A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X


Access (Microsoft), example of integrating with Siebel Analytics   1

action links, creating   1

actions, user-initiated administration   1

Admin:Catalog Change Permissions privilege, note about denying access to   1


cache entry, clearing associated with a request   1

cache, accessing   1

cache, specifying least amount of time entry can exist   1

cache, specifying least amount of time entry can exist after use   1

cache, specifying maximum time entry can exist   1

configuration changes, about making   1

configuration file path, setting   1

cookie domain information, specifying   1

cookie domain path, overriding   1

cookie domain, list of tasks   1

cookie, specifying expiration date   1

default language, specifying for login screen   1

fully qualified URLs, specifying generation of   1

log users off automatically, setting time   1

logged on users and running requests, viewing information   1

nonprimary resource files, specifying location   1

nonprimary resource files, specifying path   1

ODBC DSN, changing   1

open record sets, specifying maximum number   1

primary resource files, specifying location   1

primary resource files, specifying path   1

query file, viewing for request information   1

remember user's names and passwords, disabling   1

running requests, canceling all requests   1

running requests, canceling one request   1

static URLs, specifying how generated   1

time to expire, setting for client sessions   1

unattended request, setting time to cancel   1

unsaved request, setting time to keep   1

URLs, generating and resource file location   1

URLs, specifying how generated   1

Web cache, clearing   1

administration actions, user-initiated   1

Administration page

dashboard page, changing permissions   1

shared dashboard, changing permissions   1

administrator-defined Web Groups, about   1

administrators, accessible to Analytics Catalog Manager   1

alternating bars, changing color   1

Analytics Catalog Manager

See Opening Siebel Analytics Catalog Manager

antivirus software, blocking iBot script calls   1


Dashboard URL, using   1

GO URL   1

SQL, issuing using the Go command   1

third-party SQL tool, integrating example   1

application programming interfaces

See Incorporating Siebel Analytics Results into External Portals or Applications Using the Go URL

Authenticated Users group, about   1

Authenticated Users Web Groups, adding to Web Groups   1


database authentication, about   1

external table authentication, about   1

internal authentication, about   1

LDAP authentication, about   1

process described   1

system session variables, configuring   1

user authentication, about   1

Back to top


b_mozilla_4 folder   1

bars, changing color for alternating bars   1


See About Siebel Delivers iBots and Impersonation

Briefing Book links, setting number   1

browser client sessions

time to expire, setting for client connections   1

time to expire, setting for client sessions   1

Back to top


cache settings, managing

cache, accessing   1

cache, specifying least amount of time entry can exist   1

cache, specifying least amount of time entry can exist after use   1

cache, specifying maximum time entry can exist   1

open record sets, specifying maximum number   1

cascading style sheets, working with

cascading style sheets, for more information on   1

dashboard banner image, customizing example   1

dashboard user interface, files that affect   1

location of   1

new dashboard style, creating   1


catalog structure, about folders   1

catalog structure, recommended folder structure (diagram)   1

items, using Catalog Manager to set permissions   1

Web Group, about creating   1

Catalog Manager

about   1

columns, about in the workspace   1

copying and pasting content between catalogs   1

folder or item, deleting   1

folder or item, renaming   1

item, copying or moving   1

item, hiding from display   1

item, taking ownership   1

new folder, creating   1

new folder, viewing contents   1

newer version, upgrading to   1

opening Catalog Manager   1

permissions, using to set   1

properties, about working with   1

properties, viewing for an item   1

recommendations for working with   1

rename dashboard example   1

rename items, about using   1

shared Web Catalog folders, displaying   1

shared Web Catalog folders, showing hidden items   1

text strings, exposing   1

text strings, localizing   1

Web Catalog tree structure, viewing   1

workspace appearance   1

workspace, about   1

workspace, about folders in   1

Change/Delete permission

about   1

granting, about   1

group, setting to share requests within a group   1

chart cache, specifying the location of temporary storage   1

chart image server, managing settings

about   1

chart image type, specifying   1

default Flash download source, modifying   1

download prompt for new Flash versions, enabling   1

Flash, about downloading and using as default   1

PopChart Image Server, specifying connection   1

chart navigation, specifying URL   1

charting settings, managing

about   1

chart cache, specifying the location of temporary storage   1

chart navigation, specifying the URL   1

interactive behavior of charts, specifying   1

client sessions

close, setting time to   1

remove, setting time to   1

colors, changing alternating bar color   1

Common folder, about   1


cache, accessing   1

cache, specifying least amount of time entry can exist   1

cache, specifying least amount of time entry can exist after use   1

cache, specifying maximum time entry can exist   1

changes, about making   1

configuration file path, setting   1

cookie domain information, specifying   1

cookie domain path, overriding   1

cookie domain, list of tasks   1

cookie, specifying expiration date   1

default language, specifying for login screen   1

fully qualified URLs, specifying generation of   1

log users off automatically, setting time   1

nonprimary resource files, specifying location   1

nonprimary resource files, specifying path   1

ODBC DSN, changing   1

open record sets, specifying maximum number   1

primary resource files, specifying location   1

primary resource files, specifying path   1

remember user's names and passwords, disabling   1

static URLs, specifying how generated   1

unattended request, setting time to cancel   1

unsaved request, setting time to keep   1

URLs, generating and resource file location   1

URLs, specifying how generated   1

configuration keys

about   1

connection pool, write back   1

cookie domain, configuring

cookie domain information, specifying   1

cookie domain path, overriding   1

cookie, specifying expiration date   1

tasks, list of   1


and pasting content between catalogs   1

item   1


customized subject areas, specifying currency   1

default currency, changing in Siebel Answers   1

customized subject areas, specifying currency   1

CustomMessages.xml file, sample   1

Back to top


Dashboard URL

about and format   1

basic Dashboard URL, about and format   1

PortalPath parameter, using   1

User ID and Password parameter, using   1


banner file (PortalBanner.css), about   1

banner image, customizing example   1

catalog structure, setting up the   1

community, releasing dashboards to   1

dashboard page, changing permissions for   1

exposing dashboards and requests   1

information, about viewing information   1

locating dashboard and page names   1

new dashboard style, creating   1

security, process of setting up   1

shared dashboard, changing permissions   1

shared documents, setting up virtual directory   1

testing   1

Web Group, about creating   1

dashboards, administering

action links, creating   1

Briefing Book links, setting number   1

dashboard link text, changing   1

dashboard names, setting number to appear   1

dashboard properties, changing   1

dashboard, deleting   1

dashboards link, changing destination   1

results, downloading in non-UNICODE format   1

shared dashboard, about creating   1

shared dashboard, creating   1

Siebel Answers, integrating into other portals or intranets   1

data warehouse, setting default currency   1

database authentication overview   1


dashboard   1

folder or item   1

user from Siebel Analytics Web   1

user or group from an existing group   1

Web Group   1

directories, setting up virtual directory for shared documents   1

disabling Siebel Delivers   1

documents, setting up virtual directory for shared documents   1

Download link, options for downloading results   1

drill down, adding support for in Siebel Answers   1

Back to top


effective permissions and privileges, about   1

Everyone group, about   1

Everyone Users Web Groups, about adding to Web Groups   1

Excel, removing download link   1

explicit access, changing to a privilege   1

explicitly set permissions, about configuring   1

external table authentication, overview   1

Back to top


failure, recovering and loading Web Catalog   1


changes, migrating   1

Go URL, passing to through URL,   1

Flash software

default Flash download source, modifying   1

download prompt for new Flash versions, enabling   1

downloading and using as default image type, about   1

folder, b_mozilla_4   1


Shared folder, about   1

User folder, about   1

Common folder, about   1

deleting folders   1

Group folders, about and permissions   1

naming   1

nesting in selection pane   1

new Web Catalog folder, creating   1

new Web Catalog folder, viewing contents   1

Requests folder, about   1

shared Web Catalog folders, displaying   1

shared Web Catalog folders, showing hidden items   1

Full Control permission, about   1

Back to top



about   1

application-friendly format, displaying results in   1

basic Go URL, about and example   1

filters, about passing to through URL   1

HTML results, navigation from   1

JavaScript, navigation using   1

link options, format and example   1

navigation example   1

navigation from charts   1

navigation parameters syntax   1

printer friendly format and example   1

result format, controlling   1

specific style, showing results in   1

specify view, showing   1

SQL, using to issue and passing filters   1

tables, displaying all records in   1

user ID and password, prompting for   1

GoNav JavasScript function, about   1

group folder, about and permissions   1

Group session variable, about   1


differences between web groups   1

existing Web Group, deleting from   1

password, changing   1

privilege, assigning to   1

Web Group, adding to existing   1

Web Groups, about and users   1

GROUPs, setting Web content if no content   1

Back to top



item from display   1

items, showing   1

Back to top



about and impersonation   1

antivirsus software, about   1

deliveries, changing directory where stored   1

log directory, viewing entries   1

permission settings, about and for Siebel Delivers   1

image type

chart image type, specifying   1

default Flash download source, modifying   1

download prompt for new Flash versions, enabling   1

Flash, about downloading and using as default   1

impersonation, about and iBots   1

inherited permissions, about configuring   1


about   1

integrating Siebel Analytics

Dashboard URL, using   1

filters, passing to the Go command through a URL   1

Go URL, using   1

SQL, issuing using the Go command   1

third-party SQL tool, integrating example   1

intelligence agents

See About Siebel Delivers iBots and Impersonation

internal authentication, about   1

intranets, integrating Siebel Answers into   1


copying or moving   1

deleting items   1

hidden items, showing   1

hiding from display   1

ownership, taking   1

renaming   1

Back to top


JavaScript, about using to customize the user interface   1

Back to top


keys, configuration, about   1

Back to top



default language, specifying for login screen   1

multiple languages and messages, support of   1

LDAP authentication overview   1


action links, creating   1

Briefing Book links, setting number   1

dashboard link, changing destination   1

log file

iBot log directory, viewing entries   1

messages in   1

log off, setting time   1

login screen, specifying default language   1

logon pages, customizing   1

Back to top



customizing   1

CustomMessages.xml file, sample   1

in log files   1

multiple languages, support of   1


Access, example of integrating with Siebel Analytics   1

Excel file, removing download (Excel) link   1

IIS Web Server, about temporary files   1

moving, items   1

Back to top



Briefing Book links, setting number   1

Siebel Answers, adding support for in   1

New Button, about using   1

No Access permission, about   1

non-dashboard components, customizing

about and file   1

CustomMessages.xml file, sample   1

download (Excel) hyperlink, removing   1

Siebel Analytics WebMessage name tags, resolution of   1

user interface messages, frequently customized   1

user interface, customizing using XML files   1

XML message files, customizing   1

XML message files, structure of   1

XML message files, support of multiple languages   1

XML template, sample   1

nonprimary resource files

location, specifying   1

path, specifying   1

Back to top


ODBC DSN, changing   1

open record sets, specifying maximum number   1

Back to top


page names, locating and dashboards   1

passwords, changing for a group   1

pasting, copying and pasting content between catalogs   1


Catalog Manager, setting through   1

Change/Delete   1

dashboard page, changing permissions for   1

Everyone or Authenticated Users Web Groups, about adding   1

Full Control   1

inheritance rules, about and list of   1

inheritance, about assigning   1

No Access   1

privileges, about setting and example   1

Read   1

recommendations for setting   1

removing permissions, about   1

setting, about   1

settings, for Siebel Delivers and iBot   1

shared dashboard, changing permissions   1

Traverse Folder   1

types of   1

Web groups, setting for   1

pivot table settings, configuring

about   1

populated cells, specifying maximum number   1

records, specifying maximum number to process   1

PopChart Image Server

chart image type, specifying   1

charts, about using to render   1

connection, specifying   1


about   1

dashboard banner image, customizing example   1

PortalContent.css file   1

PortalNav JavaScript function, about   1

portals, integrating Siebel Answers into   1

primary resource files

location, specifying   1

path, specifying   1


about setting and example   1

Everyone or Authenticated Users Web Groups, about adding   1

explicit access, changing   1

inheritance rules, about and list of   1

inheritance, about assigning   1

Siebel Analytics Stand-Alone default privilege assignments, about and table   1

user or group, assigning a privilege to   1

user rights and privilege assignment table example   1

Web groups, inheritance example and diagram   1

Web groups, setting for   1

write back   1


Catalog Manager properties, about working with   1

Catalog Manager properties, viewing for an item   1

hiding item from display   1

Publish for Subscription privilege, about granting access to   1

Back to top


query file, viewing for request information   1

Back to top


Read permission, about   1

refreshing requests and filters   1


cache entry, clearing associated with a request   1

changes, migrating   1

exposing dashboards and requests   1

logged on users and running requests, viewing information   1

query file, viewing for request information   1

running requests, canceling all requests   1

running requests, canceling one request   1

sharing requests for users within a group, about   1

unattended requests, setting time to cancel   1

unsaved requests, setting time to keep   1

Requests folder, about   1

resource files

fully qualified URLs, specifying generation of   1

location, about managing and URL generation   1

nonprimary resource files, specifying location   1

nonprimary resource files, specifying path   1

primary resource files, specifying location   1

primary resource files, specifying path   1

results, non-UNICODE format, downloading in   1

Back to top



access control and permissions, about and format   1

authentication process described   1

catalog and dashboards, guidelines for configuring   1

database authentication, about   1

external table authentication, about   1

goals, list of   1

internal authentication, about   1

LDAP authentication, about   1

permissions and privileges, inheritance of   1

permissions, about setting   1

settings, where they are located   1

user authentication, about   1

user rights and privileges   1

Web Group, creating   1

Web Groups, about and users   1

server cache, seeding using Siebel Delivers   1

session variables

Group session variable, about   1

permissions and privileges, setting   1

WEBGROUPS session variable, about   1

sessions, administering

cache entry, clearing associated with a request   1

logged on users and running requests, viewing information   1

query file, viewing for request information   1

running requests, canceling all requests   1

running requests, canceling one request   1

Web cache, clearing   1

shared dashboards

community, releasing dashboards to   1

creating   1

creating, about   1

dashboard properties, changing   1

deleting   1

permissions, changing for   1

shared document, setting up virtual directory   1

testing   1

Shared folder, about   1

Siebel 7 style sheet example   1

Siebel Analytics Catalog Manager

See About Siebel Analytics Catalog Manager

Siebel Analytics Scheduler

machine running, specifying   1

Windows file system, about accessing   1

Siebel Analytics Server group, about automatically becoming Web Group members   1

Siebel Analytics Web Catalog

See Changing the Name and Location of the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog

Siebel Analytics Web Log   1

Siebel Analytics Web privilege assignments, about and table   1

Siebel Analytics WebMessage name tags, resolution of   1

Siebel Answers

cache, accessing   1

customizing, about and file location   1

CustomMessages.xml file, sample   1

download (Excel) hyperlink, removing   1

portals or intranets, integrating into   1

Siebel Analytics WebMessage name tags, resolution of   1

user interface messages, frequently customized   1

user interface, about customizing using XML message files   1

XML message files, customizing   1

XML message files, structure of   1

XML message files, support of multiple languages   1

XML template, sample   1

Siebel Answers, administering

chart cache, specifying the location of temporary storage   1

chart image server, managing settings   1

chart image type, specifying   1

chart navigation, specifying the URL   1

charting settings, managing   1

currency, specifying for customized subject areas   1

default currency, changing   1

default Flash download source, modifying   1

download prompt for new Flash versions, enabling   1

Flash, about downloading and using as default   1

folders, nesting in selection pane   1

interactive behavior of charts, specifying   1

navigation and drill down, adding support for   1

pivot table settings, configuring   1

pivot table, specifying maximum number of populated cells   1

pivot table, specifying maximum number of records to process   1

PopChart Image Server. specifying connection   1

table view, configuring maximum number of rows   1

Siebel Delivers, administering

antivirus software and blocking scripts   1

database authentication, about working with   1

disabling Siebel Delivers   1

iBots and antivirsus software, about   1

iBots deliveries, changing directory where stored   1

iBots log directory, viewing entries   1

iBots, about and impersonation   1

permission settings, about and for iBots   1

server cache, using to seed   1

Siebel Analytics Scheduler, specifying machine running   1

Siebel Workflow 7.7, integrating with   1

Siebel Workflow 7.7, integrating with Siebel Delivers   1


defaults, about specifying   1

Web skins folder, specifying which to use   1


example of integrating third-party tool   1

using Go command to issue SQL and passing filters   1

style sheets

cascading style sheets, for more information on   1

dashboard banner image, customizing example   1

dashboard user interface, files that affect   1

location of   1

new dashboard style, creating   1

system session variables

Group session variable, about   1

permissions and privileges, setting   1

session variable block, about   1

WEBGROUPS session variable, about   1

system-defined Web Groups, list of   1

Back to top


table view, configuring maximum number of rows   1


write back   1

XML template sample   1

text strings

exposing   1

localizing   1

third-party SQL tool, integrating example   1

time to expire

client connections, setting for   1

client sessions, setting for   1

Traverse Folder permission, about   1

Back to top


unattended request, setting time to cancel   1

UNICODE, downloading results in non-UNICODE format   1


configuration changes, making   1

configuration path, setting   1

unsaved requests, setting time to keep   1


fully qualified URLs, specifying generation of   1

generated, specifying how   1

generation and resource file location, about   1

static URLs, specifying how generated   1

User folder, about   1

User Interface Language, about setting   1

user interface, customizing

cascading style sheets, for more information on   1

cascading style sheets, working with   1

CustomMessages.xml file, sample   1

dashboard banner image, customizing example   1

default images and style sheets, location of   1

download (Excel) hyperlink, removing   1

logon pages, customizing   1

new dashboard style, creating   1

non-dashboard components, customizing   1

Siebel Analytics WebMessage name tags, resolution of   1

user interface messages, frequently customized   1

Web skins folder, specifying which to use   1

Web style folder, specifying which to use   1

Web styles and skins, specifying defaults   1

XML message files, about using to customize   1

XML message files, customizing   1

XML message files, structure of   1

XML message files, support of multiple languages   1

XML template, sample   1

user-initiated administration actions   1


existing Web Group, deleting from   1

log users off automatically, setting time   1

logged on users and running requests, viewing information   1

names and passwords, disabling remembering   1

privilege, assigning to   1

Siebel Analytics Web, deleting a user from   1

Web cache, clearing   1

Web Group, adding to   1

Back to top


version file, about Web Catalog backup   1

View.css file   1

virtual directory, setting up for shared documents   1

virtual path, overriding   1

Back to top


Web Administrators group, about   1

Web cache, clearing   1

Web Catalog

catalog items, setting permissions to   1

Catalog Manager, setting permissions through   1

catalog structure, recommended folder structure (diagram)   1

catalog structure, setting up the   1

Common folder, about   1

dashboards, releasing to the community   1

dashboards, testing   1

Group folder, about and permissions   1

Requests folder, about and permissions   1

security, process of setting up   1

shared catalog item, changing permissions for   1

shared dashboards, adding pages and content   1

shared dashboards, creating   1

shared documents, setting up virtual directory   1

tree structure, viewing   1

Web Group, about creating   1

Web Catalog, administering

automatic backups, setting number   1

backup process, about   1

catalog backup files, about   1

Catalog Manager columns, about in the workspace   1

Catalog Manager properties, about working with   1

Catalog Manager properties, viewing for an item   1

Catalog Manager workspace appearance   1

Catalog Manager workspace, about   1

Catalog Manager workspace, about folders in   1

Catalog Manager, about   1

Catalog Manager, opening   1

catalog version file, about   1

copying and pasting content between catalogs   1

dashboards, about viewing information   1

dashboards, exposing and requests   1

dashboards, locating and page names   1

failures, recovering and loading Web Catalog   1

folder or item, deleting   1

folder or item, renaming   1

item, copying or moving   1

item, hiding from display   1

item, taking ownership   1

name and location, changing   1

new folder, creating   1

new folder, viewing contents   1

new Web Catalog, creating   1

newer version, upgrading to   1

recommendations for working with   1

rename items, about using Catalog Manager to   1

renaming dashboard example   1

requests and filters, migrating changes   1

shared Web Catalog folders, displaying   1

shared Web Catalog folders, showing hidden items   1

text strings, exposing   1

text strings, localizing   1

Web Catalog tree structure, viewing   1

writing changes to, about   1

Web Groups

about and users   1

administrator-defined Web Groups, about   1

differences between groups   1

Everyone or Authenticated Users Web Groups, about adding   1

inheritance rules, about and list of   1

inheritance, about assigning   1

note, Siebel Analytics Server group, about automatically becoming members   1

password, changing for a group   1

permissions and privileges, setting   1

privileges, inheritance example and diagram   1

read permissions, about   1

session variable block, about   1

shared Web Catalog group folder, about creating   1

Siebel Analytics Stand-Alone default privilege assignments (table)   1

Siebel Analytics Web, deleting a user from   1

system-defined Web Groups, list of   1

user or group, adding to an existing group   1

user or group, deleting   1

Web Group, creating   1

Web Group, deleting   1

WEBGROUPS session variable, about   1

web log files, messages in   1

Web styles and skins

defaults, about specifying   1

Web skins folder, specifying which to use   1

Web style folder, specifying which to use   1

WEBGROUPS session variable

about   1

permissions and privileges, setting   1

WebMessage name tags, resolution of   1


configuration changes, making   1

configuration path, setting   1

remember user's names and passwords, disabling   1

write back

connection pool   1

limitations   1

privileges   1

table   1

template   1

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XML message files

CustomMessages.xml file, sample   1

message files, structure of   1

messages, customizing   1

multiple languages. support of   1

Siebel Analytics WebMessage name tags, resolution of   1

user interface, about using to customize   1

XML template, sample   1

XML template, sample   1

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Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide, Version 7.8.4