Oracle® Business Intelligence Web Services Guide > Description of Services in Oracle BI Web Services > SAWSessionService Service >

logonex() Method

Use this method to authenticate the user. Logonex() to the logon method, but logonex can specify optional session parameters. If authentication fails, an exception is thrown.


String AuthResult logonex(String username, String password, SAWSessionParameters sessionparams);


String username

Specifies the user name to authenticate.

String password

Specifies the password for the user. If there is no password, leave this field empty (void).

SAWSessionParameters sessionparams

Optional. Specifies the sessionparams to use, supplied in the SAWSessionParameters structure. For information about the SAWSessionParameters structure, read SAWSessionParameters Structure.


This method returns the AuthResult structure containing the session ID, and also sets an HTTP session cookie. The session ID is used in other methods to identify the Oracle BI Web Services session.

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