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Analytics Scheduler Job Triggers

A job trigger determines when and how often a job executes. Use the fields in the Trigger area of the Add Job or Modify Job dialog box to define the actions a job performs when it executes.

There are two types of triggers—single-run triggers and recurrent triggers.

Scheduler Job Single-Run Triggers

Use the Trigger Type drop-down list to choose the trigger type. Single-run triggers perform the action once. There are two single-run triggers:

  • Run Now. This trigger specifies that the job runs immediately. It executes only one time.
  • Run Once. Jobs of this trigger type execute at the date and time specified in the Begin Date and Start Time fields, which become active when you choose Run Once. An error occurs if the given time is in the past. If you select the option Set Start Time To Now, this trigger is equivalent to the Run Now trigger.

Scheduler Job Manager Recurrent Triggers

All recurrent triggers specify that the job execute over a period of time at given intervals. Table 15 describes the Job Scheduler fields used by recurrent triggers.

Table 15. Analytics Scheduler Job Manager Recurrent Trigger Fields

Begin Date

Specifies the date when the first recurrent interval runs. The recurrent interval is defined as the time between Start Time and End Time. This field is hidden if you select the option Set Start Time to Now.

End Date

Specifies the date when the last recurrent interval is run.
Becomes active when the option Has End Date is set. If no end date is set, the job runs forever.

Start Time

Specifies the lower bounds of the recurrent interval. The job's first execution for a day occurs at the time specified in this value.

End Time

Specifies the upper bounds of the recurrent interval.
The job's last execution for a given day occurs at or before the time specified in this value. If this value is less than the Start Time value, the interval spans midnight of the given day. For example, a trigger with a start time of 11:00 P.M. and an End Time of 2:00 A.M. starts its execution on the date specified in Begin Date at 11:00 P.M. and continues until 2:00 A.M. on the following day.

Has End Date

If you select this option, specify an End Date.
If you do not select this option, the job stays scheduled.

NOTE:  The schedule is perpetual, the job instance is not. If you restart the Scheduler, the next runtime will be set as dictated by the job schedule. If an instance is running while you shut down the Scheduler, it will be canceled.

Set Start Time To Now

If you select this option, the Begin Date and Start Time fields are ignored and their values are populated with Siebel Analytics Scheduler's current date and time.

Interval in Minutes

Specifies the number of minutes between subsequent executions of a job during the recurrent interval. A job starts execution promptly at its Start Time and executes again every n minutes, where n is the value of this field.

Maximum Concurrent Instances

If a job executes every n minutes (from the Interval in Minutes field), a long-running job may have overlapping executions. Use this field to set the number of concurrent running instances. For an unlimited number of concurrent instances, set this value to zero.

Scheduler Job Manager Recurrent Trigger Types

The recurrent trigger types available from the Trigger Type drop-down list are described in Table 16. The fields described pertain to all recurrent triggers. Depending on the trigger type you choose, additional options become active. The examples in the table illustrate how these additional options can be used.

Table 16. Scheduler Job Manager Recurrent Trigger Types
Trigger Type
Description and Example


Runs a job every day or every few days. The Days Interval field specifies the number of days between each subsequent recurrent interval.

For example:

To run a job every hour between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. starting on January 1, 2005 and ending on January 15, 2005, set the Begin Date to 1/1/05, the Start Time to 8:00 A.M., and the End Time to 5:00 P.M. Set the Has End Date flag, the End Date to 1/15/05, the Interval in Minutes to 60, and the Days Interval to 1.

To run a job every five minutes forever, set the Begin Date to the desired date, the Start Time to 12:00 P.M., the end time to 11:59 A.M., the Interval In Minutes to 5, and the Days Interval to 1.


Runs a job on specified days of the week. The Weeks Interval specifies the number of weeks between each execution. The Days of the Week field specifies on which days the execution occurs.

For example:

To run a job at noon every other week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, set the Begin Date to the desired date, the Start Time and End Time to 12:00 P.M., the Interval in Minutes to 1, the Weeks Interval to 2, and the Days of the Week to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Monthly by Date

Runs a job on specific days of the month. The Months field specifies in which months this job executes. The Days field specifies which days of those months. If the given day does not exist for a given month, that day is ignored.

For example:

To run a job at 5:00 P.M. on the 1st and 15th of January, February, and March, set the Begin Date to January 1, the Start Time and End Time to 5:00 P.M., the Interval in Minutes to 1, the Months to January, February, and March, and the Days to 1 and 15.

To run a job at 2:00 A.M. on every leap day (February 29th), set the Begin Date to January 1, the Start Time and End Time to 2:00 A.M., the Interval in Minutes to 1, the Months to February, and the Days to 29.

Monthly by DOW

Runs a job on specific occurrences of specified days of the week during given months. The Months field specifies which months this job executes. The Days of the Week field specifies which days of the week the job executes during those months. The Occurrence field specifies which of those days to execute. The occurrence can be any or all of First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Last. The Last value specifies that either the fourth or fifth occurrence of a given day is used, depending on whether there are four or five occurrences during that month.

For example:

To run a job on the first and third Fridays of December every hour between the hours of 4:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M., set the Begin Date to the desired date, the Start Time to 4:00 A.M., the End Time to 8:00 P.M., the Interval in Minutes to 60, the Months to December, the Days of the Week to Friday, and the Occurrence to the First and the Third.

To run a job at 3:00 A.M. every time that Daylight Saving Time switches over to Standard Time, set the Begin Date to the desired date, the Start Time and End Time to 3:00 A.M., the Months to October, the Days of the Week to Sunday, and the Occurrence to Last.

Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide