Oracle® Business Intelligence Scheduler Guide > Using Oracle BI Scheduler Job Scripts > Oracle BI Scheduler Script Object Methods and Events >

ScheduleJobOnce Method

This topic is part of Oracle BI Scheduler Script Object Methods and Events.

Schedules a new job with a Run Once trigger.

Syntax: ScheduleJobOnce name, description, scriptType, script, startDate, startTime [, parameters, flags, maxRunTimeMS]

Arguments: Refer to Table 33 for ScheduleJobOnce method arguments.

Table 33. ScheduleJobOnce Method Arguments


A string that specifies the name of the job.


A string that specifies the description of the job.


A string that specifies the script type associated with the job (either VBScript or JScript).


A string that specifies the script code or path (if the nqJobScriptContainsPath flag is set) associated with the job.


A date value that specifies the date the job is activated.


A date value that specifies the time the job is activated.


(Optional) A string array of parameter values passed to the script. The default is an empty array.


(Optional) A long value that specifies the flags associated with the job. For valid settings, refer to JobFlagsEnum Constants. The default is nqJobNoFlag.


(Optional) A long value that specifies the maximum time in milliseconds that a job runs before it is terminated. The default is 0 (zero), which means the job can run indefinitely.

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