Siebel Analytics User Guide > Using Siebel Delivers >

Using Siebel Delivers Delivery Profiles

Siebel Delivers uses your active delivery profile to determine how to reach you when an alert is triggered by an iBot, and which devices should receive delivered content. You configure your delivery profile from the My Account page. For information about accessing the My Account page to configure your delivery profile, see Configuring Your Siebel Delivers Devices and Delivery Profiles.

iBot contents can be delivered to a range of devices, including Web, wireless, mobile, and voice devices. By default, iBot contents are available for delivery to the dashboard and the appropriate devices defined in your active delivery profile (based on the priority of the iBot contents). Content may be specifically directed to a device, and if so, you will receive content on that device if it is defined, even if it is not in your active delivery profile.

Content is delivered to the intersection of devices as determined by the active delivery profile and the specific devices defined for the target content. Content is delivered only once to a device, even if that device is in your active delivery profile and specifically selected as a delivery device for the iBot content. If a specifically requested device or active delivery profile cannot be found, iBot content is automatically pushed to the dashboard.

iBot content is assigned a specific priority. The default priority is normal. When you select devices for your active profile, you can indicate what priority content should be sent to that device. For example, if you have added a pager to your delivery profile, you might associate it with high priority content only. When you know that you will be away from your office frequently, and out of email range, you may select to receive only low priority content through your office email.

You can create any number of delivery profiles. Only one profile can be active at any given time, however.

To add or edit a Siebel Delivers delivery profile

  1. At the Delivery Profile page, enter the name of the profile in the Name field.
  2. For each device you want to use in the profile, select the priority of the content to be delivered.

    NOTE:  Do not set the priority for devices that you do not want to use. Devices that do not have a priority selected are not used by the profile.

    You can select any or all priorities by clicking the appropriate check boxes.

  3. Click Finished to save this profile and return to the My Accounts page.

    The profile appears in the My Profiles list.

Siebel Analytics User Guide