Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide > Administering the Query Environment > Shutting Down the Server >

Shutting Down the Server Using the Administration Tool

The following procedure explains how to shut down the server using the Administration Tool.

NOTE:  To shut down the server, the DSN has to log in as a user that has Siebel Analytics Server Administrator authority.

To shut down the server using the Administration Tool

  1. Start the Administration Tool by selecting Start > Programs > Siebel Analytics > Siebel Analytics Administration Tool.
  2. Open a repository that is loaded into the server in online mode.
  3. Select File > Shut Down Server.
  4. When a dialog box appears asking you to confirm the shutdown, click Yes.

    This shuts the server down and ends the Administration Tool online session. When connected using a clustered DSN, use the Cluster Manager to take individual Siebel Analytics Server instances offline. For more information, see Using the Cluster Manager.

 Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide
 Published: 11 March 2004