Siebel Analytics Message Reference > Siebel Analytics Messages >

Internal Navigation Messages

This category contains message numbers 14xxx - 15xxx.


Column @1%s (ID=@2%s) is not part of a table.

Cause.  The named column is not part of a table.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Column @1%s (ID=@2%s) is not associated to a level.

Cause.  The named column is incorrectly defined or an internal error occurred.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cannot complete the translation of the following level table filter: @1%s.

Cause.  The named level table filter is incorrectly defined or an internal error occurred.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Union view @1%s contains only one part. A union view must contain at least two parts.

Cause.  The named union view is incorrectly defined or an internal error occurred.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Mismatched columns in part @1%ld of union view @2%s.

Cause.  The named union view is incorrectly defined or an internal error occurred.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unsupported predicate: @1%s.

Cause.  A predicate is incorrectly specified or an internal error occurred.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unsupported conjunction of predicates: (1) @1%s, and (2) @2%s.

Cause.  A predicate is incorrectly specified or an internal error occurred.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Inconsistent lower and upper interval values: @1%s, @2%s.

Cause.  The fragment range content specification is not valid.

Response.  Rewrite the fragment content specification so that the lower limit is less than the higher limit.


Error in @1%s. Multiple references to different columns are not supported within predicates and OR conditions.

Cause.  The specified query is invalid.

Response.  Correct the query to remove the multiple references to different column and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Parent view @1%s does not belong to the same subject area as @2%s.

Cause.  The named parent view is incorrectly defined.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Missing or invalid subject area for view @1%s.

Cause.  The subject area for the specified view is invalid or missing.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid conditional expression: @1%s.

Cause.  The specified conditional expression is invalid.

Response.  Correct the expression and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Missing view for fact table: @1%s.

Cause.  The specified fact table is incorrectly defined or an internal error occurred.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Fact table aggregation level @1%s is not within one of the subject area's dimension hierarchies.

Cause.  The specified fact table aggregation level is invalid.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Key column @1%s is not projected out by level source: @2%s.

Cause.  The named key column is incorrectly defined.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Queries requesting a grand total along with foreign keys from the fact table are not supported.

Cause.  The query is invalid because it requests a grand total along with foreign keys from a fact table.

Response.  Correct the query and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Key column @1%s is missing in the logical data source at the @2%s aggregation level.

Cause.  At the specified aggregation level, the named logical data source is missing a specified key column.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Logical data source has a missing most detailed data aggregation level.

Cause.  The logical data source is incorrectly defined, or an internal error occurred.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Improperly defined repository: no fact tables.

Cause.  The repository definition is invalid.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


None of the fact tables are compatible with the query request @1%s.

Cause.  The query is invalid, or the repository is incorrectly defined.

Response.  Review the query and the available fact tables in the repository, and make the appropriate corrections. Try your actions again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Improperly defined repository: unrecognizable aggregate expression in @1%s.

Cause.  The repository definition is invalid, or an internal error occurred.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unknown navigation error for request @1%s.

Cause.  The named request could not be completed due to an unknown navigation error.

Response.  Review the request, and correct any errors. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


None of the fact sources for @1%s are compatible with the detail filter @2%s.

Cause.  The repository definition is inconsistent with the query.

Response.  Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Summary filter @1%s is not supported by any of the fact sources.

Cause.  The repository definition is inconsistent with the query.

Response.  Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


No fact table exists at the requested level of detail: @1%s.

Cause.  The repository definition is inconsistent with the query.

Response.  Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unable to navigate requested expression: @1%s. Please fix the metadata consistency warnings.

Cause.  The metadata is inconsistent.

Response.  Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The navigator cannot handle the following request containing constants only: @1%s.

Cause.  The specified request is invalid.

Response.  Review the query and make the appropriate modifications. Correct any other problems and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Level predicates can only be combined with other level predicates in a disjunction.

Cause.  The query is invalid.

Response.  Correct the query and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The dynamic navigation level intersection space is not consistent with the static metadata.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unsupported level predicate: Predicate ID = @1%ld.

Cause.  The query is invalid because the specified level predicate is unsupported.

Response.  Correct the query and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The content filter of a source for logical table: @1%s references multiple dimensions.

Cause.  The source content filter for the named logical table is invalid.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Fact source contents must be described at a single level of aggregation.

Cause.  The repository definition is invalid.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Missing level column for table @1%s. A dimension table can only support multiple levels of content if there is a level column.

Cause.  The named dimension table requires multiple levels of content, but includes no level column.

Response.  Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The logical level column must be mapped to physical objects for a physical classic star dimension table source.

Cause.  The logical level is not mapped to physical columns.

Response.  Correct the mapping of the logical level so that the logical columns map to physical columns.


The logical table @1%s is associated to more than one dimension.

Cause.  The named logical dimension table is associated with multiple dimensions.

Response.  Correct your business model in the Business Model and Mapping Layer, so that the named logical dimension table is only associated with a single dimension.


The logical column @1%s is associated to a dimension different than the other columns in the logical table.

Cause.  The named logical column definition is invalid. It is not associated with the same dimension as other columns in the logical table.

Response.  Correct your business model in the Business Model and Mapping Layer, so that the named logical column is associated with the same dimension as the other columns in the logical table. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Improperly defined subject area. No logical fact table in subject area @1%ls.

Cause.  The named subject area is invalid, because it does not contain a logical fact table.

Response.  Correct the subject area definition so that it contains a logical fact table. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Missing key column counterpart to foreign key column @1%ls. Foreign key @2%ls has no associated key.

Cause.  The specified foreign key has no associated key column counterpart. The repository definition is invalid.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Physical foreign key @1%s has @2%ld columns, whereas the corresponding key @3%s has @4%ld columns. Edit the foreign key object to specify matching columns.

Cause.  The physical foreign key specifies a different number of columns than the corresponding key. The repository definition is invalid.

Response.  Review the repository foreign key object definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Missing definition for derived logical column @1%ls.

Cause.  The named derived logical column is not defined. The repository definition is invalid.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Error in measure definition for column @1%ls. Nested aggregate measure definitions are currently not supported.

Cause.  The measure definition for the named column is invalid. It may contain a nested aggregate.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Requested @1%ld levels of aggregation. (Maximum number of levels of aggregation in a query is @2%ld.)

Cause.  The query exceeds the maximum allowable level of aggregation.

Response.  Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The join condition @1%s does not contain references to both tables!

Cause.  The specified join condition is missing a table reference. The repository definition is invalid.

Response.  Review the join condition definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Missing join between logical tables: @1%s and @2%s.

Cause.  The repository definition is invalid because there is a missing join condition between the two named tables.

Response.  Add the appropriate join condition definition for the named tables. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


There must be at least one physical join link between the underlying physical tables @1%s and @2%s.

Cause.  The repository definition is invalid. At least one physical join link must exist between the two named physical tables.

Response.  Add the appropriate join condition definition for the named tables. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


No physical join relationships exist between any of the following tables: left = @1%s and right = @2%s.

Cause.  The repository definition is invalid. At least one physical join must exist between the two named physical tables.

Response.  Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


No common drill-down child exists for the following levels: @1%s and @2%s.

Cause.  The named levels lack common drill-down children.

Response.  Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The SQL request is logically inconsistent.

Cause.  The query is invalid because it is logically inconsistent.

Response.  Correct the query and try again.


Internal Error: expression @1%s spans multiple dimensions.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Internal Error: could not find level detailed enough for GROUP BY clause: @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Internal Error: Level @1%s has a NULL dimension pointer.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Internal Error: Logical column @1%s.@2%s has no physical sources that can be joined to the physical fact table source @3%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Subject area @1%s is unavailable.

Cause.  The subject area has been marked as unavailable.

Response.  Use the Administration Tool to make the subject area available, and retry the action.


Unable to load subject area: @1%s.

Cause.  The named subject area could not be loaded. The repository definition for the subject area may be inconsistent.

Response.  Review the repository definition for the subject area and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Loading subject area: @1%s ...

Cause.  The named subject area is being loaded.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Finished loading subject area: @1%s.

Cause.  The named subject area has been successfully loaded.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Unloaded subject area: @1%s.

Cause.  The named subject area has been unloaded.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Unloaded all subject areas.

Cause.  All subject areas have been unloaded.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Illegal query: cannot request both @1%s and its aggregation in the same query.

Cause.  The query is invalid.

Response.  Review the query and the associated repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Illegal query: cannot request both summary and detail data in the same query.

Cause.  The query is invalid.

Response.  Review the query and the associated repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Specified drill-down selection does not exist.

Cause.  The query is invalid.

Response.  Review the query and the associated repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Measure header drill-down is not supported.

Cause.  The query is invalid.

Response.  Review the query and the associated repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


@1%s is not mapped properly in one of the sources for that table.

Cause.  The repository definition is invalid because the named dimension column is not properly mapped.

Response.  Review the repository definition and correct the dimension column mapping. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Dimensional column, @1%s.@2%s, has associations with more than one level: @3%s.

Cause.  The repository definition is invalid because the named dimensional column is associated with multiple levels.

Response.  Review the repository definition and correct the dimension column level associations. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Illegal cross join within the same dimension caused by incorrect subject area setup: @1%s with @2%s

Cause.  The metadata for this subject area has been incorrectly defined.

Response.  Use the Administration Tool to correct the subject area metadata.


Dimensional logical table sources with nested outer joins cannot mix shared fact tables across the outer join.

Cause.  A dimension table source contains outer joins with tables partially shared in common with a fact table source, resulting in a complex join merging problem across dimension and fact table sources.

Response.  Use the Administration Tool to eliminate mixed sharing, such as including all the driving tables in the fact source.


Inconsistent lower and upper interval values: @1%s, @2%s.

Cause.  The fragment range content specification is invalid.

Response.  Rewrite the fragment content specification to make the lower limit less than the higher limit.


Inconsistent lower and upper interval values: @1%s, @2%s.

Cause.  The fragment range content specification is invalid.

Response.  Rewrite the fragment content specification to make the lower limit less than or equal to the higher limit.


Inconsistent lower and upper interval values for a non-inclusive range: @1%s, @2%s.

Cause.  The fragment range content specification is invalid.

Response.  Rewrite the fragment content specification to make the lower limit less than the higher limit.


Could not load navigation space for subject area @1%s.

Cause.  The named subject area may be inconsistent.

Response.  Review the repository definition for the subject area and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Missing navigation space for subject area @1%s.

Cause.  The named subject area is unavailable for query purposes.

Response.  Ask the Administrator to make the subject area available. The Administrator should check the repository for inconsistencies and compilation errors before making the subject area available.


Missing most detailed table for dimension tables: @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Internal Error: Missing functional dependency association for column: @1%s.@2%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Internal Error: Missing table to dimension linkage for table @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Internal Error: Orphaned table @1%s has no subject area parent.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Table @1%s.@2%s is not in subject area @3%s. Make sure that presentation tables only contain columns from the same subject area.

Cause.  The named presentation table is not in the specified subject area.

Response.  Make sure that presentation tables only contain columns from the same subject area. After making the appropriate corrections, try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Logical column @1%s.@2%s has an aggregate measure definition with a secondary aggregation rule expression, @3%s, that does not refer to the logical column.

Cause.  The aggregate measure definition for the named column is invalid.

Response.  Correct the secondary aggregation rule expression for the named column and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Multiple paths exist to table @1%s. Circular logical schemas are not supported.

Cause.  The repository contains a circular logical scheme, which is not supported.

Response.  Correct the repository so it does not contain multiple paths to the named table, and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The join cardinality for the logical join relationship @1%s (between tables @2%s and @3%s) is specified incorrectly. (Note that many-to- many logical joins require bridge tables.)

Cause.  The specified join cardinality is invalid.

Response.  Correct the join cardinality specification. If you have many-to-many logical joins, be sure to specify a bridge table. After making the corrections, try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The dimension table source @1%s.@2%s has an aggregate content specification that specifies the level @3%s. But the source mapping contains column @4%s with a functional dependency association on a more detailed level @5%s.

Cause.  The source mapping includes a column that is dependent on a more detailed level than the aggregate content specification for the source.

Response.  Correct the dimension level specifications and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The dimension table source @1%s.@2%s has an aggregate content specification that specifies the level @3%s. But the source mapping contains column @4%s with a functional dependency association on a level @5%s in a different hierarchy.

Cause.  The hierarchy in the dimension level source does not match that specified for the aggregate content.

Response.  Correct the hierarchy specifications and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Logical table, @1%s.@2%s, does not join to any other logical table.

Cause.  The repository contains an isolated logical table.

Response.  Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


No subject area is available in the repository @1%s. Remove the repository from NQSConfig.ini and restart the server.

Cause.  The repository does not contain any subject areas.

Response.  Remove the repository from the NQSConfig.ini file and restart the Siebel Analytics Server.


The content filter currently does not support a disjunction of certain predicates. The predicate @1%s participates in a disjunction with @2%s.

Cause.  The content filter is invalid.

Response.  Correct the content filter and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The logical table source @1%s.@2%s has no physical tables.

Cause.  The named logical table source does not include any physical tables. The logical table source may be specified in error.

Response.  Correct the logical table source specification and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not update subject area @1%s because the following requests are still pending: @2%s.

Cause.  The requested update to the named subject area could not be completed because the specified requests are still pending.

Response.  Allow all pending requests to complete and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Incorrectly defined logical table source (for fact table @1%s) does not contain mapping for @2%s.

Cause.  The logical table source for the named fact table lacks appropriate mappings.

Response.  Correct the definition and mappings for the logical table source and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Table @1%s is functionally dependent upon level @2%s, but a more detailed child level has associated columns from that same table or a more detailed table.

Cause.  The named table level dependencies are inconsistent.

Response.  Correct the level dependencies and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for details.


Dimensional table source @1%s.@2%s, has no column mappings.

Cause.  The named dimensional table source contains no column mappings.

Response.  Correct the dimensional table source definition and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


@1%ld candidate union combinations for logical table source @2%s. Please verify fragments and their content filter.

Cause.  The fragment range content specification is invalid.

Response.  Correct the fragment content specifications and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cannot extract overlapping and non-overlapping predicate descriptions from the following two conditions: (1) @1%s, and (2) @2%s.

Cause.  The fragment content specifications are too complex.

Response.  Review, simplify and correct any problems with the fragment content specification. Try your actions again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Error in setting up logical column measure: @1%s.

Cause.  The measure definition or datatype for the named physical column is incorrect.

Response.  Correct the measure definition or the datatype associated with the underlying physical column.


There is an inconsistent number of parallel content filter tracks: @1%ld vs @2%ld.

Cause.  The content filter specification is incorrect.

Response.  Fix the content filter(s) of the source(s) participating in the fragment set so that each source in that set has the same number of parallel content tracks.


Content ranges where the higher limit is inclusive are currently not supported.

Cause.  The ranges in the content filter are currently not supported.

Response.  Try to rewrite the content filter to remove the inclusive higher limit by incrementing the higher limit.


Content ranges excluding both the lower and upper limits are currently not supported.

Cause.  The ranges in a content filter exclude both the lower and upper limits. Siebel Analytics does not currently support this feature.

Response.  Rewrite the content filter to include either or both of the limits by decrementing or incrementing the limits.


Unknown content predicate overlap is not resolvable.

Cause.  An internal predicate partition analysis error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Disjunctive content predicate, @1%s, overlaps other disjunctive predicate content, e.g. @2%s.

Cause.  The disjunctive content filter is too complex.

Response.  Rewrite the content filter to eliminate disjunctive overlap.


Content filter disjunct uses an attribute, @1%s, which is not a subset of attributes used in other disjuncts.

Cause.  The disjunctive content filter is too complex.

Response.  Rewrite the content filter so that alternate content filter disjuncts are a subset of the primary disjunct.


Content filter, @1%s, has an inconsistent number of tracks with @2%s.

Cause.  The named content filters for the named sources in the fragment set are inconsistently specified.

Response.  Fix the content filter(s) for the source(s) participating in the fragment set so that each source in the set has the same number of parallel content tracks.


The dimension table source @1%s.@2%s has a non-interpretable aggregate content specification, possibly caused by missing columns or keys.

Cause.  The named table source has an aggregate content specification that cannot be interpreted. This problem may be caused by missing level keys or columns.

Response.  Check the dimension table source for missing level keys or columns.


The dimension table source @1%s.@2%s has an aggregate content specification with multiple levels of aggregation.

Cause.  The named table source has an unsupported aggregate content specification scheme.

Response.  Siebel Analytics does not currently support multiple levels of aggregation in a non-logical classic star subject area.


Logical table @1%ls does not have a properly defined primary key.

Cause.  The named table does not have a primary key or the primary key definition is incorrect.

Response.  Add the correct primary key definition to this table.

 Siebel Analytics Message Reference
 Published: 11 March 2004