Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide > Installing the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Environment > Process of Creating the Development Repository >

Creating the Data Warehouse Schema Control Tables

This task is a step in the Process of Creating the Development Repository.

This section describes how to create schema control tables so that the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse can operate successfully.

If you already have a Siebel Relationship Management Warehouse (RMW), the following procedure modifies the existing date tables and adds columns required for the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse. If you do not have a RMW, this step creates the necessary date tables.

If you already have a RMW, you need to drop the following tables before creating the data warehouse schema control tables:

  • W_DAY_D
  • W_QTR_D
  • W_WEEK_D

The data in these tables have smart keys, so the link between the fact tables and the preceding dimension tables are not broken after dropping, recreating, and reloading the data into these tables.

The W_WEEK_D table in the RMW is used to store fiscal weeks. In the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse, the W_WEEK_D table stores calendar weeks, and the W_FSC_WEEK_D table stores fiscal weeks. You need to change the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Repository where applicable.

NOTE:  If you added extra columns to the these RMW tables as part of your customization, you need to add the columns again after you create Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse schema control tables.

To create the data warehouse schema control tables

  1. Copy the ddlimp utility from the $Siebel\Bin folder.
  2. Copy the schema control files from the $Siebel\ETL\Applications folder:
    • ddlsme_warehouse.ctl
    • ddlsme_staging.ctl
    • ddlsme_control.ctl
    • ddlsme_temp.ctl
  3. Create a role in the database called SSE_ROLE with privileges to create objects.

    NOTE:  In Oracle this equates to CONNECT and RESOURCE privileges.

  4. Create an ODBC DSN entry in the database.
  5. Open the command prompt window, and change the directory to the folder where the preceding files are copied.
  6. Create the data model, including all the required tables for the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse, by using the following command:

    ddlimp /s N /u <schema_user> /p <schema_password> /c <ODBC connection string> /G "SSE_ROLE" /f ddlsme_warehouse.ctl /b "" /K "" /X "" /W N

    NOTE:  For the Oracle ODBC connection using the Siebel Merant ODBC driver is the preferred option.

  7. Repeat Step 6 for ddlsme_staging.ctl, ddlsme_control.ctl, and ddlsme_temp.ctl.

To populate the fields, you must run the Common Initialization Workflow. For more information on common initialization workflows, see About the Initialization Workflow.

Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide