Siebel Analytics User Guide > Basics of Working with Requests in Siebel Answers >

Overview of Siebel Answers

Siebel Answers provides answers to business questions. It allows you to explore and interact with information, and present and visualize information using charts, pivot tables, and reports. You can save, organize, and share the results.

Requests that you create with Siebel Answers can be saved in the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog and integrated into any Siebel Analytics home page or dashboard. Results can be enhanced through charting, result layout, calculation, and drilldown features.

Many features in Siebel Answers are self-explanatory, and definitions and summary information appear on each page. When more information is available than will fit on the page, a Help button appears. Click the button to see more detailed information.

Table 5 provides definitions for common terms in Siebel Answers.

Table 5. Definitions of Common Terms in Siebel Answers


Columns indicate the columns of data that your request will return. Together with filters, they determine what your results will contain. To run a request, you need to specify at least one column to return.


Request criteria consists of the columns and filters you specify for a request.


A dashboard is made up of sections of information that can contain items such as results from Siebel Answers, external Web content, HTML text, graphics, links to other sites, embedded objects such as requests, and so on. Dashboard content is organized into pages. The pages appear as tabs across the top of the screen in Siebel Intelligence Dashboards.

Dashboard Prompt

A dashboard prompt is a special dashboard filter object that affects all content on a particular dashboard page, and potentially the content on additional dashboard pages.

For more information, see Using Prompts to Simplify Filtering in a Siebel Analytics Request.


A filter is a mechanism that restricts the result set, such as including only the ten best-selling items in results. Together with columns, filters determine what your results will contain.


A folder is an organizational construct that holds any kind of content you want to see in your dashboard, including requests created with Siebel Answers. A folder is similar to an operating system directory or subdirectory, or a Microsoft Windows folder.


A query is the underlying SQL issued to the Siebel Analytics Server. You do not have to know a query language to use Siebel Answers.


Results are the output returned from the Siebel Analytics Server for the request criteria you specified. The Analytics Web Server formats the data for presentation to you.

SELECT statement

Siebel Answers uses a modified form of the SELECT statement from Structured Query Language (SQL). Siebel Answers sends your request criteria in the form of logical SQL to the Analytics Server. The server then generates one or more requests for data, or queries, against one or more data sources. When the server gets the raw data back, it is in the form of tables that contain rows and columns. The server merges the data from multiple sources, and when necessary, applies any additional calculations or filters that pertain to the results. The server then sends the results back to Siebel Answers.

Subject Area

Siebel Analytics presents data in subject areas. A subject area contains columns that represent information about the areas of your organization's business, or about groups of users within your organization.

Subject areas have names that correspond to the types of information they contain, for example, Marketing Contracts, Service Requests, and Orders. Columns also have names that indicate the types of information they contain, such as Account and Contact.

Web Catalog

The Siebel Analytics Web Catalog stores content created with Siebel Answers and Siebel Intelligence Dashboards. Content can be organized into folders that are either shared or personal. Types of content that can be stored in the Web Catalog include requests created with Siebel Answers, HTML content, and links to other images, documents, and sites.

Siebel Analytics User Guide