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Oracle® Database Lite Administration and Deployment Guide
Release 10.3

Part Number E12089-02
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C Write Scripts for the Mobile Server With the WSH Tool

You can use the scripting language saved in an INI file and used by the WSH tool to perform batch processing tasks on the Mobile Server that are performed frequently by the administrator.

The following sections describe the scripting language for the Mobile Server:

C.1 Description of Syntax for WSH Batch Scripts

The following sections describe the parameters and syntax available in the scripting language:

C.1.1 Creating a User

Using the following syntax, you can create users.

NAME=<User Name>
PASSWORD=<User Password>
EXTERNALUSER=<True or False>
ENCRYPTED=<True or False; True if the password is encrypted, False if not>
FULLNAME=<User Full Name>
PRIVILEGE=<User privilege level as A, O, U, M, or null>

C.1.1.1 EXTERNALUSER Parameter

By default, this value is false for a user with password that is authenticated by the Mobile Server. If you are creating an external user that will be authenticated by an external authenticator class, set to True. If true, you do not provide a password in the INI script file with PASSWORD as the user is authenticated by the external authenticator. See Chapter 8, "Customizing Oracle Database Security" in the Oracle Database Lite Developer's Guide for information on the external authenticator.

C.1.1.2 PRIVILEGE Parameter

There are four options for setting the PRIVILEGE value for users. They are:

  • A - Administrator

  • O - Organizer

  • U - User

  • M - Member user

  • Null - No privileges

C.1.2 Creating a Group

Using the [GROUP] script, you can create a new group (if this group does not already exist) and add listed users to the group. If you use this entry and specify the name of a group that exists, all the users in the existing group will be removed and users who are listed will be added to this group.


You cannot add a member user to a group.

The following syntax enables you to create a group.

NAME=<Group Name>
USER=<User name you want to add to this group>
USER=<User name you want to add to this group>
USER=<User name you want to add to this group>

C.1.3 Adding Users to a Group

Using the [ADDUSERTOGROUP] script, you can create a new group (if this group does not already exist) and add listed users to this group. You can also use this entry to add users to an existing group.

NAME=<Group Name>
USER=<User name you want to add to this group>
USER=<User name you want to add to this group>

C.1.4 Removing Users from a Group

Using the [REMOVEUSERFROMGROUP] script, you can remove listed users from a specified group.

NAME=<Group Name>
USER=<User name you want to remove from this group>
USER=<User name you want to remove from this group>

C.1.5 Creating Access Privileges

Using the [ACL] script, you can create a new ACL (if this ACL does not already exist). After creating the ACL, all the existing users will be removed and all the listed users will be added to this ACL.


You cannot add a member user to an existing ACL.

Using the [GRANTACCESS] script, you can add users to the existing ACL.

The following syntax enables you to create access privileges for users and groups.

[ACL]APPLICATION=<Name of the application you want to creat ACL for>
ROLE=<Role of the user; set the value as DEFAULT ROLE or ADMINISTRATIVE ROLE>
USER=<User's name>
ACCESS=<Set access status as ENABLED>
ROLE=<Role of the user>
USER=<User name>
ACCESS=<Set access status as ENABLED>
ROLE=<Role of the group>
GROUP=<Groups name>
ACCESS=<Set access status as ENABLED>

C.1.6 Granting Access

Using the [GRANTACCESS] script, you can create a new ACL (if this ACL does not already exist) and add listed users to this ACL.

APPLICATION=<Name of the application you want to add ACL for>
ROLE=<Role of the user>
USER=<User name>
ROLE=<Role of the group>
GROUP=<Group name>

C.1.7 Revoking Access

Using the [REVOKEACCESS] script, you can remove users that are listed in the specified ACL.

APPLICATION=<Name of the application you want to revoke ACL for>
ROLE=<Role of the user>
USER=<User name>
ACCESS=<Access Status>
ROLE=<Role of the group>
GROUP=<Groups name>

C.1.8 Creating Registries

Using the [REGISTRY] script, you can create registries.

APPLICATION=<Name of the application>
NAME=<Registry Variable Name>
VALUE=<Value for this variable>

C.1.9 Creating Snapshot Variables

Using the [SNAPSHOTVAR] script, you can create snapshot variables.

NAME=<Name of the publication item>
PLATFORM=<Platform for which this publication item is>
VIRTUALPATH=<Virtual path of the application this publication item
belongs to>
USER=<Name of the user who subscribes to this application>
VAR=<Name of the Data Subsetting parameter, value of this parameter>
USER=<Name of the user who subscribes to this application>
VAR=<Name of the Data Subsetting parameter, value of this parameter>
GROUP=<Name of the group which subscribes to this application>
VAR=<Name of the Data Subsetting parameter, value of this parameter>

C.1.10 Deleting a User

Using the [DROPUSER] script, you can delete a user.

NAME=<User Name>

C.1.11 Deleting a Group

Using the [DROPGROUP] script, you can delete a group.

NAME=<Group Name>

C.1.12 Deleting Access Privileges

Using the [DROPACL] script, you can delete access privileges provided to users.

APPLICATION=<Name of the application you want to delete ACL for>
ROLE=<Role of the user; set the value as DEFAULT ROLE or ADMINISTRATIVE ROLE>
USER=<User name>
ACCESS=<Set access status as DISABLED>
ROLE=<Role of the group; set the value as DEFAULT ROLE or ADMINISTRATIVE ROLE>
GROUP=<Groups name>
ACCESS=<Set access status as DISABLED>

C.1.13 Deleting a Registry

Using the [DROPREGISTRY] script, you can delete a registry.

APPLICATION=<Name of the application>
NAME=<Registry Variable Name>
VALUE=<Value for this variable>

C.1.14 Deleting Snapshot Variables

Using the following [DROPSNAPSHOTVAR] script, you can delete snapshot variables.

NAME=<Name of the publication item>
PLATFORM=<Platform for which this publication item is>
VIRTUALPATH=<Virtual path of the application this publication item belongs to>
USER=<Name of the user who subscribes to this application>
VAR=<Name of the Data Subsetting parameter, value of this parameter>
USER=<Name of the user who subscribes to this application>
VAR=<Name of the Data Subsetting parameter, value of this parameter>
GROUP=<Name of the group which subscribes to this application>
VAR=<Name of the Data Subsetting parameter, value of this parameter>

C.2 Running a Script INI File With the WSH Tool

The WSH tool is a command-line tool that you can use to execute batch commands on the Mobile Server or to connect to the Oracle Lite database on the client and issue commands remotely.

The following sections describe the command line options for the WSH tool:

C.2.1 Execute Batch Command Script File on the Mobile Server

Use the -c option to execute the commands you developed in the script INI file on the Mobile Server. The syntax for this option is as follows:

wsh –c <path_and_filename.ini> <username>/<password>[@<jdbc_url>]


  • <path_and_filename.ini>: The INI file contains the batch commands for the Mobile Server. Provide the name and absolute path for the desired INI file.

  • <username>/<password>: The Mobile Server repository administrator username and password.

  • <jdbc_url>: If the optional JDBC URL for the Oracle database that contains the Mobile repository is specified in the command line, then WSH will use this URL, else it defaults to use the URL configured in the webtogo.ora file. You can specify the JDBC URL of a single Oracle database or an Oracle RAC database.

    • The JDBC URL for a single Oracle database has the structure of jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<SID>.

    • The JDBC URL for an Oracle RAC database can have more than one address in it for multiple Oracle databases in the cluster and follows this URL structure:


The following example executes the WSH tool on the sample6.ini file using the Mobile Server repository username and password of mobileadmin/manager and the JDBC URL of <host>:<port>:<SID> of myhost:1521:mySID:

wsh -c C:\OliteR3\scripts\sample6.ini mobileadmin/manager@jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:mySID

C.2.2 Inspect Files on Web-to-Go or Branch Office Client

You can use the WSH tool to inspect and modify a Web-to-Go or Branch Office client interactively. After synchronization on the Web-to-Go or Branch Office client, the user can check the application files (html, class, gifs).

On the Mobile client machine, use the WSH tool to browse application files. The syntax for this is as follows:

wsh –l <system>/<user_pwd>@<DSN>

For example:

wsh –l system/john@webtogo

Once you connect using the the -l option of the wsh tool, you can use the commands listed in Table C-1 for inspecting and altering the Mobile client.

Table C-1 Commands to Inspect and Alter the Mobile Server Repository

Command Definition


Displays a list of files in a directory.


Copies one or more files to another location.


Copies one or more files to another location.


Launches Notepad for editing a file.


Deletes one or more files.


Deletes one or more files.


Displays the name or changes the current directory.


Creates a directory.


Removes (deletes) a directory. Use the option -s to remove a directory including all subdirectories.


Displays the contents of a text file or files.


Quits the command shell.


Quits the command shell.


Provides help information for shell commands.


Synchronizes the file system with the database.

C.3 Examples of Batch Script Files for WSH

The following sections enable you to accomplish the following tasks and describes examples from a script file in INI format:

C.3.1 Creating, Adding, and Granting Access

The following examples illustrate how to create users, groups, registries, access privileges, snapshotvar template variables, add users to a group, and add users to an ACL.

#Creation or modification of users, groups, access privileges, registry,
and snapshot variable entries using the following entries in the INI file:
# Create user JOHN
FULLNAME=Sample1 User John
# Create group 'Sample Users' contaning JANE, JOHN, JACK
NAME=Sample Users
# Set the ACL on the Sample3 application.
# The following gives John, Jane, and Jack, plus all the users in the group
# Sample Users access to the application
ROLE=Default Role
ROLE=Default Role
ROLE=Default Role
ROLE=Default Role
GROUP=Sample Users
# Add registry entry for user JOHN and a default value for the Sample3
application to the Web-to-go Repository
# Add template variables.
# You can specify user/group specific values for these variables
VAR=CODE, 1111
VAR=CODE, 1111
VAR=CODE, 2222
GROUP=Sample Users
VAR=CODE, 2222
#Add users to a group.
NAME=Sample Users
#Grant Access to users.
ROLE=Default Role
ROLE=Default Role
ROLE=Default Role
GROUP=Sample Users

C.3.2 Deleting, Removing, and Revoking Access

The following examples illustrate how to delete a user, group, registry and snapshotvar, remove users from a group, and revoke access.

#Deletion of users, groups, access privileges, registry and snapshot
#variable entries using the following entries in the INI file:
# Dropuser JOHN
# Drop group 'Sample Users'
NAME=Sample Users
# Drop the ACL on the sample3 application.
ROLE=Default Role
ROLE=Default Role
GROUP=Sample Users
# Drop registry entriy for user JOHN from Sample3 application.
# Drop template variables for user JOHN and group 'Sample Users'
VAR=CODE, 1111
GROUP=Sample Users
VAR=CODE, 2222
#Remove users from a group.
NAME=Sample Users
#Revoke access.
ROLE=Default Role
ROLE=Default Role
ROLE=Default Role
GROUP=Sample Users