Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade Guide > Overview of Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade >

Major Stages of Analytics Applications Upgrade

Figure 1 shows the upgrade flow for the major stages of the Siebel Business Analytics Applications upgrade process. Table 3 provides the documentation you should refer to for each stage of the upgrade. For the detailed steps and tasks associated with each stage, see Table 4.

Figure 1. Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade Flow
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Table 3. Major Stages of the Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade and Related Documentation
Related Documentation
  1. Upgrade to the latest version of Siebel Business Analytics platform.

    NOTE:  The Siebel Business Analytics platform is code-independent from the Siebel Business Analytics Applications.

  • Siebel Business Analytics Platform Upgrade Guide.
  1. Install the latest version of Siebel Business Analytics Applications.
  • Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade Guide.
  1. Upgrade the Siebel Data Warehouse.
  • Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade Guide.
  • Siebel Business Analytics Applications Installation and Administration Guide.
  1. Upgrade the Siebel Business Analytics repository.
  • Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade Guide
  • Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide
  1. Upgrade the Siebel Business Analytics Web catalog.
  • Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade Guide
  • Siebel Business Analytics Web Administration Guide

You must complete the first and second stages sequentially; that is, you must first upgrade to the latest version of the Siebel Business Analytics platform and then install the latest version of Siebel Business Analytics Applications. You can perform stages three, four, and five simultaneously, but you must perform the tasks for these stages in the order listed in Table 4.

CAUTION:  It is highly recommended that you consider obtaining support from Siebel Professional Services to assist with the end-to-end upgrade process.

NOTE:  Upgrading Siebel CRM applications is out of the scope of this document. A CRM applications upgrade must precede the Siebel Business Analytics Applications upgrade. For more information, see Upgrade Guide.

Siebel Business Analytics Applications Upgrade Guide