Oracle® Business Intelligence Infrastructure Upgrade Guide > Before Upgrading to the New Oracle BI Infrastructure >

Backing Up Siebel Business Analytics Files and Folders

Before uninstalling or upgrading the Siebel Business Analytics Platform to the Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure software, you should back up configuration files, the Siebel Business Analytics Web Catalog, the Siebel Business Analytics repository file, and any files that you have customized, such as message files, style sheets, or custom skins in SiebelAnalyticsData\Web\Res, and move the files to a temporary location.

If either the instanceconfig.xml file or the Analytics Windows registry strings have been customized, then these should be backed up for comparison to the new installation's instanceconfig.xml file or Analytics Windows registry strings. If the customizations are still viable in the new release, then they should be applied accordingly.

When you upgrade from Siebel Analytics 7.8.x to Oracle BI Infrastructure, certain files are also automatically backed up. The files are saved to the following directories:

  • $OracleBI_HOME, the root install directory for Oracle BI Infrastructure
  • $OracleBIData_HOME, the root install directory for Oracle BI data

The names of the files backed up depends on the underlying operating system:

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