Oracle® Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide

What's New in This Release

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Getting Started with Oracle Business Intelligence

Overview of Oracle BI for End Users

Accessing Oracle BI

Performing Common Tasks in Oracle BI

Navigating in Oracle BI

Using the Oracle BI My Account Page

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Basics of Working with Requests in Oracle BI Answers

Overview of Oracle BI Answers

Example of an Oracle BI Answers Start Page

Using Oracle BI Answers to Create, Modify, and Save Requests

Embedding an Oracle BI Request in an Oracle BI Dashboard

Accessing and Working with an Oracle BI Request in Microsoft Excel

Integrating an Oracle BI Request with Microsoft Excel's Internet Query Feature

Combining Oracle BI Request Criteria Using Set Operations

Examining or Editing the Logical SQL Generated for an Oracle BI Request

Executing a Direct Database Request in Oracle BI Answers

Using Variables to Display Values in Request Results, Dashboards and iBots

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Filtering Requests in Oracle BI Answers

Using Column Filters in an Oracle BI Request

Using Prompts to Simplify Filtering in an Oracle BI Request

Creating a Dashboard Prompt for Filtering Oracle BI Requests

Using a Saved Oracle BI Request as a Filter

Editing the SQL for a Column Filter in an Oracle BI Request

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Formatting Results in Oracle BI Answers

Using Column Formatting Functions in Oracle BI Answers

Editing the Appearance of Column Contents in Oracle BI Answers

Editing the Layout of Column Contents in Oracle BI Answers

Formatting Column Content In Oracle BI Answers

Applying Conditional Formatting to Column Content in Oracle BI Answers

Saving Your Oracle BI Answers Column Property Settings as the System-Wide Defaults

Using Custom Date/Time Format Strings in Oracle BI Answers

Applying Cosmetic Formatting to Results and Dashboards

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Working with Oracle BI Views in Oracle BI Answers

About Oracle BI Views

Performing Common Tasks When Working with Oracle BI Views

Assembling Views for Display on a Dashboard Using Oracle BI Compound Layout View

Adding Titles to Results Using Oracle BI Title View

Adding Tables to Results Using Oracle BI Table View

Editing the Formula of a Column

Showing Results in Charts Using Oracle BI Chart View

Showing Results in Pivot Tables Using Oracle BI Pivot Table View

Showing Results as Gauges Using Oracle BI Gauge View

Showing Filters Applied to Results Using Oracle BI Filters View

Allowing Users to Change Columns in Requests Using Oracle BI Column Selector View

Allowing Users to Select a Specific View Using View Selector View

Adding a Legend to Results Using Oracle BI Legend View

Showing Results in a Funnel Chart Using Oracle BI Funnel Chart View

Adding Narrative Text to Results Using Oracle BI Narrative View

Showing Results in a Scrolling Ticker Using Oracle BI Ticker View

Adding Text to Results Using Oracle BI Static Text View

Alerting Users to No Data Using Oracle BI No Results View

Showing the Logical SQL for a Request Using Oracle BI Logical SQL View

Creating Segments in Oracle's Siebel Marketing Using Oracle BI Create Segment View

Creating Lists of Contacts and Accounts Using Oracle BI Create Target List View

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Using Oracle BI Delivers

Overview of Oracle BI Delivers

Accessing Oracle BI Delivers

Creating and Managing iBots Using the Oracle BI Delivers Start Page

Reviewing Oracle BI Delivers iBot Settings

Specifying Oracle BI Delivers iBot Priority, Data Visibility, and Impersonation

Selecting a Request to Trigger an Oracle BI Delivers iBot

Scheduling an Oracle BI Delivers iBot

Selecting Users to Receive an Oracle BI Delivers iBot

Specifying the Delivery Content for an iBot

Selecting Destinations for an Oracle BI Delivers iBot

Specifying Actions to Execute on Completion of an Oracle BI Delivers iBot

Viewing, Modifying, Subscribing to and Customizing Oracle BI Delivers iBots

Configuring Your Oracle BI Delivers Devices, and Delivery Profiles

Using Oracle BI Delivers Delivery Profiles

Accessing Oracle BI Alerts

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Using Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards

Overview of Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards

Navigating in Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards

Creating a New Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard

Adding a New Page to an Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard

Adding Content to an Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard

Working with Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard Pages and Layout Using the Dashboard Editor

Adding and Displaying Content in an Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard Page Using the Dashboard Editor

Renaming and Deleting Objects on an Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard Page Using the Dashboard Editor

Modifying Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard Properties Using the Dashboard Editor

Changing the Properties of an Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard

Creating and Assigning Personal and Shared Saved Selections for an Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard Page

Accessing Another Oracle BI User's Account

Working with Oracle BI Publisher Reports

Working with Oracle BI Briefing Books

About Guided Navigation in Oracle BI

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Managing Content in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog

Managing Folders and Content in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog

Editing Names and Descriptions of Objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog

Copying or Moving Folders or Items in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog

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Oracle® Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.