Oracle® Business Intelligence Infrastructure Upgrade Guide > Performing an Oracle BI Infrastructure Upgrade > Upgrading the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog to Oracle BI Presentation Catalog >

Upgrading the Web Catalog for More Than 4000 Users

If you have a large Web Catalog file with more than 4000 users or if you plan to have more than 4000 Presentation Catalog users in the future, then upgrade the Web Catalog using the following procedure for either Windows, Linux, or UNIX systems.

To upgrade the Web Catalog for more than 4000 users

  1. Stop Presentation Services.
  2. Make the following entries in the instanceconfig.xml file. This file is located in $OracleBIData_HOME\web\config on Windows systems and in $OracleBIData_HOME/web/config on Linux or UNIX systems.




    <PrivilegeCacheTimeoutSecs>3600000</PrivilegeCacheTimeoutS ecs>





    The HashUserHomeDirectories setting addresses file system limitations and hashes the users' home directories. For example, for the user named Steve, the logical folder "/users/steve" becomes the physical tree on the disk "/users/st/steve". The other settings turn off rebuilding of catalog caches.

  3. Save the instanceconfig.xml file.
  4. Copy the existing custom webcat file to $OracleBIData_HOME\web\catalog on Windows or $OracleBIData_HOME/web/catalog on Linux or UNIX systems.
  5. On Linux or UNIX systems, delete the existing default directory in $OracleBIData_HOME/web/catalog.
  6. On Linux or UNIX systems, change to bash shell and then source, which is located in the $OracleBI_HOME/setup directory. This command sets environment variables including ANA_INSTALL_DIR, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and JAVA_HOME.



    NOTE:  If you do not source before you run the sawmigrate utility, then you might get shared library errors.

  7. Assuming that the name of the Web Catalog is mywebcat.webcat, run the sawmigrate utility using the command that is appropriate for the system:

    On Windows systems:

    sawmigrate -c $OracleBIData_HOME\web\config\instanceconfig.xml $OracleBIData_HOME\web\catalog\mywebcat.webcat

    On Linux or UNIX systems:

    sawmigrate -c $OracleBIData_HOME/web/config/instanceconfig.xml

    The sawmigrate utility runs and writes a report to the shell, screen, or console in which the utility was run. The report includes warning and error messages and a list of objects that might have failed to upgrade. The utility creates a directory named mywebcat under $OracleBIData_HOME/web/catalog with shared folders, users, and other catalog objects. Users' home directories are hashed.

    NOTE:  The upgrade of a large Web Catalog can take several hours to complete (approximately 1 hour per 30MB of catalog data). Killing the sawmigrate process before it completes results in an incomplete upgrade.

  8. After running the sawmigrate utility and creating the Presentation Catalog file structure, remove the following entries from the instanceconfig.xml file:








    NOTE:  Retain the following setting:




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