Siebel Analytics Message Reference > Siebel Analytics Messages >

Cache Management Messages

This category contains message numbers 55xxx - 58xxx.


The physical table @1%s in a cache polled row does not exist.

Cause.  A row in the Siebel Analytics event polling table refers to a physical table that does not exist. No cache invalidation was performed for this row.

Response.  Make sure that the techniques used to insert rows into the Siebel Analytics event polling table use table names consistent with the physical layer of the repository. The table names in the Siebel Analytics event polling table must match the name defined for the table in the Physical Layer of the Administration Tool.


The physical table @1%s in a cache polled row is ambiguous.

Cause.  A row in the Siebel Analytics event polling table refers to a physical table name that is ambiguous. No cache invalidation was performed for this row.

Response.  Change the techniques used to insert rows into the Siebel Analytics event polling table to use fully qualified table names.


The cache polling SELECT query failed for table @1%s.

Cause.  The SELECT query used to retrieve the rows from the Siebel Analytics event polling table failed.

Response.  Check that the Siebel Analytics event polling table exists in the database and is accessible. To see the SQL statement that is causing the problem, set the Siebel Analytics query logging level to 2 for the Administrator user name. Cache invalidation will not be performed until the problem is corrected.


The prepare operation failed while polling from table @1%s.

Cause.  The attempt to retrieve rows from the Siebel Analytics event polling table failed.

Response.  Check that the Siebel Analytics event polling table exists in the database and is accessible. Cache invalidation will not be performed until the problem is corrected.


The cache polling delete statement failed for table @1%s.

Cause.  The attempt to remove rows from the Siebel Analytics event polling event table failed.

Response.  Check that the Siebel Analytics event polling table is accessible for Delete operations. Cache invalidation will continue to occur correctly, but the number of rows in the Siebel Analytics event polling table will increase.


Invalid update code @1%d during cache polling. The physical table is @2%s.

Cause.  An invalid update code was found when retrieving rows from a Siebel Analytics event polling table. No cache invalidation was performed for this row.

Response.  Change the techniques used to insert rows into the Siebel Analytics event polling table to use a valid update code.


An illegal null value was found in the polling row: @1%s.

Cause.  A null value was found when retrieving a row from a Siebel Analytics event polling table. Several columns of the polling table cannot contain null values, including UpdateType and UpdateTime. No cache invalidation was performed for this row.

Response.  Change the techniques used to insert rows into the Siebel Analytics event polling table, so null values cannot be specified for these columns. For more information about the Siebel Analytics event polling table structure, see the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide.


The cache polling event table @1%s has an incorrect schema.

Cause.  The schema for the Siebel Analytics event polling table does not conform to the requirements.

Response.  Change the schema in the physical layer of the repository to conform to the Siebel Analytics event polling table requirements, and make sure that a compatible schema exists for the table in the database system. For more information about the Siebel Analytics event polling table structure, see the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide.


Query Cache Statistics -- Hits:@1%1.0f(@2%1.0f%%), Qualified Misses:@3%1.0f(@4%1.0f%%), Unqualified Misses:@5%1.0f(@6%1.0f%%).

Cause.  This message contains statistical information about the cache system.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Query Cache loaded with @1%d entries from saved cache files.

Cause.  This message contains statistical information about the cache system.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Query Cache disabled due to error while loading saved cache files.

Cause.  A problem occurred while loading the saved cache files, causing the query cache to be disabled.

Response.  Refer to the NQServer.log file for detailed information on the cause of the problem. The default location for this file is the Log directory in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. Log entries are self-explanatory and can be viewed using a text editor. If there is insufficient information in the server log to resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support for additional assistance.


A fatal error occurred while initializing the cache.

Cause.  The server detected some problem while starting the cache system.

Response.  Refer to the NQServer.log file for detailed information on the cause of the problem. The default location for this file is the Log directory in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. Log entries are self-explanatory and can be viewed using a text editor. If there is insufficient information in the server log to resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support for additional assistance.


Purged @1%d uninterpretable entries while initializing the cache.

Cause.  The server encountered cache entries from an earlier release while starting the cache system.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.

 Siebel Analytics Message Reference
 Published: 11 March 2004