Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade Guide

What's New in This Release

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Overview of Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade

Supported Upgrade Paths

Preupgrade Considerations

Best Practices for Preparing to Upgrade

Major Stages of Analytics Applications Upgrade

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Upgrading Siebel Business Analytics Applications

Detailed Tasks for Upgrading Analytics Applications

Analytics Platform Upgrade

Installing the Latest Version of Analytics Applications

Upgrading the DAC Metadata Repository

Upgrading the Data Warehouse Schema

Process of Upgrading the Siebel Transactional Database Schema

Importing the SIF File into the Siebel Transactional Database

Verifying the SIF Patch Application

Informatica Version 7.1.2 Upgrade

Upgrading the Informatica Repository

Migrating Data for Siebel Business Applications

Migrating Data for Siebel Industry Applications

Migrating Data for Analytics Bridge Applications

Verifying ETL Customizations

Process of Upgrading the Analytics Repository

Preparing for the Analytics Repository Upgrade

Trimming the Analytics Repositories

Equalizing the Analytics Repositories

Merging the Analytics Repositories

Fixing Analytics Repository Merge Errors

Regression Testing the Analytics Repository Merge

Process of Upgrading the Analytics Web Catalog

Trimming the Input Web Catalog

Running the Catalog Upgrade for the Existing Web Catalog

Merging New and Existing Web Catalogs

Testing the Results of the Web Catalog Upgrade

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Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8.4, Rev. A