Siebel Analytics Message Reference > Siebel Analytics Messages >

Utility and Configuration Messages

This category contains message numbers 46xxx - 48xxx.


Virtual page size is zero.

Cause.  An unknown internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


System cannot allocate temporary file name.

Cause.  The system cannot allocate the temporary file. The file may already be in use.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


File: @1%s open failed.

Cause.  The named file could not be opened. The file may not exist, or its permissions may be incorrect. This error could also occur because another application has the file locked.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Size of virtual table: @1%s is not a multiple of the record size: @2%d.

Cause.  The named virtual table is sized incorrectly due to an unknown error.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Virtual table: @1%s write failed.

Cause.  An attempt to write to the named virtual table failed due to an unknown error. The temporary work space may be full.

Response.  Verify that there is space on the path(s) specified in the NQSConfig.ini file WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter. To make more space available, shut down the Siebel Analytics Server and increase the maximum space available on one or more existing WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS entries in the NQSConfig.ini file or add additional entries to WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS. Save the updated NQSConfig.ini file and restart the Siebel Analytics Server. If the problem persists, or if the temporary work space is not full, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Resource load failure: @1%s.

Cause.  The named resource could not be loaded. There may be insufficient memory to perform the action. In some cases, a more specific error may have been logged to the server log which will assist in diagnosis and repair of the problem.

Response.  Refer to the NQServer.log file for detailed information on the cause of the problem. The default location for this file is the Log directory, in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. Log entries are self-explanatory and can be viewed using a text editor. If there is insufficient information in the server log to resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support for additional assistance.


Internal error: File @1%s, line @2%d.

Cause.  An internal error occurred at the specified location in the named file.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Write failure of merge record in work space.

Cause.  A merge record could not be written to the work space. This may be caused by insufficient memory or disk space.

Response.  Refer to the NQServer.log file for detailed information on the cause of the problem. The default location for this file is the Log directory, in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. Log entries are self-explanatory and can be viewed using a text editor. If there is insufficient information in the server log to resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support for additional assistance.


Sort key error at: @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred in the sort engine.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Sort key order error at: @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred in the sort engine.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Sort key offset error at: @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred in the sort engine.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Sort key data type: @1%d error.

Cause.  An internal error occurred in the sort engine.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Character type: @1%d error in sort key specification.

Cause.  An internal error occurred in the sort engine.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Sort key data field length error at: @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred in the sort engine.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Sort is unable to get work space directory.

Cause.  The work space directory is unavailable. If the directory is on another server, that server may be down or the network used to access that server could be unavailable.

Response.  The work directory is specified in the NQSConfig.ini file. Verify that the WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS value point to valid directories and that they can be accessed by the server. Correct any problems, and try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Sort has no work space in the work directory.

Cause.  The work directory has no available space. The disk may be full, or the directory may have reached its maximum size.

Response.  Make space available in the directory, or add another work directory to the NQSConfig.ini file by adding a path to the WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS value.


Merge set up for sorter failed.

Cause.  An internal error caused a merge file failure.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Merge file: @1%s is empty.

Cause.  The named merge file contains no records.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Sorter is not in merge state.

Cause.  An unknown error has occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cannot combine stable sort and duplicate record deletion together.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


No proper directory in work directory list: @1%s.

Cause.  A valid work directory cannot be found. The work directories are specified in the NQSConfig.ini file WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter.

Response.  Review the value of the WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file. Be sure fully qualified pathnames to existing, writable directories are specified. Correct any problems, and try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Sort work directory path: @1%s illegal.

Cause.  The named work directory path is invalid. The work directories are specified in the NQSConfig.ini file WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter.

Response.  Correct the invalid path and try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Dynamic link library: @1%s load error for Siebel Native API.

Cause.  The named dll could not be loaded.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unable to extract Siebel Native API from the loaded Dynamic link library: @1%s.

Cause.  The Siebel Native API could not be extracted from the named dll.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cannot convert multibyte string (@1%hs) to integer data.

Cause.  The source data is not a well-formed number.

Response.  Correct the mappings in the repository to generate well-formed numeric data. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cannot convert multibyte string (@1%hs) to floating point data.

Cause.  The source data is not a well-formed number.

Response.  Correct the mappings in the repository to generate well-formed numeric data. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unable to get the DLL path for the CLI @1%s from the NQSConfig.ini file.

Cause.  A path to dll for the named CLI could not be found.

Response.  Review the dynamic library parameters in the NQSConfig.ini file for the named CLI. Be sure the name of the dll is spelled correctly, and that the file exists in the Bin directory in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. Correct any errors and try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to load the DLL @1%s. Check if '@2%s' database client is installed.

Cause.  The named DLL failed to load. The specified database client, for example, Oracle 8, may not be installed.

Response.  Be sure the specified database client is installed and correctly configured. Then try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Field descriptor id @1%d is beyond the maximum field count @2%d.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


No field with descriptor id: @1%d is in the field descriptors for the record.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Field descriptor is not set for the record at location: @1%d.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Datatype: @1%d is not supported.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Data size: @1%d exceeded the defined field size: @2%d.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Datatype(@1%s) nullable(@2%d) unicode(@3%d) external char(@4%d) conversion to datatype(@5%s) nullable(@6%d) unicode(@7%d) external char(@8%d) is not supported.

Cause.  The source data cannot be converted as described.

Response.  If possible, correct the datatype in the repository to allow appropriate conversion.


Internal Assertion: Condition @1%s, file @2%s, line @3%d.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


File: @1%s write error - @2%s.

Cause.  The specified write error occurred for the named file. The disk drive may not have enough space.

Response.  Increase the number of temporary or cache directories available for use in the Siebel Analytics Server configuration file, NQSConfig.ini.


File: @1%s read error - @2%s.

Cause.  The specified read error occurred for the named file. Read failures typically occur when a file or a disk is corrupted.

Response.  Run a utility to determine if the disk is corrupted, and repair it, if possible. If the disk or file are not corrupted, and the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


File: @1%s open failed: @2%s

Cause.  The specified open error occurred for the named file. This may happen when trying to open a file that does not exist.

Response.  Verify that the file exists. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unable to allocate file backing storage, @1%hs, for shared memory: @2%s

Cause.  An allocate error occurred for the named file. This may happen when there is insufficient disk space to perform the action.

Response.  Verify that there is space on the path(s) specified in the NQSConfig.ini file WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter. To make more space available, shut down the Siebel Analytics Server and increase the maximum space available on one or more existing WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS entries in the NQSConfig.ini file or add additional entries to WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS. Save the updated NQSConfig.ini file and restart the Siebel Analytics Server. If the problem persists, or if the temporary work space is not full, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unable to map shared memory view of @1%ld bytes onto @2%hs: @3%s

Cause.  Shared virtual memory could not be mapped. This typically indicates insufficient free virtual memory or disk space.

Response.  Free additional virtual memory and disk space, and then try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unable to allocate record from shared memory segment: @1%hs

Cause.  An internal logic error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Internal error: @1%s, File @2%s, line @3%d.

Cause.  An internal logic error occurred at the specified location in the named file.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cannot convert string (@1%s) to integer data.

Cause.  The specified source data is not a well-formed number.

Response.  Correct the mappings in the repository to generate well-formed numeric data. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cannot convert string (@1%s) to floating point data.

Cause.  The specified source data is not a well-formed number.

Response.  Correct the mappings in the repository to generate well-formed numeric data. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Datetime value @1%s does not match the specified format.

Cause.  The specified source data is not a well-formed datetime string, based on the current datetime format.

Response.  Correct the mappings in the repository. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Datetime value @1%s from @2%s does not match the specified format.

Cause.  The source data is not a well-formed datetime string, based on the current datetime format.

Response.  Correct the mappings in the repository. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Datetime @1%s value @2%d from @3%s is out of range.

Cause.  The specified source data is not a well-formed date time string, based on the current datetime format.

Response.  Correct the mappings in the repository. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The datetime format @1%s is not valid.

Cause.  The specified datetime format string is invalid.

Response.  Correct the datetime format string.


The SUExpireCallback::Run method returned a time value less than or equal to the current time.

Cause.  An unknown SUTimer class usage error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Attempted to execute a member of SUTimer before the timer was started.

Cause.  An unknown SUTimer class usage error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Attempted to start SUTimer after it was already started.

Cause.  An unknown SUTimer class usage error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The License for the Product has Expired.

Cause.  The license has expired.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems customer support for assistance.


The license is invalid. The license file is either corrupted or not found.

Cause.  The license file is corrupted or cannot be found.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The license is going to expire in @1%d hours. Enable grace period, if disabled.

Cause.  The software license will expire in 168 hours (7 days).

Response.  The license must be renewed. Contact Siebel Systems customer support for assistance.


Attempt to stop service '@1%ls' on machine '@2%ls' failed.

Cause.  The specified service failed to stop as requested. Additional information typically follows this message. There are many possible causes of this error including: (1) the specified machine is down or does not exist, (2) the specified machine cannot be reached due to network problems, (3) the specified service is not installed or is not configured correctly, (4) the access rights on the service restrict the issuing process from performing the operation, (5) the service is already started.

Response.  Examine the following messages and the Event Log on the specified machine to determine the course of action. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Attempt to start service '@1%ls' on machine '@2%ls' failed.

Cause.  The specified service failed to start as requested. Additional information typically follows this message. There are many possible causes of this error including: (1) the specified machine is down or does not exist, (2) the specified machine can not be reached due to network problems, (3) the specified service is not installed or is not configured correctly, (4) the access rights on the service restrict the issuing process from performing the operation, (5) the service is not running.

Response.  Examine the following messages and the Event Log on the specified machine to determine the course of action. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The service failed to complete startup and reported error 0x@1%08x.

Cause.  The service did not complete the startup process but reported the specified error.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The service failed to complete startup and did not report an error.

Cause.  The service did not complete the startup process and failed to report a specific error code.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The service is in an unexpected state (0x@1%08x).

Cause.  The service reported that it was in the specified state and this is not a valid state for the current operation being performed.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The service failed to respond and complete the operation within the allocated time.

Cause.  Each service specifies the amount of time that should be allowed for specific operations but the service failed to complete the operation within this time. The service may be in an indeterminate state after this error or may have subsequently completed the requested operation. The service may not be responding properly and it may be necessary to terminate the service.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The operating system returned the following error: (@1%d) '@2%ls'.

Cause.  An operating system call returned the specified error. This message is usually preceded by other messages that provide additional context.

Response.  Examine any preceding messages and act on those messages. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cannot allocate any more operating system kernel resources (e.g. mutex, thread, etc.).

Cause.  Too many operating system kernel objects have been allocated.

Response.  Reconfigure your operating system to allow more kernel objects. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Out of memory in operating system kernel.

Cause.  Too many operating system kernel objects have allocated.

Response.  Reconfigure your operating system to allow more kernel objects. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unexpected error.

Cause.  An unknown error (such as a third party library access violation) has occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Operation cancelled.

Cause.  The operation was cancelled as a response to an external cancellation request, or from internal resource management or governing.

Response.  Run the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Queue has been shut down. No more operations will be accepted.

Cause.  The system may have been shut down by the administrator.

Response.  Contact the Siebel Analytics Server administrator.


System Host-ID is not licensed.

Cause.  System HostID does not match the license.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems customer support for license assistance.


The product is not licensed.

Cause.  The product is not enabled in the license.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems customer support for license assistance.


The product is not licensed to run on this platform.

Cause.  The platform does not match the license.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems customer support for license assistance.


The product version does not match the license.

Cause.  The product version does not match the license.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems customer support for license assistance.


A search for files matching wildcard '@1%s'failed with error: (@2%d) @3%s.

Cause.  An attempt to locate all files matching the specified wildcard failed. This may be the result of specifying an incorrect Siebel Analytics configuration parameter or a system environment problem. This message often results from specifying a directory in a Siebel Analytics configuration file when the directory level permissions prohibit access by the reporting Siebel Analytics product.

Response.  For additional information, examine any messages that may accompany this one. Determine if the directory specified in the message exists and is accessible to the reporting Siebel Analytics product. Make the appropriate changes and corrections to the NQSConfig.ini file or system environment. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Operation '@1%s' on file '@2%s' failed with error: (@3%d) @4%s.

Cause.  The indicated error was encountered while processing the specified file. This may be the result of specifying an incorrect Siebel Analytics configuration parameter or a system environment problem.

Response.  For additional information, examine any messages that may accompany this one. Determine if the directory or file specified in the message is in the proper state and, if appropriate, is accessible to the reporting Siebel Analytics product. Make the appropriate changes and corrections to the NQSConfig.ini file or system environment. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Operation 'CopyFile' from '@1%s' to '@2%s' failed with error: (@3%d) @4%s.

Cause.  The indicated error was encountered while copying the specified file. This may be the result of specifying an incorrect Siebel Analytics configuration parameter or a system environment problem.

Response.  For additional information, examine any messages that may accompany this one. Determine if the directories or files specified in the message are in the proper state and, if appropriate, are accessible to the reporting Siebel Analytics product. Make the appropriate changes and correction to the NQSConfig.ini file or system environment. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Operation 'MoveFile' from '@1%s' to '@2%s' failed with error: (@3%d) @4%s.

Cause.  The indicated error was encountered while renaming the specified file. This may be the result of specifying an incorrect Siebel Analytics configuration parameter or a system environment problem.

Response.  For additional information, examine any messages that may accompany this one. Determine if the directories or files specified in the message are in the proper state and, if appropriate, are accessible to the reporting Siebel Analytics product. Make the appropriate changes and correction to the NQSConfig.ini file or system environment. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Trying to access a closed file.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Illegal file open mode for file: @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cannot open file: @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unknown Licensing Error occurred.

Cause.  An internal error occurred in the Licensing API, which cannot be handled.

Response.  Verify that licensing and its supporting libraries have been installed and setup correctly. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unable to create XML parser object.

Cause.  This is caused by a failed COM call to create an XML parser object.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


XML Parser failed.

Cause.  The XML file is invalid or corrupt.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid Siebel Analytics Bin directory: @1%s.

Cause.  The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Bin directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. The Siebel Analytics software installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.

Response.  Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid Siebel Analytics Document directory: @1%s.

Cause.  The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Document directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. The Siebel Analytics software installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.

Response.  Compete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid Siebel Analytics Data directory: @1%s.

Cause.  The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Data directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. The Siebel Analytics software installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.

Response.  Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid Siebel Analytics Sample directory: @1%s.

Cause.  The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Sample directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. The Siebel Analytics software installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.

Compete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid Siebel Analytics Log directory: @1%s.

Cause.  The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Log directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. The Siebel Analytics software installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.

Response.  Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid Siebel Analytics Repository directory: @1%s.

Cause.  The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Repository directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. The Siebel Analytics software installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.

Response.  Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid repository file: @1%s.

Cause.  The specified file is not a Siebel Analytics repository.

Response.  Specify a valid repository and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid work directory: @1%s.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the named work directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.

Response.  Review the directories specified in the WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file, and correct the invalid entry. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server.


Invalid cache file storage location: @1%s.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the named location specified for storing cache files does not exist or cannot be accessed.

Response.  Review the directories specified in the DATA_STORAGE_PATHS parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file, and correct the invalid entry. All specified directories must exist and must be writable. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server.


Invalid cache metadata file: @1%s.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the named cache metadata file does not exist or cannot be accessed. A directory path may be specified without a file name, the fully-qualified name may contain an invalid directory, or the specified file may not be writable.

Response.  Review the METADATA_FILE parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file, and correct any errors. The filename must be a fully qualified pathname and the file must be writable. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server.


Configuration NQSConfig.ini file parse error.

Cause.  A error occurred while parsing the NQSConfig.ini file. This message may be accompanied by additional messages indicating the specific errors that were detected.

Response.  Correct the configuration errors in the NQSConfig.ini file before restarting the server. If no errors can be found, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Syntax error in NQSConfig.ini file.

Cause.  The NQSConfig.ini file contains a syntax error.

Response.  Review the NQServer.log file for detailed information on the location of the syntax error. The default location for this file is the Log directory in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. Log entries are self-explanatory and can be viewed using a text editor.


NLS locale @1%s is not supported by the operating system.

Cause.  The specified NLS locale is not supported by the existing operating system.

Response.  Specify an appropriate NLS locale that is supported by the operating system.


Invalid locale directory @1%s.

Cause.  The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Locale directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. The Siebel Analytics software installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.

Response.  Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid error message catalog: @1%s.

Cause.  The specified error message catalog is invalid, does not exist, or cannot be accessed. The Siebel Analytics software installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.

Response.  Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Error message catalog: @1%s load error.

Cause.  The specified error message catalog could not be loaded.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Server log start failed.

Cause.  Logging could not be started for the Siebel Analytics Server. The Log directory in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory may not exist or may not be accessible. The Siebel Analytics software installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.

Response.  Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Siebel_dir home directory is not in the registry.

Cause.  The Siebel_dir registry setting reflects the location where the Siebel Analytics software is installed. This directory is specified during installation. The registry may be corrupted, or the Siebel Analytics software installation may be incomplete or corrupted.

Response.  Review the registry and repair the Siebel_dir setting. If necessary, complete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


@1%s is not a valid Siebel_dir home directory path.

Cause.  The Siebel_dir registry setting reflects an invalid directory structure. The directory structure does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Siebel Analytics software installation may be incomplete or corrupted.

Response.  Review the registry and correct the Siebel_dir setting. If necessary, complete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The value (@1%0d) specified for METADATA_BACKUP_FREQUENCY_MINUTES exceeds the maximum value (@2%0d) allowed.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the specified value for the METADATA_BACKUP_FREQUENCY_MINUTES parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file was too large. This value specifies the amount of time, in minutes, between each backup of the cache metadata file. The maximum value is 10080 minutes (7 days).

Response.  Correct the value of the METADATA_BACKUP_FREQUENCY_MINUTES parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file and restart the server. To disable periodic updates of the metadata file, specify a value of 0 for this parameter. See the Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide for additional information.


No specific error code was available for NT Event Logging, error message follows: @1%s

Cause.  A Siebel Analytics component attempted to log a message to the NT Event Log, but the specific error code could not be logged. The text of the message, which usually includes the error number, is displayed.

Response.  The message text describes the error and usually contains the error code. Consult the system manual for additional information about the specified error code, including any corrective action that may be required. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


@1%s is not a valid Job Accounting directory path.

Cause.  The named Job Accounting directory, specified in the NQSConfig.ini file, does not exist or cannot be accessed.

Response.  Review the STORAGE_DIRECTORY parameter in the ACCOUNTING section of the NQSConfig.ini file, and correct the invalid entry. The directory listed must be a valid fully-qualified, writable directory pathname, with double quotes (") surrounding the pathname. Specify local or mapped directories only; UNC names are not supported. If usage tracking is enabled, but no storage directory is specified, the files are written to the Log directory, in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory.


Illegal zero maximum space for cache file storage location: @1%s.

Cause.  The server failed to start because the maximum space allocated to a cache file storage location was zero.

Response.  All DATA_STORAGE_PATHS entries in the NQSConfig.ini file must have non-zero maximum space allocated. Restart the server.


The Siebel Analytics Server participates in a cluster but errors were found in the cluster configuration file.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the NQSConfig.ini file indicated the server was to participate in a cluster but errors were found in the cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini). The log files usually contain additional messages about the specific errors encountered.

Response.  Review the cluster configuration file and correct any errors. If the Siebel Analytics Server should not participate in a cluster, set CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT = NO in the NQSConfig.ini file.


The Siebel Analytics Server participates in a cluster but an internal error occurred while processing the cluster configuration file.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start. The NQSConfig.ini file indicated the server was to participate in a cluster but an unknown exception occurred while processing the cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini). The log files may contain additional messages about the specific errors encountered.

Response.  Review the cluster configuration file and correct any errors. Verify that the file can be read. If one of the Cluster Controllers or Siebel Analytics Servers on another node in the cluster is starting correctly, consider copying the cluster configuration file from the working node to the configuration directory on the node that is encountering errors. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The Siebel Analytics Server Configuration File indicates that this node participates in a cluster but its name (@1%ls) is not in list of Siebel Analytics Server nodes in the Cluster Configuration File.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server configuration file, NQSConfig.ini, and the cluster configuration file, NQClusterConfig.ini, are out of sync.

Response.  If the Siebel Analytics Server should participate in a cluster, add the server to the SERVERS list in the cluster configuration file, NQClusterConfig.ini. If the server should not participate in the cluster, set CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT = NO in the NQSConfig.ini file.


The server locale @1%s or sort type @2%s is not valid.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the LOCALE or the SORT_TYPE entry in the NQSConfig.ini file is invalid.

Response.  Verify that the LOCALE value is a valid value, supported by Siebel Systems. Verify that the locale is installed and supported by the operating system. Verify that the combination of LOCALE and SORT_TYPE values is valid. Make the necessary corrections and restart the server.


The Siebel Analytics Server is specified as participating in a cluster but is missing the required REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY entry.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the NQSConfig.ini file indicated, via the CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT entry, that the server participates in a cluster but the required REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY was not specified.

Response.  Update the NQSConfig.ini file to either specify that this Siebel Analytics Server does not participate in a cluster or specify a valid REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY entry.


The Siebel Analytics Server is specified as participating in a cluster but is missing the required REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY entry.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the NQSConfig.ini file indicated, via the CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT entry, that the server participates in a cluster but the required REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY was not specified.

Response.  Update the NQSConfig.ini file to either specify that this Siebel Analytics Server does not participate in a cluster or specify a valid REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY entry.


The repository publishing directory specified via REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY is a relative path.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the NQSConfig.ini file specified a relative path for the value of REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY. The publishing directory must always be specified as an absolute path.

Response.  Update the NQSConfig.ini file to specify an absolute path for REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY.

 Siebel Analytics Message Reference
 Published: 11 March 2004