Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide > Using Oracle BI Presentation Services Logging >

Oracle BI Presentation Services Configuration File Structure

The structure of the configuration XML file is shown in Figure 3. The cardinality of each node is shown in brackets.

Figure 3. Structure of a logconfig.xml File
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An example of a logconfig.xml file that has four writers is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Example of a logconfig.xml File with Four Writers
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An example of a logconfig.xml file that has one writer set up to record charting events is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Example of a logconfig.xml File with ChartLogger Writer
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A description of each node in the configuration hierarchy is shown in Table 18.

Table 18. Oracle BI Presentation Services Log Configuration File Elements


Contains writers configuration.

This configuration is loaded on startup.



Configures a writer.


Name of the C++ class that implements the writer.

The following implementations are defined:

  • FileLogWriter. Writes to a disk file.
  • CoutWriter. Writes to standard output.
  • EventLogWriter. Writes to Windows event log or UNIX syslog.
  • CrashWriter. Writes to a crash dump file when the Oracle BI Presentation Services attempts to log from a specific source file and line number.
    • Used in a production environment for information of some loggable but non-fatal error (for example, failed NQTEST).
    • On Windows, CrashWriter requires appropriate version of dbghelp.dll (at least
      The correct dbghelp.dll is found in support/windows/system32.
      Put this DLL in the WINNT/system32 or in the main/bin directory.
      No registration is required.


Unique name for the writer.


Integer number in the range 1-10. This number is used by filters to allow or prohibit logging.

Each distinct writer must have a unique value, which is used later for filter configuration.

Different writers may have the same class ID, but if they do, those writers cannot be distinguished by filters.

Writer (continued)


(optional) Specifies the format of logged messages. Valid values are:

  • default. Formats messages with identifying headings.
  • short. Formats messages in a shortened form without identifying headings.
  • xml. Formats messages in XML.

If you do not set this attribute, then logged messages appear in the default format.

For examples of these formats, see Examples of the Formats of Logged Messages.

FileLogWriter specific attributes:


Directory where log files are to be created.


Maximum size of the logging file in kilobytes.

When the file size limit is reached, the file is closed and a new logging file is created.


Log files prefix.


Maximum number of logging files.

When this number is exceeded, the logger starts to write to the beginning of the first file.

EventLogWriter specific attributes:


Event log source for logged events.

CrashWriter specific attributes:


Dump file path.

On Windows, a dump file is created in bin/coredumps and Oracle BI Presentation Services continues to run.


Dump file line number.


Contains definition for writer classes. Writer class is a group of Writer class IDs.


Contains (as child text) a comma-separated list of class IDs.


Name of the WriterClassGroup.


Contain filter configuration.



Specifies the group of writers to which this record is applied. WriterClassGroup should be defined previously in the WriterClassGroups section.


Log source path. To enable the logging of SOAP information, enter the following value:


Current filter record is applied to the software component identified by that path and all its subcomponents.


An integer that specifies the severity of the corresponding message type.

Only messages with a severity index less than the provided number are logged.




Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.