Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Administering the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog >

Administering Items in the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog

You administer shared Web Catalog folders through the Manage Catalog screen of Siebel Analytics Web. You can view folders and contents including hidden items, and create, rename, copy, move, and delete folders and contents. You can also take ownership of an item. (Taking ownership of an item allows only you to make changes to it. This is useful if a user needs assistance with, for example, a request.)

For information about changing permissions to an item in the Web Catalog, read About Setting Siebel Analytics Web Permissions.

To display the shared Web Catalog folders

  1. In Siebel Analytics Web, do one of the following:
    • If you are running Siebel Analytics stand-alone, click the Admin link.
    • If you are using a Siebel Analytics application, choose View > Site Map and access Analytics Administration.
  2. Click the link Manage Analytics Catalog.

    The Manage Catalog screen appears.

  3. Click the Shared Folder link.

To show hidden items

  • Select the Show Hidden Items check box.

    This action reveals the following hidden items:

To create a new folder

  • Click the link Create New Folder and follow the instructions on the screen.

To view the contents of a folder

  • Click the folder name.

To take ownership of an item

  1. Navigate to the item.
  2. Click the Properties button for the item.

    The Item Properties screen appears.

  3. If you have the appropriate authority, you can take ownership of the item or folder by clicking one of the following links:
    • Take Ownership of this item
    • Take Ownership of this item and all subitems

To rename a folder or an item

  1. Navigate to the folder or item to rename.
  2. Click Rename.

    The Rename Item screen appears.

  3. Type a new name for the item.

    You can also type a description.

  4. To preserve references that other users might have to the prior name of the item, select the following option:

    Preserve references to the old name of this item

    If you do not select this option, users referencing this item cannot display it.

  5. Click Rename.

To delete a folder or an item

  1. Navigate to the folder to delete.
  2. Click the folder's Delete button.

    The Confirm Item Deletion screen appears.

    NOTE:  When deleting shared folders or items, be aware that other users who have added shared items to their personal dashboards no longer have access to them.

  3. To confirm the delete, click Yes.

To copy or move an item

  1. Navigate to the item.
  2. Click Copy/Move button for the item.

    The Copy/Move Item Here screen appears.

  3. Follow the instructions given on the screen.
    • To create a new folder, click the link Create New Folder and follow the instructions on the screen.
  4. To show hidden items, select the Show Hidden Items check box.

    This reveals the following hidden items:

  5. When done, click Copy/Move Item Here.

Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide