Siebel Analytics User Guide > Using Siebel Intelligence Dashboards > Adding Content to a Siebel Intelligence Dashboard >

Working with Siebel Intelligence Dashboard Pages and Layout Using the Dashboard Editor

This section explains how to control the appearance of dashboard pages. It contains the following topics:

NOTE:  If iBots are enabled within Siebel Delivers, an Alerts section will be added to the first page of My Dashboard if one is not manually placed there. For information about iBots, see Overview of Siebel Delivers.

Selecting a Siebel Intelligence Dashboard Page to Edit

The following procedure explains how to select the page with which you want to work.

To select the dashboard page

  • From the Page drop-down list next to the name of the dashboard, select the page you want to edit.

    NOTE:  This action saves any changes you made to the page you were working with.

Working with Columns in a Siebel Intelligence Dashboard Page

Columns are used to align content on a dashboard. (Sections within columns hold the actual content.) You can add or remove columns, set the width in pixels or as a percentage of the dashboard page, and break columns.

When you have more than one column on a dashboard page, you can break columns to arrange them on the page. (Drag and drop does not reposition columns.) For example, if you have two columns side by side, breaking the rightmost column causes it to move beneath the first column, and both columns will span the width originally occupied when they were side by side. If you have three columns side by side, breaking the middle column causes the two outer columns to move beneath the first column, and the first column spans the width originally occupied by the first two columns.

To add a new column

  • Click the Add Column button near the top of the Dashboard Editor:

    The column is added to the dashboard page.

To set the width of a column

  1. Click the Properties button and choose Set Width.

    The Column Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Specify the column width:
    • To specify the width in pixels, type the number of pixels, for example, 200.
    • To specify the width as a percentage of the dashboard page, use the percent (%) sign, for example, 20%.
  3. Click OK.

To break a column

  • Click the Properties button and choose Insert Column Break.

    If you break the column again, the column layout reverts to what it was previously.

Adding a Section to a Siebel Intelligence Dashboard Page

Sections are used within columns to hold the content of a dashboard. Sections are aligned vertically by default. You can drag as many sections as you need into a column.

If you drag and drop content into a column without first adding a section to hold the content, a section is created automatically.

If you drag a section from one column into another column, any content in that section is also included.

NOTE:  If Siebel Delivers is enabled, a section for Alerts is added automatically to the first page of users' personal dashboards (My Dashboard) if a section is not placed there manually.

To add a section to a column

  • From the selection pane, drag and drop a Section object from the Dashboard Objects area into the column.

    The column is highlighted when you are at an appropriate location in the column to drop the section.

Adding an Alerts Section to a Siebel Intelligence Dashboard Page

If iBots are enabled within Siebel Delivers, an Alerts section is added to the first page of users' My Dashboard. If the section is not placed there manually, the system adds it automatically. You cannot disable the appearance of an Alerts section on the first page of user My Dashboard.

You can add the Alerts section to an additional dashboard page by performing the steps in the following procedure. The Alerts section will then appear on both dashboard pages.

To add an Alerts section to a dashboard page

  1. From the selection pane, drag and drop a Section object from the Dashboard Objects area into a column.

    The column is highlighted when you are at an appropriate location in the column to drop the section.

    A default name appears for the section.

  2. Rename the section to _Delivers and click the Save button.

    The Alerts section is added to the page.

Making a Section Appear Horizontally in a Siebel Intelligence Dashboard Page

The default alignment for sections is to align them vertically.

To make a section appear horizontally

  • Click the Properties button for the section and choose Horizontal Alignment.

Saving Changes to a Siebel Intelligence Dashboard Page

You can save your changes at any time.

To save changes to a dashboard page

  • Perform one of the following actions:
    • Click the Save button.
    • Leave the page you are working on in the Dashboard Editor.

      For example, your changes are saved if you add or edit another page, change dashboard properties, or modify a prompt, filter, or request.

Siebel Analytics User Guide