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Showing Results in a Scrolling Ticker Using Oracle BI Ticker View

A ticker displays the results of a request as a marquee (moving results that scroll across the page). You can customize the size of the scroll area, the speed and direction in which the results scroll, and other display settings.

NOTE:  If your Web browser does not support moving text, the results will appear, but they will not scroll across the page.

To add or modify an Oracle BI ticker view

  1. In Oracle BI Answers, create or modify the request with which you want to work, and then perform one of the following actions:
    • To add a new ticker view, click the Results tab and choose Other Views > Ticker from the views drop-down list.
    • To edit an existing ticker view, click the Results tab, choose Compound Layout from the views drop-down list, and then click the Edit View button for the ticker view.

      The workspace shows the options and settings for the view.

  2. To generate default settings for the most commonly used fields, click the Set Defaults button.

    CAUTION:  If you click the Set Defaults button after entering values in other fields, your entered values are cleared.

  3. To clear all fields, click the Clear Fields button.

    NOTE:  After you clear all fields, you can click the Set Default button to restore default settings for the most commonly used fields.

  4. Make your selections for the fields in the workspace.

    The following table describes the fields.

    Ticker View Workspace Field


    Specifies how the results move in the ticker:

    • Scroll. The results start hidden, scroll on to the page, then off the page before repeating.
    • Slide. The results start hidden, scroll on to the page, then stop once touching the other side.
    • Alternate. The results bounce back and forward inside the marquee.


    Specifies the direction the results move in the ticker (left, right, down, or up).


    Specifies the width of the ticker, either in pixels, or as a percentage of the page width.

    For example, a value of 200 indicates a width of 200 pixels, and a value of 25% indicates a width of one-quarter of the page.


    Specifies the height of the ticker, either in pixels, or as a percentage of the page height.

    For example, a value of 200 indicates a height of 200 pixels, and a value of 25% indicates a height of one-quarter of the page.

    Beginning Text

    Specifies any optional text or graphics to display at the beginning of each redraw of the results. You can use HTML to format the text.

    If you include an image, make sure you know where the image is located. If the image is for your use only, the following is a sample location:


    If the image is for use in a shared environment, it must be located on a network drive accessible to all users. For a shared image, specify the UNC name, for example:


    Row Format

    Specifies the HTML to use in formatting the rows in the results.

    To include the results from a designated column, use @n. For example, @1 inserts the results from the first column, and @3 inserts the results of the third column.

    Row Separator

    Specifies the character that separates one row from another. The default character is a vertical bar ( | ).

    Column Separator

    Specifies the character that separates one column from another. The default character is a vertical bar ( | ).

    Ending Text

    Specifies any optional text or graphics to display at the end of each redraw of the results. You can use HTML to format the text.

    If you include an image, make sure you know where the image is located. If the image is for your use only, the following is a sample location:


    If the image is for use in a shared environment, it must be located on a network drive accessible to all users. For a shared image, specify the UNC name, for example:


  5. To specify additional options, perform the following actions:
    1. Click the Advanced button.

      The Advanced Ticker Options dialog box appears.

    2. Make your selections for the advanced options and click OK.

      The following table describes the advanced options.

      Advanced Options in the Ticker View Workspace

      # of Loops

      Specifies the number of times that the results will scroll. The default is an infinite number of times.

      You must specify a whole number.

      Scroll Amount

      Sets the number of pixels between successive redraws of the results.

      Scroll Delay

      Specifies the number of milliseconds between successive redraws of the results.

      Background Color

      Specifies the color to use for the background. Depending on what your browser supports, you can type a color name such as yellow or blue, or use the 6-digit hexadecimal format, such as #AFEEEE for pale turquoise. (You can omit the number sign character from the hexadecimal format.)

      Additional Marquee Attributes

      Specifies other marquee options that your browser may support, such as ALIGN="top | middle | bottom" to align the ticker to the top, middle or bottom of the text around it. You can also add HTML to further customize the look of the ticker.

  6. When you are done, you can save the request with the ticker view.
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Overview of Oracle BI Answers

Performing Common Tasks When Working with Oracle BI Views

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