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IBM DB2 UDB zOS and OS/390-Specific Database Guidelines for Siebel Data Warehouse

The following requirements apply to IBM DB2 RDBMS usage for zOS and OS/390:

  • The Analytics applications communicate with IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 (running on zSeries servers) through IBM DB2 Connect middleware.

    The following editions of DB2 Connect are supported:

      • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition (EE). This edition is installed on a midtier server such as an Informatica Server/Client, DAC, and Siebel Business Analytics.
      • DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition (UE). This edition provides the functionality of DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition but is priced differently.
  • The ODBC driver for all connections must use the IBM DB2 ODBC Driver.
  • Make the appropriate connections using the DB2 Client Configuration Assistant.
  • Use the variable settings shown in Table 11.
Table 11. Variable Settings for IBM DB2 UDB zOS and OS/390 Databases
Recommended Setting









This setting indicates that star join is enabled. The one table with the largest cardinality is the fact table. However, if there is more than one table with this cardinality, star join is not enabled.

Siebel Business Analytics Applications Installation and Administration Guide