Oracle® Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide > Using Oracle BI Delivers >

Specifying Oracle BI Delivers iBot Priority, Data Visibility, and Impersonation

Use the General tab to specify the priority of the iBot and how to send the delivery content.

You can set the priority to low, normal, or high. The priority works with the delivery profile for a user to determine the destination for alerts of different priorities.

The following data visibility options affect the personalization of the delivery content:

  • Personalized (individual data visibility)

    This option uses the data visibility of each recipient to customize iBot delivery content for each recipient. This setting does not use the Run As field.

    NOTE:  For requests, to have entries in the Oracle BI Server cache created for each user, choose this option. For more information, see About System Services for the Oracle BI Delivers iBot.

  • Not personalized (use the Run As user's data visibility)

    This option sends the iBot's delivery content to the specified recipients. All users receive the same content as if they were the user specified in the Run As field.

    This option is available only to users defined as Oracle BI Web administrators with at least one of the following privileges set in Oracle BI Web Administration:

    • Publish iBots for subscription
    • Deliver iBots to specific or dynamically determined users
  • Not personalized (use iBot owner's data visibility)

    This option sends the iBot's delivery content to the specified recipients using the data visibility of the user who created the iBot. All users receive the same content as if they were the iBot owner.

    This option is available to users that have at least one of the privileges listed previously, but does not require you to be defined as an Oracle BI Web administrator.

For an overview of Oracle BI Delivers, see Overview of Oracle BI Delivers.

To specify the priority of the iBot and how to send the delivery content

  1. Select the priority from the Priority drop-down list.
  2. Select the data visibility from the Data Visibility drop-down list.

    If you select the Not personalized option, specify the user ID to act as the Run As user.

Oracle® Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.