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Creating Shared Siebel Intelligence Dashboards

After setting up the Web Catalog structure and setting permissions, you can create shared dashboards and content for reuse by others. If you did not specify a dashboard when creating a group, you can create one now, selecting the appropriate group folder.

The advantage to creating shared dashboards is that sections that are created in the shared dashboard are actually shortcuts to folders in the /Shared folder. As such, you can remove them and add them again in a different column, page, or even a different dashboard. Users can create a My Dashboard from existing shared sections by clicking the Add Folder link and selecting the appropriate folder from the /Shared/Group or /Shared/Common folders in the Web Catalog.

If you plan to allow multiple users to modify the Web Group's default dashboard, consider putting these users into another group. For example, suppose you create a Web Group called Sales and create a default dashboard called SalesHome. Of the 40 users that are members of the Sales group, suppose that there are three who need to have the ability to create and modify content for the SalesHome dashboard. Create a SalesAdmin group, with the same permissions as the primary Sales group. Add the three users who are allowed to make changes to the SalesHome dashboard and content to this new SalesAdmin group, and give this group the appropriate permissions to the Web Catalog. This allows them to create and modify content for the SalesHome dashboard. If a user no longer requires the ability to modify dashboard content, you can change the user's group membership to Sales. If an existing Sales group member needs to have the ability to create dashboard content, the user's group membership can be changed to SalesAdmin.

Dashboards are stored in a special folder, _Portal, that is hidden (unless the option to show hidden items is checked when working with the Web Catalog). The hidden _Portal folder is located directly underneath a group folder. Because the dashboard is contained in the Group folder, all the permissions you set to the group folder are inherited.

You can create multiple dashboards within a group folder, each of which has its own folder in the /_Portal folder, named from the dashboard name that you assign.

Underneath the specific dashboard folder, for example, /_Portal/SalesGroup Dashboard, are the pages for the dashboard.

For more information about creating shared dashboards, read Creating and Deleting Shared Siebel Intelligence Dashboards.

Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide