Siebel Analytics Message Reference > Siebel Analytics Messages >

External Access Messages

This category contains message numbers 60xxx.


Connection failed for: @1%s with message: @2%s.

Cause.  A connection for the named connection pool failed with the specified message.

Response.  Use the Administration Tool to correct the connection pool configuration and retry the action.


The Gateway Connection Pool is unstable. Please stop and restart the Siebel Analytics Server.

Cause.  The connection pool is unstable due to unknown errors.

Response.  Stop and restart the Siebel Analytics Server. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The prefetch of records into virtual storage failed.

Cause.  An unknown error occurred while trying to write records into a temporary file. There may be insufficient space on the disk.

Response.  Verify that there is space on the path(s) specified in the NQSConfig.ini file WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter. To make more space available, shut down the Siebel Analytics Server and increase the maximum space available on one or more existing WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS entries in the NQSConfig.ini file or add additional entries to WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS. Save the updated NQSConfig.ini file, restart the Siebel Analytics Server, and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The virtual table is not set in the database gateway.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


There is an improper prefetch setting in the database gateway.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to load the gateway DLL for the CLI @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Database gateway execution is cancelled.

Cause.  The database gateway execution is cancelled. This can be caused by a normal request or event, or an error.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. If this behavior is unexpected, review the log files for additional information.


The user request exceeded the maximum query governing rows from the database.

Cause.  The user request resulted in a query that attempted to retrieve more rows than is allowed. The query is terminated.

Response.  Use the Security Manager in the Administration Tool to modify the maximum number of rows the user or group is allowed to retrieve from a database. See the Security chapter in the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for more information about controlling query privileges. Optionally, modify the request to retrieve fewer rows.


The user request exceeded the maximum query governing execution time.

Cause.  The user request resulted in a query that exceeded execution time limits on the database. The query is terminated.

Response.  Use the Security Manager in the Administration Tool to modify the maximum time a query can run on the database. See the Security chapter in the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for more information about controlling query privileges. Optionally, modify the request to take less time.


User @1%s retrieved @2%ld rows, exceeding the maximum rows warning limit for database @3%s: @4%s.

Cause.  The named user request retrieved the specified number of rows, which exceeded the maximum allowed.

Response.  This is a warning message. You can use the Security Manager in the Administration Tool to modify the maximum number of rows the user or group is allowed to retrieve from a database. See the Security chapter in the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for more information about controlling query privileges.


User @1%s (elapsed execution time: @2%ld seconds) exceeded the maximum execution time warning limit for database @3%s: @4%s.

Cause.  The named user request exceeded the maximum execution time limits for the named database.

Response.  This is an warning message. You can use the Security Manager in the Administration Tool to modify the maximum time a query can run on the database. See the Security chapter in the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for more information about controlling query privileges.


The Siebel_GATEWAY_PROCESS environment variable is not compatible with parameterized queries.

Cause.  A parameterized query is being executed in a system where the SIEBEL_GATEWAY_PROCESS environment variable has been set. This combination is not allowed.

Response.  Remove the SIEBEL_GATEWAY_PROCESS environment variable and reboot the system. Alternatively, turn off Drive Table join hints to prevent parameterized queries.


The XML adapter currently does not support multiple statement transactions.

Cause.  Explicit transaction start and end commands are not currently supported by the XML adapter.

Response.  Use another connection pool call interface type (such as native) to process the transaction.

 Siebel Analytics Message Reference
 Published: 11 March 2004