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Oracle® Role Manager Installation Guide
Release 10g (10.1.4)

Part Number E12026-05
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3 Installing Oracle Role Manager

This chapter includes the major steps required to install Oracle Role Manager (Role Manager).

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Before You Start

Before you begin the Role Manager installation, you must create a Role Manager database user (owner) and Role Manager application user.

Before performing the procedures in this chapter, ensure the following:

3.2 Database Setup

Before installing Role Manager, you need to create the database owner and application user schemas on the database used for Role Manager. Database owner is the user with permissions to change the schema, but the application user does not have permissions to change the schema. It is recommended that you use the scripts provided on the installation media following the procedures in this section. These steps, described in this section, are normally performed by a database administrator on the Oracle database host.

Before continuing, ensure that you have met the following requirements:

3.2.1 Creating the Role Manager Tablespaces

Before the Role Manager data model can be deployed, either by the Role Manager installer or manually at the command line, the tablespaces for Role Manager must exist.

Your policies may require that the scripts referenced in this section be run directly on the Oracle database server by a database administrator.

The provided tablespace creation script needs to be modified if your organization requires different extent and growth options. If you instead prefer to use your own tablespace creation script, the Role Manager user creation scripts expect three tablespaces, one for DATA pages named ORM_DATA, one for INDEX pages named ORM_INDEX, and one for TEMP space.

To create the Role Manager tablespaces:

  1. From the installation media, copy the create-tablespace.sql script from the samples/sqlscripts/oracle directory to a temporary location.

  2. Optionally, in the create-tablespace.sql file, edit the path to the log directory you want to use to save messages created by this script. For example:

    set echo on;
    spool <new_log_path>/create-tablespace.log
  3. Optionally, in the same file, modify the tablespace definitions to meet your specific configuration requirements.


    If you modify the actual tablespace names in the createEtablespace.sql script in any way, you must also modify the createEschemaEowner.sql and createEappEuser.sql scripts, as appropriate, to accommodate the changed tablespace names.
  4. Using sqlplus or a similar utility, run the createEtablespace.sql script to create the tablespaces for Role Manager database table data, index, temporary data, and rollback segments. For example:

    sqlplus system/<system_pw>@<db_service> @create-tablespace <data_dir>/ORM_DATA <index_dir>/ORM_INDEX <temp_dir>/ORM_TEMP


    The data and index table spaces must be named ORM_DATA and ORM_INDEX respectively.
  5. Review the contents of the createEtablespace.log file to verify there were no error messages.

    If there are errors, ensure that the Oracle database paths you specified in the command are valid.

  6. Optionally, configure rollback segments.

    Rollback segments are used to save data in transactions before data is committed to the database. To bring the rollback segments online automatically every time the Oracle instance is restarted, you must update the init.ora file by adding the following line


3.2.2 Creating the Role Manager Users

Before creating the Role Manager users, ensure that the tablespaces used for Role Manager have been created.

To create the Role Manager database users:

  1. From the installation media, copy the following scripts from the samples/sqlscripts/oracle directory to a temporary location:

  2. As the Oracle SYSTEM user, using sqlplus or a similar utility, create the Role Manager database owner by running the createEschemaEowner.sql script as follows:

    sqlplus system/[system_pw]@[db_service] @create-schema-owner [owner_username]

    Enter the password at the prompt and make note of username and password values, because you need them when running the Role Manager installer.

    If you have changed tablespace names, ensure to use the same names as those defined in the createEtablespace.sql file.


    Errors in the console in the form "does not exist" are normal the first time this script and the following script are run.
  3. Create the application user for Role Manager by running the createEapp-user.sql script as follows:

    sqlplus system/[system_pw]@[db_service] @create-app-user [app_username]

    Enter the password at the prompt and make note of username and password values, because you need them when running the Role Manager installer.

    Role Manager uses two schema/users, one as the owner and the other as the user of the application. This is done for security reasons, ensuring that schema changes can be made only by the owner. As part of the configuration process, the installer creates all of the synonyms required so that the Role Manager application user can invoke data changes.


    These users/schemas must already exist and name and password values must match what was used when they were created. Refer to "Creating the Role Manager Users" for information.

3.3 Installing Role Manager

In this part of the installation, you launch the installer and configure Role Manager with your environment.

To perform the Role Manager installation:

  1. Ensure that the drive or directory containing the Role Manager installation media is accessible from the installation computer.

  2. Run Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) to install Role Manager.

    For Windows systems:

    • Locate the directory containing the Role Manager installation files for Windows.

    • Double-click setup.exe.

    For UNIX-based systems:

    • Change directory to the location containing the Role Manager installation files for your operating system.

    • As the software owner account that owns the current ORACLE_HOME environment, start the installer with the following command:



      If you do not know the account to use, contact your system administrator or DBA for information specific to your environment.
  3. On the Welcome page, click Next.

  4. On the Specify File Location page:

    1. Ensure that the source path is pointing to the Role Manager installation media, for example:

    2. If you already have any oracle products on the installation computer, type a new unique identifier that Oracle can use for inventory purposes, such as orm.

    3. Change the destination path to the location on the file system where you want to install the Role Manager software.


      The destination must be an empty directory. The installer creates the directory you specify if it does not already exist.
  5. Choose one of the following installation options, then click Next to continue.

    • Install Software and Configure

      This option installs the Role Manager software and then configures the database with the primordial data model. It also provides additional options to include the standard data model used by the Role Manager UI. If you do not yet have a customized data model, select this option.

    • Install Software Only

      This option copies the Role Manager files to the specified installation location. It does not load any configuration or deploy the models required to use the Role Manager UI. This option is intended for manual deployments of customized models. Choosing this selection skips to the Summary page of the installer.

  6. Select the configuration options you want, then click Next to continue.

    • Primordial Data Model

      The core model used by the Role Manager system components.

    • Standard Data Model

      This is required to load the standard configurations to Oracle Role Manager system.

  7. Set the database connection values in the Database Connect String as follows:

    1. For a single database host instance, provide the connection string as follows:

      <Database-server host name>:<database server port number>:<Database service name>
    2. For a real application cluster (RAC) database instance, provide the connection string as follows:

      <Database-server instance1 host name>:<database server instance1 port number>^<Databaseserver instance2 host name>:<database server instance2 port number>@<Database service name>
  8. Set the values needed to configure the Role Manager database tables as described below.

    1. In the Database Owner field, type the name to use for the Role Manager owner schema/user.

    2. In the Database Owner Password field, type the password to use for the Role Manager owner schema/user.

    3. In the Application User field, type the name to use for the Role Manager application user schema.

    4. In the Application User Password field, type the password to use for the Role Manager application user schema.

    5. Click Next to continue.

  9. Create the administrative account for Role Manager as follows:

    1. Type a name to use as the Role Manager Administrator user ID.

    2. Type a password for the Role Manager Administrator.

    3. Retype the password in the Confirm Password field, then click Next to continue.

    Oracle Universal Installer checks the system to verify that it is configured correctly to run Oracle software. If you have completed all of the preinstallation steps in this guide, all of the checks should pass.

    If a check fails, then review the cause of the failure listed for that check on the screen. If possible, rectify the problem and rerun the check. Alternatively, if you are satisfied that your system meets the requirements, then you can select the check box for the failed check to manually verify the requirement.

  10. On the installation Summary page, review the installation summary information. After reviewing this installation information, click Install to begin the installation procedure.

  11. If you encounter problems during installation, then examine the Oracle Universal Installer actions recorded in the installation log file. The log file can be found in the cfgtoollogs/oui directory, in the following location:

    For Windows systems:

    %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\oraInventory

    For UNIX-based systems:

    If your computer already has the oraInst.loc file at the "/etc" location, then oraInventory is created at that location. This is depicted in the following example:

    cat /etc/oraInst.loc

    If your computer is not having the oraInst.loc file at the "/etc" location, then oraInventory is created by default at $HOME/oraInventory, where $HOME is the user home.


    When (linux or aix) or setup.exe (windows) is executed, it displays the log location.
  12. After the installation completes, click Exit, then click Yes to confirm.

3.4 Performing a Silent Installation Using a Response File

Follow these brief steps to perform a silent installation using a response file:

  1. Ensure that all prerequisites are met for the installation of Role Manager.

  2. Prepare the Role Manager response file. A template response file can be found with the Role Manager installation media at stage/Response/orm.rsp.

    Prepare the response file by entering values in the file for all parameters, then save the file.

  3. Invoke Oracle Universal Installer using the following options:

    For UNIX-based systems:

    ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile <path_to_rsp>

    For Windows systems:

    setup.exe -silent -responseFile <path_to_rsp>

    In this example:

    Path_to_rsp identifies the full path of the response file.

    -silent runs Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode and suppresses the Welcome window.

    For general information about these options and about how to complete an installation using these response files, see the platform specific Oracle Database installation guides and Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and "Installing Oracle Products" in Oracle Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for more information about installing and using response files.