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Oracle® Adaptive Access Manager Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 10g (

Part Number E12050-03
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6 Installing Adaptive Risk Manager

Adaptive Risk Manager is certified with the following servers.


For a Microsoft SQL database, to support various functionalities of Adaptive Risk Manager, the SQL Server JDBC driver (sqljdbc.jar) from Microsoft Corporation, and the mail.jar and activation.jar from Sun Microsystems must be downloaded and placed into the oarm/WEB-INF/lib directory

The chapter provides guidelines on deploying Adaptive Risk Manager on the certified servers.


If you are using WebLogic, Tomcat, or WebSphere, we assume that the server has already been installed and the JNDI or JDBC data source configured.

6.1 Creating Groups/Roles

For information about groups/roles and permissions, refer to Appendix A, "Adaptive Risk Manager User Groups."

  1. For the application and Web servers, the creation of groups/roles is expected. If the groups/roles do not already exist, create them. For example,

    • For Tomcat:

      • web_CSR

      • web_CSRManager

      • web_CSRInvestigator

      • web_Investigator

      • web_InvestigationManager

      • web_RuleAdministrators

      • web_EnvAdmin

      • web_SOAPServices

    • For WebLogic and WebSphere:

      • CSRGroup

      • CSRManagerGroup

      • CSRInvestigator

      • Investigator

      • InvestigationManager

      • RuleAdministratorsGroup

      • EnvAdminGroup

      • SOAPServicesGroup

  2. You will need to assign users to these groups/roles.

6.2 Deployment on the Application and Web Servers

Guidelines for installing Adaptive Risk Manager web application on certified Application and Web Servers are provided below.

6.2.1 WebLogic

To install the Adaptive Risk Manager web application in the WebLogic Application Server

  1. Create a webapps directory.

  2. Under the webapps directory, create an oarm directory.

  3. Unzip in the oaam_rm_online directory. The file is located in the oaam_rm_online directory.

  4. Copy oarm.war from the oaam_rm_online/wars directory to the webapps/oarm directory.

  5. Extract the oarm.war file in the oarm directory using jar -xvf.

    For example, in UNIX: jar -xvf ~/oaam_rm_online/oarm/oarm.war

    For example, in Windows: jar -xvf e:/oaam_rm_online/oarm/oarm.war

  6. Set up encryption. Refer to Chapter 10, "Setting Up Encryption."

  7. Set up Adaptive Risk Manager SOAP/Web Services access. Refer to Section 11.1, "Adaptive Risk Manager SOAP/Web Services Set Up."

  8. Copy sample.sessions.xml or sample_jndi.sessions.xml into sessions.xml. The sample sessions.xml files are located under the oarm/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.

    Ensure that the sessions.xml is spelled correctly. If the name is not correct, you will not be able to connect to the database.

  9. Configure sessions.xml to use the JNDI or JDBC data source.


    JNDI is recommended.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 13, "Configuring Database Connectivity."

  10. Configure log4j.xml for logging. The file is located under the directory, oarm/WEB-INF/classes/.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 16, "Setting Up Logging."

  11. Copy to, and update the file. The file is located under the directory, oarm/WEB-INF/classes/.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 12, "Configuring Server Properties."

  12. Deploy Adaptive Risk Manager on the Application Server.

    During deployment procedure, you will need to select the exploded archive directory, oarm, to install the Adaptive Risk Manager web application.

    For detailed information on installing a web application, refer to the WebLogic documentation.

  13. Log in to Adaptive Risk Manager to begin using it.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 20, "What to Do Next."

6.2.2 Tomcat

To install the Adaptive Risk Manager web application in the Tomcat Web Server

  1. Under the webapps directory, create an oarm directory.

  2. Unzip in the oaam_rm_online directory. The file is located in the oaam_rm_online directory.

  3. Copy oarm.war from the oaam_rm_online/wars directory to the webapps/oarm directory.

  4. Extract the oarm.war file in the oarm directory using jar -xvf.

    For example, in UNIX: jar -xvf ~/oaam_rm_online/oarm/oarm.war

    For example, in Windows: jar -xvf e:/oaam_rm_online/oarm/oarm.war

  5. Set up encryption. Refer to Chapter 10, "Setting Up Encryption."

  6. Set up Adaptive Risk Manager SOAP/Web Services access. Refer to Section 11.1, "Adaptive Risk Manager SOAP/Web Services Set Up."

  7. Copy sample.sessions.xml or sample_jndi.sessions.xml into sessions.xml. The sample sessions.xml files are located under the oarm/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.

    Ensure that the sessions.xml is spelled correctly. If the name is not correct, you will not be able to connect to the database.

  8. Configure sessions.xml to use the JNDI or JDBC data source.


    JNDI is recommended.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 13, "Configuring Database Connectivity."

  9. Configure log4j.xml for logging. The file is located under the oarm/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 16, "Setting Up Logging."

  10. Copy to, and update the file. The file is located under the oarm/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 12, "Configuring Server Properties."

  11. Log in to Adaptive Risk Manager to begin using it.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 20, "What to Do Next."

6.2.3 WebSphere

To deploy the Adaptive Risk Manager web application in the WebSphere Application Server

  1. Under the webapps directory, create an oarm directory.

  2. Unzip in the oaam_rm_online directory. The file is located in the oaam_rm_online directory.

  3. Copy oarm.war from the oaam_rm_online/wars directory to the webapps/oarm directory.

  4. Extract the oarm.war file in the oarm directory using jar -xvf.

    For example, in UNIX: jar -xvf ~/oaam_rm_online/oarm/oarm.war

    For example, in Windows: jar -xvf e:/oaam_rm_online/oarm/oarm.war

  5. Set up encryption. Refer to Chapter 10, "Setting Up Encryption."

  6. Set up Adaptive Risk Manager SOAP/Web Services access. Refer to Section 11.1, "Adaptive Risk Manager SOAP/Web Services Set Up."

  7. Copy sample.sessions.xml or sample_jndi.sessions.xml into sessions.xml. The sample sessions.xml files are located under the oarm/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.

    Ensure that the sessions.xml is spelled correctly. If the name is not correct, you will not be able to connect to the database.

  8. Configure sessions.xml to use the JNDI or JDBC data source.


    JNDI is recommended.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 13, "Configuring Database Connectivity."

  9. Configure log4j.xml for logging. The file is located under the oarm/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 16, "Setting Up Logging."

  10. Copy to, and update the file. The file is located under the oarm/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 12, "Configuring Server Properties."

  11. Rejar the extracted files.

  12. Deploy the Adaptive Risk Manager WAR, oarm.war, on the Application Server.

    For detailed information on installing a web application, refer to the WebSphere documentation.

  13. Log in to Adaptive Risk Manager to begin using it.

    For more information, refer to Chapter 20, "What to Do Next."