A Files and Directories in the CA Top Secret Connector Package

These are the files and directories on the connector installation package that comprise the CA Top Secret connector.

Table A-1 Files and Directories in the Installation Package

Files in the Installation Package Directory Description


This XML file contains configuration information that is used during connector installation.

etc/LDAP Gateway/IDF_LDAP_GATEWAY_v6.4.0.zip

This ZIP file contains the files required to deploy the LDAP Gateway.

etc/Provisioning and Reconciliation ConnectorTOPSECRET-AGENTS-201905311134-6.0.0.zip

This ZIP file contains the files required to deploy the Reconciliation and Provisioning Agents on the mainframe.


This JAR file contains the code for the adapters that are used during connector provisioning operations. During connector installation, this file is copied to the Oracle Identity Manager database.


This JAR file contains the code for the connector's scheduled tasks that perform lookup population and full reconciliation. During connector installation, this file is copied to the Oracle Identity Manager database.

Files in the resources directory

Each of these resource bundles contains locale-specific information that is used by the connector. During connector installation, this file is copied to the Oracle Identity Manager database.

Note: A resource bundle is a file containing localized versions of the text strings that include GUI element labels and messages.


This XML file contains definitions of the connector components, such as the IT resource and resource object. These objects are created in Oracle Identity Manager when you import the XML file.