must note down the value of the Last Execution Time attribute, set the value of the attribute to 0, and then perform the rest of the procedure to configure the scheduled task. For example, if you are switching from the ReconcileCurrentPersons query to the FutureHires query, first note down the value of the Last Execution Time attribute and then perform the rest of the procedure.

3.2.4 Setting the Business Group ID and Date Range for Reconciliation

In the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters lookup definition, specify the business group ID of the person records that you want to reconcile:

  1. Log in to the Design Console.

  2. Expand the Administration folder, and then double-click Lookup Definition.

  3. Search for and open the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters lookup definition.

  4. In the Decode column for the businessGroupID Code Key, add the business group ID in the following format:


    For example: 202|NUMBER

  5. In the Decode column for the following Code Keys, enter the date range that you want to be applied during reconciliation:

    • fromDate

      Enter the start date of the date range that you want to apply for reconciliation of newly created and modified records.

      The format is as follows:


      For example: 12-May-2009|Date|DD-Mon-YYYY

    • toDate

      Enter the end date of the date range that you want to apply for reconciliation of newly created and modified records.

      The format is as follows:


      For example: 16-May-2009|Date|DD-Mon-YYYY

3.2.5 Setting the Format for Values Fetched From Date-Type Target System Columns


This section describes an optional procedure. Perform this procedure only if you want to convert values that are fetched from date-type target system columns during reconciliation to a date format other than dd-Mon-yy.

By default, during reconciliation, all values that are fetched from date-type target system columns are converted to the dd-Mon-yy format.

To convert the format of values fetched from date-type target system columns:

  1. In a text editor, open the ebsERQuery.properties file.

  2. Specify the date format to which you want to convert values fetched from the date-type target system columns during reconciliation.


    See the "TO_CHAR_DATE_FORMAT" column of Table 1-5 for a list of date formats that you can specify.

    For example, change:




  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Configure the Lookup.EBS.ER.Configurations lookup definition as follows:

    1. Log in to the Design Console.

    2. Expand the Administration tab, and then double-click Lookup Definition.

    3. Search for and open the Lookup.EBS.ER.Configurations lookup definition.

    4. On the Lookup Code Information tab, click Add.

    5. In the Decode column of the TO_CHAR_DATE_FORMAT Code Key, enter the date format specified in the ebsERQuery.properties file. For example, enter dd-Mon-yyyy.

    6. In the Decode column of the RECON_DATE_FORMAT Code Key, enter the Java-equivalent date format of the format specified in Step 4.e. For example, enter dd-MMM-yyyy.


      See Table 1-5 for information about the Java-equivalent date format that must be specified.
    7. Click the Save icon.

3.2.6 Configuring Limited Reconciliation


This section describes an optional procedure. Perform this procedure only if you want to add filter parameters for reconciliation. The alternative to performing this procedure is to add a condition directly in the WHERE clause of the reconciliation query that you want to run.

By default, all target system records that are added or modified after the last reconciliation run are reconciled during the current reconciliation run. You can customize this process by specifying the subset of added or modified target system records that must be reconciled. You do this by adding a filter parameter in the reconciliation query and specifying a value for the parameter in the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters lookup definition. For example, you can add a parameter in the WHERE clause of the ReconcileCurrentPersons query so that it returns records of persons whose last name is the one that you specify in the lookup definition.

To add a parameter in a reconciliation query:


Before you modify a query in the properties file, you must run the query by using any standard database client to ensure that the query produces the required results when it is run against the target system database.
  1. Modify the query as follows:

    1. Open the properties file in a text editor.

    2. Add the condition in the WHERE clause of the query that you want to modify.


      The parameter name must begin with the colon (:) as a prefix. In addition, there must be no space between the colon and parameter name and within the parameter name.

      In the following snippet of the ReconcileCurrentPersons query, the variable condition highlighted in bold has been added:

      AND LAST_NAME=:lastname \
      AND ( (ROUND((PAPF.LAST_UPDATE_DATE -TO_DATE('01011970', 'DDMMYYYY')) *1440 *60 *1000) > :lastExecutionTime) \
      OR (ROUND((PAAF.LAST_UPDATE_DATE -TO_DATE('01011970', 'DDMMYYYY')) *1440 *60 *1000) > :lastExecutionTime) ) \
    3. Save and close the file.

  2. Configure the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters lookup definition as follows:

    1. Log in to the Design Console.

    2. Expand the Administration folder, and then double-click Lookup Definition.

    3. Search for and open the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters lookup definition.

    4. To add a row, click Add.

    5. In the Code Key column, enter the variable name that you specified in the properties file. Do not include the colon (:) character. For example, enter lastname in the Code Key column.

    6. In the Decode column, enter the value that you want to assign to the parameter for subsequent reconciliation runs. Use one of the following formats to specify a value:

      • value|STRING

        Sample value: Doe|STRING


        For the LAST NAME example, you can enter the preceding sample value.
      • value|DATE|DATE_FORMAT

        Sample value: 4-Dec-08|DATE|DD-Mon-YY

      • value|NUMBER

        Sample value: 33|NUMBER

      The following screenshot shows the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters lookup definition:

      The Lookup Definition screen
    7. Click the Save icon.

When you next run the query that you have modified, the condition that you add is applied as an additional filter during reconciliation.

3.2.7 Configuring the Reconciliation Scheduled Tasks

When you run the Connector Installer, the scheduled tasks for reconciliation are automatically created in Oracle Identity Manager. To configure these scheduled tasks:

  1. Depending on the Oracle Identity Manager release you are using, perform one of the following steps:

    • For Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x or 11.1.1:

      1. Log in to the Administrative and User Console.

      2. On the Welcome to Oracle Identity Manager Self Service page, click Advanced in the upper-right corner of the page.

    • For Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.2.x or later:

      1. Log in to Oracle Identity System Administration.

      2. In the left pane, under System Management, click Scheduler.

  2. Depending on the Oracle Identity Manager release you are using, perform one of the following steps:

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, expand Resource Management, and then click Manage Scheduled Task.

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.1, then:

      1. On the Welcome to Oracle Identity Manager Self Service page, click Advanced.

      2. Click the System Management tab, and then click Scheduler.

      3. On the left pane, click Advanced Search.

  3. On the page that is displayed, you can use any combination of the search options provided to locate a scheduled task. Click Search after you specify the search criteria.

    The list of scheduled tasks that match your search criteria is displayed in the search results table.

  4. Search for and open the scheduled task (eBusiness HRMS Trusted Reconciliation) as follows:

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, then:

      1. On the Scheduled Task Management page, enter the name of the scheduled task as the search criteria and then click Search.

      2. In the search results table, click the edit icon in the Edit column for the scheduled task. The Edit Scheduled Task Details page is displayed.

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x, then:

      1. On the Welcome to Oracle Identity Manager Advanced Administration page, in the System Management region, click Search Scheduled Jobs.

      2. On the left pane, in the Search field, enter the name of the scheduled job as the search criterion. Alternatively, you can click Advanced Search and specify the search criterion.

      3. In the search results table on the left pane, click the scheduled job in the Job Name column.

  5. Modify the details of the scheduled task. To do so:

    1. If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, then on the Edit Scheduled Task Details page, you can modify the following parameters, and then click Continue:

      • Status: Specify whether you want to leave the task in the enabled state. In the enabled state, the task is ready for use.

      • Max Retries: Enter an integer value in this field. This number represents the number of times Oracle Identity Manager must attempt to complete the task before assigning the ERROR status to the task. The default value is 1.

      • Next Start: Use the date editor to specify the date when you want the task to run. After you select a date value in the date editor, you can modify the time value that is automatically displayed in the Next Start field.

      • Frequency: Specify the frequency at which you want the task to run.

    2. If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x, then on the Job Details tab, you can modify the following parameters:

      • Retries: Enter an integer value in this field. This number represents the number of times the scheduler tries to start the job before assigning the Stopped status to the job.

      • Schedule Type: Depending on the frequency at which you want the job to run, select the appropriate schedule type.


      See Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for detailed information about schedule types.

      In addition to modifying the job details, you can enable or disable a job.

  6. Specify values for the attributes of the scheduled task. To do so:


    • Attribute values are predefined in the connector XML file that you import. Specify values only for those attributes that you want to change.

    • Values (either default or user-defined) must be assigned to all the attributes. If even a single attribute value is left empty, then reconciliation is not performed.

    • Attributes of the scheduled task are discussed in Section, "Attributes of the Scheduled Tasks."

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, then on the Attributes page, select the attribute from the Attribute list, specify a value in the field provided, and then click Update.

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x, then on the Job Details tab, in the Parameters region, specify values for the attributes of the scheduled task.

  7. After specifying the attributes, do one of the following:

    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, then click Save Changes to save the changes.


      The Stop Execution option is not available in the Administrative and User Console. If you want to stop a task, then click Stop Execution on the Task Scheduler form of the Design Console.
    • If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.x, then click Apply to save the changes.


      The Stop Execution option is available in the Administrative and User Console. You can use the Scheduler Status page to either start, stop, or reinitialize the scheduler. Attributes of the Scheduled Tasks

The following sections provide information about the attributes of the scheduled tasks for this connector:


  • Attribute values are predefined in the connector XML file that you import. Specify values only for those attributes that you want to change.

  • Values (either default or user-defined) must be assigned to all the attributes. If even a single attribute value were left empty, then reconciliation would not be performed.

  • See Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Guide for information about adding and removing task attributes. Scheduled Task for Reconciliation of All Employees

Table 3-2 describes the attributes of the scheduled task for reconciliation of all persons.

Table 3-2 Attributes of Scheduled Task for Reconciliation of All Employees

Attribute Description

Task Name

This attribute holds the name of the scheduled task.

Value: eBusiness HRMS Trusted Reconciliation

Note: For this scheduled task, you must not change the value of this attribute. However, if you create a copy of this scheduled task, then you must enter the unique name of that new scheduled task as the value of the Task Name attribute in that scheduled task.

IT Resource Name

Enter the name that you specify for the IT resource while performing the procedure described in the Section 2.3.6, "Configuring the IT Resource" section.

Default value: EBS-HRMS-APPS12

Last Execution Time

This attribute holds the time stamp at which the last reconciliation run started.

Default value: 0

See Section 3.2.3, "Reconciliation Time Stamp" for information about setting a value for the Last Execution Time attribute.

Resource Object

This attribute holds the name of the resource object.

Value: eBusiness Person

Note: Do not change the default value. However, if you create a copy of the resource object, then you can specify the name of the new resource object as the value of the Resource Object attribute.

User Type

Enter the person type for which reconciliation is to be run. You can enter any one of the values in the Decode column of the Lookup.EBS.HRMS.PersonTypes lookup definition. See Section, "Lookup.EBS.HRMS.PersonTypes Lookup Definition" for more information.

Default value: End-User


Enter the name of the Oracle Identity Manager organization in which OIM Users must be created or modified during reconciliation.

Default value: Xellerate Users

Batch Size

Enter the number of records that must be included in each batch fetched from the target system.

Default value: 1000

Query Properties File

Enter the full path and name of the properties file in which the reconciliation query that you want to run is stored.

Default value:


In this value, DIRECTORY_PATH is the path of the directory on the target system host computer in which this file is stored.

See Section 4.5, "Configuring Reconciliation Queries" for information about this file.

Query Name

Enter the name of the reconciliation query that you want to run.

See Section 4.5, "Configuring Reconciliation Queries" for information about specifying a value for this attribute.

Sample value: ReconcileCurrentPersons

Person Type Look Up Definition

This attribute holds the name of the lookup definition that maps person types defined on the target system with person types defined in Oracle Identity Manager.

Value: Lookup.EBS.HRMS.PersonTypes

Note: Do not change the default value.

Recon Lookup Definition

This attribute holds the name of the lookup definition which holds information about target system to process form field mappings.

Value: Lookup.EBS.HRMS.Recon

Note: Do not change the default value.

Query Filter Lookup Definition

This attribute holds the name of the lookup definition that contains information about reconciliation filter parameters.

Default value: Lookup.EBS.HRMS.QueryFilters


You must ensure that the filter parameters in this lookup definition can be applied along with the query specified by the Query Name attribute. An error is encountered if this condition is not met.

You must not change the value of this attribute. However, if you create a copy of all the connector objects, then you can specify the unique name of the copy of this lookup definition as the value of the Query Filter Lookup Definition attribute in the copy of the scheduled task.

Target Date Format

Enter the format of date values stored in the target system database.

Default value: MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss Scheduled Task for Reconciliation of Deleted Employees

Table 3-3 describes the attributes of the scheduled task for reconciliation of deleted persons.

Table 3-3 Attributes of Scheduled Task for Reconciliation of Deleted Employees

Attribute Description

Task Name

This attribute holds the name of the scheduled task.

Value: eBusiness HRMS Delete Reconciliation

Note: For this scheduled task, you must not change the value of this attribute. However, if you create a copy of this scheduled task, then you must enter the unique name of that new scheduled task as the value of the Task Name attribute in that scheduled task.

Delete Recon Lookup Definition

Enter the name of the of the lookup definition that stores the mapping between the Person ID field of the OIM User form and the PERSON_ID field of the target system.

Value: Lookup.EBS.HRMS.DeleteRecon

Note: Do not change the default value.

IT Resource Name

Enter the name that you specify for the IT resource while performing the procedure described in the Section 2.3.6, "Configuring the IT Resource" section.

Default value: EBS-HRMS-APPS12

Resource Object

This attribute holds the name of the of the resource object.

Value: eBusiness Person

Note: Do not change the default value. However, if you create a copy of the resource object, then you can specify the name of the new resource object as the value of the Resource Object attribute.

Query Properties File

Enter the full path and name of the properties file in which the reconciliation query that you want to run is stored.

Sample value:


In this value, DIRECTORY_PATH is the path of the directory on the target system host computer in which this file is stored.

See Section 4.5, "Configuring Reconciliation Queries" for information about this file.

Query Name

This attribute holds the name of the query for reconciliation of deleted person records.

Value: DeletedPersons

Note: Do not change the default value.

3.3 Uninstalling the Connector

If you want to uninstall the connector for any reason, see "Uninstalling Connectors" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager.