Oracle® Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide > Formatting Results in Oracle BI Answers > Using Column Formatting Functions in Oracle BI Answers >

Formatting Column Content In Oracle BI Answers

Use the Edit Format dialog box (and the options on the Value Format tab of the Column Properties dialog box) to choose font, cell, border, and advanced style formatting options for column data that is shown inside a cell in a tabular format, such as a table or pivot table. You can also choose settings for table and column headings.

NOTE:  The advanced style formatting options are for use by users who know how to work with cascading style sheets.

If you are overriding the default formatting properties for a column, your selections are static. If you are specifying conditional formatting properties for a column, your selections apply only if the condition is met.

The selections for horizontal and vertical alignment are similar to text justification selections in word processors. Vertical alignment does not have any impact unless the column spans multiple rows of other columns.

If you will save the settings as system defaults, the location must be accessible to all users. For more information, see Saving Your Oracle BI Answers Column Property Settings as the System-Wide Defaults.

  1. In the Font area, make your selections for font family, size, color, style (such as bold), and any effects to apply (such as underlining).
  2. In the Cell area, make your selections for alignment.
    • For horizontal alignment, choose one of the options described in the following table.
      Usage Notes


      Left justifies the data. This is the most common justification for text data.


      Right justifies the data. This is the most common justification for numeric data.


      Centers the data.


      Retains the default data alignment associated with this column.

    • For vertical alignment, choose one of the options described in the following table.
      Usage Notes


      Aligns the data to the top of the table cell.


      Aligns the data to the bottom of the table cell.


      Aligns the data to the middle of the table cell.


      Retains the default vertical alignment associated with this column.

  3. In the Cell area, make your selection for an image to display inside the cell by clicking the Image button.

    The Graphics dialog opens.

    • If you do not want to include an image, click the No Image option.
    • To include a custom image, click the Custom Image option and specify the appropriate path in the text box.

      The image should be one that is accessible to all users who will view the results. Custom images can be used for both conditional and unconditional results.

    • To include an image distributed with Oracle BI Answers, use the graphics selection window and make your selection by clicking the radio button next to the image.

      The window shows images that are useful in conditional formatting, such as meters and trend arrows. The left pane shows the categories of images. When you click on an image category, the right pane shows the images in that category.

    • To specify the location of the image within the cell, use the Image Placement drop-down list and select one of the options described in the following table.
      Usage Notes


      Displays any images in the default position, which is usually to the left of the column data or heading.

      Images Left

      Displays any images to the left of the column data or heading.

      Images Right

      Displays any images to the right of the column data or heading.

      Images Only

      Displays only the image, and not the column data or heading.

  4. In the Cell area, make your selection for a background color for the cell.
  5. In the Border area, make your selections for the border position, color, and style of the cell.
  6. To override style and class elements specified in Oracle BI style sheets, make your selections in the Advanced Style Options (CSS) area:
    1. Click the settings you want to use.
    2. Provide the location of the class, style, or style sheet.
  7. Click OK when you are done.
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