Siebel Analytics Message Reference > Siebel Analytics Messages >

SQL Preparation Messages

This category contains message numbers 19xxx - 27xxx.


Incorrect use of parameters. The parameters used in @1%s cannot be resolved without ambiguity.

Cause.  The SQL statement contains parameters that are inconsistent with the named operation.

Response.  Review and correct the SQL syntax before retrying the action.


Mismatched number of columns for key @1%s and foreign key @2%s.

Cause.  There is a logical inconsistency in the repository.

Response.  Use the Administration Tool to correct the logical key and foreign key mismatch. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Illegal recursive expression definition for object: @1%s, ID=@2%s.

Cause.  The definition of the named measure object in the repository contains a recursive expression.

Response.  Use the Administration Tool to correct the measure object definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The user does not have sufficient privilege to access the database @1%s.

Cause.  The database cannot be accessed by the user. The user privileges are insufficient.

Response.  Direct the user to another connection pool, or change the user database privileges.


Logical table source @1%s.@2%s has a dangling reference to a join link (ID=@3%s) that no longer exists. Refresh the table source state by bringing up the dialog and clicking on OK.

Cause.  Changes have been made to the Business Model and Mapping layer, causing an invalid logical table source state.

Response.  Refresh the named table source state by bring up the dialog and clicking on OK. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action.


Logical table source @1%s.@2%s uses an invalid join condition: @3%s.

Cause.  An invalid join condition exists for the named logical table source.

Response.  Correct the join conditions for the named logical table source and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


ODBC 2.00 does not support the @1%s operation.

Cause.  The query cannot be completed because the named operation is not supported.

Response.  Review the query and make the appropriate changes before retrying the operation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Target data source does not support the @1%s operation.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


An object in the repository does not have data type information.

Cause.  The repository definition is incomplete. An object does not include data type information.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Repository metadata: column @1%s has no data type information.

Cause.  The named column lacks data type information. The repository definition is incomplete.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Repository metadata: missing column object: ID=@1%s.

Cause.  The specified column cannot be located in the repository metadata.

Response.  Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The user does not have sufficient privilege to execute this query.

Cause.  The query cannot be completed. The user who issued the query has insufficient authority.

Response.  This is an informational message. If the user should be allowed to issue the query, make the appropriate modification to the permissions for the user or group before allowing the user to try the query again.


The user cannot execute this query at this time.

Cause.  The user does not have sufficient privileges to execute the query at the current time

Response.  This is an informational message. No response is required. If the user should be allowed to run the query at this time, see the Security chapter in the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional information about specifying query execution privileges, including time limits for access.


The Concatenation operation must have character operands.

Cause.  The concatenation operation in the query is invalid.

Response.  Review the query and make any necessary corrections. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The operand of the CHAR function must be an integer.

Cause.  The CHAR function in the query is invalid. The operand is not an integer.

Response.  Modify the query or the repository so that the CHAR function has a proper integer operand and retry the action.


Database @1%s does not support feature @2%s. Please check the features table for this database.

Cause.  The database features table contains an invalid setting. The features table may have been modified in error.

Response.  Siebel Analytics Server uses the features table to determine what kinds of queries it can send to the underlying databases. The features table contains default settings for each database type and have been tested with that database. Use the Administration Tool to restore the features table for the database to the tested default settings and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The first operand of BottomN must be a numeric data type.

Cause.  The first operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement is not a numeric data type.

Response.  Change the first operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement to use a numeric data type and resubmit the query.


The second operand of TopN and BottomN must be a numeric data type.

Cause.  The second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement does not evaluate to a numeric data type.

Response.  Change the second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement to use a numeric data type and resubmit the query.


The first operand of MavN must be a numeric data type.

Cause.  The first operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement does not evaluate to a numeric data type.

Response.  Change the first operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement to use a numeric data type and resubmit the query.


The second operand of MavN must be a numeric data type.

Cause.  The second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement does not evaluate to a numeric data type.

Response.  Change the second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement to use a numeric data type and resubmit the query.


The result types of the CASE expression are incorrect.

Cause.  Either the result types from the CASE statement are incompatible or all of the result types are NULL.

Response.  Correct the THEN and ELSE expressions of the CASE statement to make sure that they are type compatible and that at least one of them returns a non-NULL value.


Data type, @1%s, is incompatible with an arithmetic aggregation.

Cause.  The SQL statement contains an incorrect aggregation for the named data type.

Response.  Correct the SQL statement or the aggregation rule defined in the repository.


Siebel XML does not support the @1%s operation.

Cause.  The specified operation is currently not supported.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Function @1%s does not support non-numeric types.

Cause.  The SQL query contains a call to the named function which does not support non-numeric types.

Response.  Modify the query or the repository to add an explicit CAST function or correct the operand to the function, and retry the action.


Function @1%s does not support non-text types.

Cause.  The SQL query contains a call to the named function which does not support non-text types.

Response.  Modify the query or the repository to cast the column to a text type and retry the action.


Function @1%s does not support non-exact Numeric types.

Cause.  The SQL query contains a call to the named function which requires an exact numeric type (such as an integer), but the data type passed was not an integer.

Response.  Modify the query or the repository to use an exact numeric type (such as an integer) and retry the action.


Function @1%s does not support binary types.

Cause.  The SQL query contains a call to the named function which does not support a binary type.

Response.  Modify the query or the repository to use an appropriate data type and retry the action.


An arithmetic operation is being carried out on a non-numeric type.

Cause.  The SQL query contains a call to an arithmetic function using a non-numeric data type.

Response.  Modify the query or the repository to use the appropriate data type and retry the action.


A comparison is being carried out between non-compatible types.

Cause.  The SQL query contains a call to a comparison function using non-compatible data types.

Response.  Modify the query or the repository to use the appropriate data type and retry the action.


Function @1%s is called with an incompatible type.

Cause.  The SQL query contains a call to the named function which is using an incompatible data type.

Response.  Modify the query or the repository to use a compatible data type and retry the action.


A logical connective (AND/OR/NOT) uses a non-Boolean.

Cause.  The SQL query contains a logical connective that uses an illegal data type.

Response.  Modify the query or the repository to use the appropriate data type and retry the action.


Union of non-compatible types.

Cause.  The SQL query contains a union of non-compatible types.

Response.  Modify the query or the repository to use the appropriate data types and retry the action.


Siebel Analytics Server tried to issue a DELETE statement.

Cause.  The Event Polling Table's physical database type does not support necessary features.

Response.  Modify the repository so that the EPT uses a different physical database type or modify the database features to support IS_DATE_TIME_LITERAL_SUPPORTED.


Invalid aggregate expression @1%s for aggregation rule @2%s.@3%s.@4%s.

Cause.  The named aggregation expression for the named aggregation rule in the repository is invalid.

Response.  Review the repository aggregation rule definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The aggregate measure definition @1%s.@2%s has no aggregation rules.

Cause.  The named aggregation measure definition in the repository is invalid.

Response.  Review the repository aggregation rule definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Ordering by columns not in the select list is incompatible with the following: SELECT DISTINCT, UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT, or derived table parents.

Cause.  The SQL syntax is invalid.

Response.  Review and correct the SQL syntax before retrying the action.


Invalid request: Subtotal GROUP BY clause cannot contain an aggregate expression @1%s.

Cause.  The SQL syntax is invalid.

Response.  Review and correct the SQL syntax before retrying the action.


The repository variable, @1%s, has no value definition.

Cause.  The named repository variable must have a defined value expression before it can be used.

Response.  Specify a value expression for the named repository variable.


The session variable, @1%s.@2%s, has no value definition.

Cause.  The named session-specific variable must be defined before it can be used.

Response.  Specify a value for the session variable through the initialization string.


Atomic table reference cannot be mixed with derived column references in the same SELECT.

Cause.  The SQL syntax is unsupported.

Response.  Nest the atomic table reference(s) within an inner derived table, preferably an existing one.


Out of bounds derived column reference index.

Cause.  An internal error occurred. This may be an internal parser error.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Derived column reference to unknown table: @1%s.

Cause.  The SQL syntax is invalid.

Response.  Review and correct the SQL syntax before retrying the action.


Multiple repository or session variables have the same name: @1%s.

Cause.  The same name is used for multiple repository or session variables.

Response.  Specify a unique name for each repository and session variable.


Error code @1%d, token code @2%d, size @3%d.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid attribute name: @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid relationship name: @1%s.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Near (@1%s): String must be in a single line.

Cause.  The string extends across multiple lines.

Response.  Remove all the newline characters within this string.


Near (@1%s): End of input has been reached. Illegal syntax.

Cause.  The single or double quoted string does not have a matching end quote.

Response.  Add a single or double quote at the end and retry the query.


Bad space for scanner.

Cause.  An MKS LEX internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


No space for scanner.

Cause.  An out-of-memory MKS LEX internal error occurred.

Response.  Add more memory or increase virtual memory size.


Token buffer overflow.

Cause.  An MKS LEX internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Push-back buffer overflow.

Cause.  An MKS LEX internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Parser stack overflow.

Cause.  An MKS YACC internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


File @1%s no input.

Cause.  The line is empty or the input is incomplete.

Response.  Correct the grammar and try the action again.


File @1%s Near Line @2%d, Near (@3%s): new line in string.

Cause.  The string needs to be on a single line.

Response.  Remove all the new lines within this string.


File @1%s Near Line @2%d, Near (@3%s): EOF in string.

Cause.  The single or double quoted string does not have a matching end quote.

Response.  Add a single or double quote at the appropriate place and try the action again.


File @1%s Near Line @2%d, near (@3%s): Syntax error @4%s.

Cause.  A keyword was misspelled or an unexpected identifier was encountered.

Response.  Review the file and make the appropriate correction before retrying the action.


End of input has been reached. Illegal syntax.

Cause.  An empty line or incomplete input was encountered.

Response.  Correct the illegal syntax and try the action again.


Near (@1%s): Syntax error @2%s.

Cause.  A keyword was misspelled or an unexpected identifier was encountered.

Response.  Correct the illegal syntax and try the action again.


ORDER BY subclause: column number @1%d is out of range.

Cause.  The column number is greater than the number of columns in the select statement.

Response.  Correct the column number in the Order By clause and retry the query.


Unresolved table: @1%s@2%s.

Cause.  The table name was misspelled or the user does not have access rights to this table.

Response.  Verify the spelling of the table name, and be sure the user has access rights to the table. Correct any problems and retry the action.


Unresolved column: @1%s@2%s.

Cause.  The column name was misspelled or the user does not have access rights to this column.

Response.  Verify the spelling of the column name, and be sure the user has access rights to the column. Correct any problems and retry the action.


Ambiguous table: @1%s@2%s.

Cause.  There are two or more tables in the repository with the same name.

Response.  Use a qualifier like Catalog Name to limit the choice.


Ambiguous column: @1%s@2%s.

Cause.  There are two or more columns in the repository with the same name.

Response.  Use a qualifier like Table Name to limit the choice.


Ambiguous catalog: @1%s@2%s.

Cause.  There are two or more catalogs in the repository with the same name. Catalog names must be unique within a repository.

Response.  Remove or rename the duplicate catalog. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unresolved identifier: @1%s@2%s.

Cause.  The identifier was misspelled or the user does not have access to it.

Response.  Check the spelling of the identifier, and verify that the user has access rights to this identifier in the repository.


Ambiguous identifier: @1%s@2%s.

Cause.  There are two or more identifiers in the repository with the same name.

Response.  Use one or more qualifiers to limit the choice.


(@1%s): Invalid Date format.

Cause.  The date string does not follow the required format.

Response.  Correct the date string to match the required format.


(@1%s): Invalid Time format.

Cause.  The time string does not follow the required format.

Response.  Correct the time string to match the required format.


(@1%s): Invalid DateTime format.

Cause.  The datetime string format is invalid.

Response.  Correct the datetime string to match the required format.


(@1%s): column in GROUPBY clause not in the projection list.

Cause.  The named column is not in the select statement.

Response.  Add the named column to the select statement or remove it from the GROUPBY clause.


(@1%s): column name should not exceed 256 characters. The last part should not exceed 128 characters.

Cause.  The column name is too long.

Response.  Reduce the length of the column name.


Unresolved init block: @1%s@2%s.

Cause.  The named identifier may be misspelled or does not exist.

Response.  Verify the spelling of the named identifier and that it exists. Correct any problems before retrying the action.


Ambiguous init block: @1%s@2%s.

Cause.  There are two or more initiation blocks in the repository with the same name.

Response.  Remove or rename one of the initiation blocks in the repository. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for other repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unresolved rp variable: @1%s@2%s.

Cause.  The named variable may be misspelled or does not exist.

Response.  Verify the spelling of the variable and that it exists. Correct any problems before retrying the action.


(@1%s): Invalid variable name.

Cause.  The named variable may be misspelled or does not exist.

Response.  Correct the spelling of the named variable and retry the action.


Query rejected. You do not have access to any of the columns in the query.

Cause.  The query user does not have permission to any of the columns in the projection list.

Response.  Login as a different user or ask administrator to change the permissions.

 Siebel Analytics Message Reference
 Published: 11 March 2004