Oracle® Business Intelligence Web Services Guide > Description of Services in Oracle BI Web Services > XMLViewService Service >

executeXMLQuery() Method

Use this method to execute an XML query and return the results of the query.

NOTE:  If the results returned exceed one page, you need to use the fetchNext() Method to return the next page of rows.


QueryResults executeXMLQuery(ReportRef report, XMLQueryOutputFormat outputFormat, XMLQueryExecutionOptions executionOptions, ReportParams reportParams, String sessionID);


ReportRef reportRef

Specifies the report definition, supplied in the ReportRef common structure.

For more information, read ReportRef Structure.

XMLQueryOutputFormat outputFormat

Specifies the output format (for more information, see ).

XMLQueryExecutionOptions executionOptions

Specifies the query execution options (for more information, see XMLQueryExecutionOptions Structure).

ReportParams reportParams

Optional. Specifies the filters or variables to apply to the report before execution, supplied in the ReportParams common structure. For information about the ReportParams structure, read ReportParams Structure.

String sessionID

Specifies the unique ID of the session.


Returns the results of the query as one or more rows of data in a QueryResults structure (for more information, see QueryResults Structure).

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