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Oracle® Adaptive Access Manager Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 10g (

Part Number E12050-03
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7 Installing the Adaptive Strong Authenticator

The Adaptive Strong Authenticator is Oracle Adaptive Access Manager's user-facing front-end product with fraud protection against online identity theft.

This chapter describes how to install the Adaptive Strong Authenticator.

7.1 Deploying Adaptive Strong Authenticator

Install the Adaptive Risk Manager Online first because it contains resources that will be needed by the Adaptive Strong Authenticator.

Refer to Chapter 6, "Installing Adaptive Risk Manager" for the instructions on deployment.

7.1.1 WebLogic Application Server

To install the Adaptive Strong Authenticator web application in the WebLogic Application Server

  1. Extract oasa.war from oaam_sa/

  2. Under the webapps directory, create an oasa directory and extract the oasa.war file into that directory.

  3. Set up encryption. Refer to Chapter 10, "Setting Up Encryption."

  4. Set up Adaptive Strong Authenticator/Native Client SOAP/Web Services. Refer to Section 11.2, "Adaptive Strong Authenticator/Native Client SOAP/Web Services Set Up."

  5. Follow the instructions to edit in Chapter 15, "Configuring Client Properties."

  6. Configure the log4j.xml for logging. The file is located under the oasa/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 16, "Setting Up Logging."

  7. Rejar the extracted files.

  8. Log in to WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  9. Deploy the Adaptive Risk Manager WAR, oasa.war, on the Application Server.

    For detailed information on installing a web application, refer to the WebLogic documentation.

7.1.2 Tomcat Web Server

To install the Adaptive Strong Authenticator web application in the Tomcat Web Server

  1. Extract oasa.war from oaam_sa/

  2. Under the webapps directory, create an oasa directory and extract the oasa.war file into that directory.

  3. Set up encryption. Refer to Chapter 10, "Setting Up Encryption."

  4. Set up Adaptive Strong Authenticator/Native Client SOAP/Web Services. Refer to Section 11.2, "Adaptive Strong Authenticator/Native Client SOAP/Web Services Set Up."

  5. Follow the instructions to edit in Chapter 15, "Configuring Client Properties."

  6. Configure the log4j.xml for logging. The file is located under the oasa/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 16, "Setting Up Logging."

7.1.3 IBM WebSphere Application Server

To deploy the Adaptive Strong Authenticator web application in the WebSphere Application Server

  1. Extract oasa.war from oaam_sa/

  2. Under the webapps directory, create an oasa directory and extract the oasa.war file into that directory.

  3. Set up encryption. Refer to Chapter 10, "Setting Up Encryption."

  4. Set up Adaptive Strong Authenticator/Native Client SOAP/Web Services. Refer to Section 11.2, "Adaptive Strong Authenticator/Native Client SOAP/Web Services Set Up."

  5. Follow the instructions to edit in Chapter 15, "Configuring Client Properties."

  6. Configure the log4j.xml for logging. The file is located under the oasa/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 16, "Setting Up Logging."

  7. Rejar the extracted files.

  8. Log in to the WebSphere Administration Console.

  9. Deploy the Adaptive Risk Manager WAR, oasa.war, on the Application Server.

    For detailed information on installing a web application, refer to the WebSphere documentation.

7.2 Accessing Adaptive Strong Authenticator

Refer to Section 20.4, "Logging in to Adaptive Strong Authenticator" for instructions on accessing the Adaptive Strong Authenticator.