Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide > Administering Oracle BI Dashboards >

Integrating Answers into Other Portals or Intranets

The following customization settings are available for integrating Answers into other portals and intranets without requiring the use of Dashboards. These settings are configured in the XML message files.

You can perform the following actions:

  • Change the text of the Dashboards link.
  • Change the URL to which users are directed when they click that link.

NOTE:  Make sure that you first review the information in Customizing the Oracle BI Presentation Services User Interface Using XML Message Files before making any integration changes.

To change the text of the dashboards link

  1. Navigate to the file uimessages.xml.

    This file is located in the folder SAROOTDIR\web\msgdb\l_xx\messages, where SAROOTDIR is the installation directory, where xx is the language identifier of the selected locale.

    CAUTION:  Always make a backup copy of the file uimessages.xml before you make any changes.

  2. Use a text editor to open the file uimessages.xml.
  3. Locate the message "kmsgUIPortal."

    The message has the following form:

    <WebMessage name="kmsgUIPortal">



    The default text is Dashboards.

  4. Change the default text to text of your choosing.

    For example, to change the text to be your company's intranet, you might change it to the following:

    <WebMessage name="kmsgUIPortal">



  5. Save the file when you are done.

    Your changes take effect when the service for Oracle BI Presentation Services is restarted.

To change the destination of the dashboards link

  1. Navigate to the file controlmessages.xml.

    This file is located in the folder SAROOTDIR\web\msgdb\l_xx\messages, where SAROOTDIR is the installation directory and where xx is the language identifier of the selected locale.

    CAUTION:  Always make a backup copy of the file ControlMessages.xml before you make any changes.

  2. Use a text editor to open the file ControlMessages.xml.
  3. Locate the message "kmsgPortalLink."

    The message has the following form:

    <WebMessage name="kmsgPortalLink">


       <A insert="1">

        <MessageRef name="kmsgUIPortal" />




    The default location is Dashboards (indicated by the reference to insert="1", which is an internal reference).

  4. Change the default location to a location of your choosing.

    NOTE:  If no location is specified, no link appears in Answers.

    For example, to change this to your company's intranet, you can include the appropriate attributes and change it to point to that location instead:

    <WebMessage name="kmsgPortalLink">


       <A href="http://intranet" target="_top" title="Click here for your intranet">

        <MessageRef name="kmsgUIPortal" />




  5. Save the file when you are done.

    Your changes take effect when the service for Oracle BI Presentation Services is restarted.

For more information about controlling the default appearance and behavior of the Oracle BI Presentation Services user interface, read Customizing the Oracle BI Presentation Services User Interface Using XML Message Files.

Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.