Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide > Creating and Administering the Physical Layer in a Repository > Creating Physical Layer Folders >

Setting Up Display Folders in the Physical Layer

Administrators can create display folders to organize table objects in the Physical layer. They have no metadata meaning. After you create a display folder, the selected tables appear in the folder as a shortcut and in the Physical layer tree as an object. You can hide the objects so that you only see the shortcuts in the display folder. For more information about hiding these objects, see Using the Options Dialog Box—Repository Tab.

NOTE:  Deleting objects in the display folder only deletes the shortcuts to those objects.

To set up a physical display folder

  1. In the Physical layer, right-click a database object, and choose New Object > Physical Display Folder.
  2. In the Physical Display Folder dialog box, in the Tables tab, type a name for the folder.
  3. To add tables to the display folder, perform the following steps:
    1. Click Add.
    2. In the Browse dialog box, select the fact or physical tables you want to add to the folder and click Select.
  4. Click OK.

 Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide
 Published: 11 March 2004