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Showing Results as Gauges Using Oracle BI Gauge View

Use the gauge view to show results in gauges. Gauges are useful for showing performance against goals. Supported gauge types include dial, bar, and bulb-style gauges.

You can select the type of gauge and customize its appearance, including the title, the ranges to show, how many gauges to display in a row, and other characteristics such as gauge width and dial and indicator needle size. You can also set thresholds, borders and colors, and control other gauge characteristics.

Gauges are navigable. When a user clicks it, you can direct the user to another saved request, or dashboard.

This section explains how to work with gauges. It contains the following topics:

Description of Oracle BI Gauges

This section describes gauge types, subtypes, and sizes.

Gauge Types

Table 21 shows the gauges available from the Gauge drop-down list and describes their uses. The default gauge is a dial gauge.

Table 21. Oracle BI Gauge Selections
Gauge Type


A dial gauge shows data using a dial with one or more indicator needles that change position to indicate where the data falls within predefined limits.


A bar gauge shows data using a single bar that changes color to indicate whether the data is within predefined limits.


A bulb gauge shows data using a circle that changes color to indicate whether the data is within predefined limits. An array of bulb gauges is particularly useful for scorecard-type output.


Gauge Subtypes

Your selection for the gauge type determines the gauge subtypes that are available from the Type drop-down list. The dial gauge has no subtype. Gauge subtypes include the following:

  • Bar gauges: Filled and LED-style. The default subtype is filled.
  • Bulb gauges: 3-dimensional (3D) and 2-dimensional (2D). The default subtype is 3D.
Gauge Sizes

Gauge sizes include small, medium, large, and custom. The default size is medium.

Description of Oracle BI Gauge View Buttons

The buttons at the top of the gauge view page provide access to various gauge settings. Table 22 describes the gauge view buttons and settings.

Table 22. Oracle BI Gauge View Buttons and Settings
Gauge View Button

Allows you to set general properties for the background on which the gauge appears.

For more information, see Specifying General Gauge Background Properties in Oracle BI Gauge View.

Allows you to specify a title, a subtitle, a footer, and a secondary footer for the gauge.

For more information, see Adding Titles and Footers in Oracle BI Gauge View.

Allows you to specify the ranges to represent in the gauge.

For more information, see Adding Gauge Ranges in Oracle BI Gauge View.

Allows you to specify additional gauge properties, including control over the appearance of elements within the gauge, setting properties for gauge limits and tick marks, and specifying the interaction to occur when a user clicks the gauge.

For more information, see Specifying Additional Properties for a Gauge in Oracle BI Gauge View.

Allows you to set advanced properties for the dial in a dial gauge, including how scale labels are displayed, and the arc length and thickness of the dial.

For more information, see Setting Advanced Properties for the Dial in a Dial Gauge.

General Steps to Add or Modify an Oracle BI Gauge View

The following procedure provides the basic steps to add or modify a gauge view.

NOTE:  If you select a gauge type that is incompatible with the results, no results are shown.

To add or modify an Oracle BI gauge view

  1. In Oracle BI Answers, create or modify the request with which you want to work, and then perform one of the following actions:
    • To add a new gauge view, click the Results tab and choose Gauge from the views drop-down list.
    • To edit an existing gauge view, click the Results tab, choose Compound Layout from the views drop-down list, and then click the Edit View button for the gauge view.

      The workspace shows the options and settings for the view.

  2. Make your selections for the gauge, type, and size from the drop-down lists.
  3. For all gauge types, use the Measures drop-down list to select the measure to gauge.
  4. For dial gauges, use the Marker Type drop-down list select the indicator needle to use, such as a compass, arrow, or line.
    1. To select a color for the indicator needle, click the Color button and make a selection.
    2. To add another indicator needle, click the Add Marker button.
  5. Use the buttons at the top of the gauge view page to specify additional gauge settings.
  6. To remove changes and start from the default gauge view, click the Clear button.
  7. When you are done, you can save the request with the gauge view.

Specifying General Gauge Background Properties in Oracle BI Gauge View

You can set general properties for the background on which the gauge appears, such as whether to display a title and whether a legend appears with each gauge. You can also specify a background color, a color for the title, whether to show a border around the background, the number of gauges to show per row, and the space between them.

To set general background properties for an Oracle BI gauge view

  1. Click the gauge canvas properties button at the top of the gauge view page.

    The Gauge Canvas Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Make your selection for a title:
    • To edit the name of the measure, click the formatting button (next to the title field), to display the Edit text format dialog box, and make your selections.
    • To show a different title, click Override default and type the title text.
  3. For the legend, make a selection from the drop-down list.

    The default location for the legend is below the title.

    • To suppress the display of the legend, choose None.
  4. To set a background color for the area on which the gauge appears, click the background color button and make a selection.
  5. To show the title in a color, click the text color button and make a selection.
  6. To show a border along the edges of the background, click the border color button and make a selection.
  7. Specify the number of gauges to appear per row, and the space between them.

    The space between gauges is measured in pixels.

  8. Click OK.

    The gauge view refreshes. The view may resize to accommodate your selections.

Adding Titles and Footers in Oracle BI Gauge View

You can specify a title, a subtitle, a footer, and a secondary footer for the gauge. If the background holds multiple gauges, titles and footers appear for each gauge. Titles and footers are optional.

To add titles and footers in an Oracle BI gauge view

  1. Click the gauge titles button at the top of the gauge view page.

    The Gauge Titles dialog box appears.

  2. Type the text to use and click OK.

    NOTE:  As with the Narrative view, you can use @n to include the results from the designated column in the gauge titles. For example, @1 inserts the results from the first column, and @3 inserts the results from the third column. For more information, see Adding Narrative Text to Results Using Oracle BI Narrative View.

    The gauge view refreshes.

Adding Gauge Ranges in Oracle BI Gauge View

Gauge ranges identify the minimum and maximum values for each range and include a color in which the range will appear in the gauge, such as green for acceptable, yellow for warning, and red for critical.

You can set gauge ranges to a static value, a variable, the column name of the measure, or as the result of an SQL query.

To set gauge ranges in an Oracle BI gauge view

  1. Click the gauge ranges button at the top of the gauge view page.

    The Gauge Ranges dialog box appears.

  2. To add the first range, click the Add button.
    1. Type a caption for the range.
    2. To set the minimum and maximum gauge ranges, click the properties button and make a selection from the Advanced Options dialog box.

      The Advanced Options dialog box enables you to specify either a static value, a variable, a column name, or a SQL statement.

    3. To specify the color for the range, click the color button and make a selection.
  3. When you are done adding ranges, click OK.

    The gauge view refreshes.

Specifying Additional Properties for a Gauge in Oracle BI Gauge View

Additional gauge properties include control over the appearance of elements within the gauge, setting properties for scale items such as gauge limits and tick marks, and specifying the interaction to occur when a user clicks the gauge. These properties are set in the Additional Gauge Properties dialog box.

Choices for the appearance of a gauge appear on the Appearance tab and include the following items:

  • Whether data labels appear.

    Data labels can always appear, appear only when a user pauses the mouse over elements in the gauge, or never appear.

  • Selections for a background color for the gauge, the color of text within the gauge, and a border around the gauge.
  • The height and width of the gauge, in pixels.

Choices for scale properties appear on the Scale tab and include the following items:

  • Default or custom gauge limits.
  • The number of major and minor tick marks.

Choices for the user interaction with the gauge appear on the Interaction tab and include the following actions:

To specify the user interaction with an Oracle BI gauge view

  1. Click the following button at the top of the gauge view page:

    The Additional Gauge Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Interaction tab.

    To allow navigation to other saved requests or dashboards (when a user clicks the gauge):

    1. Select the Navigate radio button, and click the Add Navigation Target button.

      Target and Caption fields are displayed.

    2. If you want users to navigate to other saved requests or dashboards, click the Browse button to open the Choose Request/Dashboard dialog box, navigate to the target request or dashboard, and click OK to select the target.
    3. (Optional) Enter caption text in the Caption field.

      Caption text is displayed when the user clicks on the gauge.

      When no text is entered in the Caption field, the title of the target report or dashboard is displayed as the caption.

    4. To allow navigation to multiple saved requests, dashboards or Web sites, click the Add Navigation Target button, and repeat the previous steps.
    5. Click OK to save your changes.

      When a user clicks on the gauge, the following rules apply:

      • If multiple navigation paths exist to other saved requests or dashboards, a pop-up window displays a caption for each request/dashboard. Click a specific caption to navigate to the required request/dashboard.
      • If only a single navigation path exists, the request/dashboard is displayed.

        To disable navigation, click the None radio button.

  3. Click OK.

To specify appearance and scale properties in Oracle BI gauge view

  1. Click the additional gauge properties button at the top of the gauge view page.

    The Additional Gauge Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Make your selections from the Appearance and Scale tabs.
  3. Click OK.

    The gauge view refreshes.

Setting Advanced Properties for the Dial in a Dial Gauge

Advanced properties allow you to specify whether scale labels should appear and what value they should show, set the dial arc length, and select the thickness of the dial.

The following choices are available for the display of scale labels:

  • Percentage of total
  • Actual value

The dial arc length is expressed in degrees. For example, specifying 360 results in a dial gauge that is a complete circle.

The dial thickness is expressed in pixels. As you specify larger values, the gauge becomes thicker, and the inner perimeter of the dial becomes smaller. Specifying extremely large values relative to the dial size may cause the gauge to become distorted and is not recommended.

To specify advanced properties for the dial in a dial gauge

  1. Click the advanced options button at the top of the gauge view.

    The Dial Specific Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Make your selection for how the scale labels should appear.

    To suppress the display of scale labels, choose None.

  3. To set the dial arc length and dial thickness, click the option to specify them manually and enter values.
  4. Click OK.

    The gauge view refreshes.

Related Topics

Overview of Oracle BI Answers

Performing Common Tasks When Working with Oracle BI Views

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