Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade Guide > Overview of Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade >

Preupgrade Considerations

You should consider the following points before you begin your upgrade:

  • Review the System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Siebel Business Analytics Applications on Siebel SupportWeb to make sure your database platform versions are supported.
  • The upgrade process is not only a technical process. You will also need to analyze the impact of the schema changes on your current custom implementation. The extent of your customizations will have an impact on the length of time required for the upgrade.

    In addition, at different stages of the upgrade you will also need to analyze your organization's business requirements. For example, at the stage in which you are upgrading the Siebel Business Analytics repository, you will need to know which repository objects are not in use so that they can be trimmed from the repository. To determine this information, you will need to know what reports are in use.

  • For each stage of the upgrade process, you need to allocate a reasonable amount of time to validate the results of that stage and address any problems. In addition, final user acceptance testing must confirm that the entire upgrade process was successful.
  • When you perform the Siebel Business Analytics Web catalog upgrade, it is recommended that you use side-by-side environments and have users review and compare reports and dashboard content between the previous version and the upgraded version.

    For the other stages of the upgrade, you can upgrade your environments in place.

Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade Guide