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Managing Siebel Analytics Web URL Generation and Resource File Location

You can override how Siebel Analytics Web generates URLs and where resource files are located by modifying the Siebel Analytics Web configuration file instanceconfig.xml to add the following entries:

You need to create the tags <URL> and </URL> after the <ServerInstance> tag, and place your entries between the <URL> and </URL> tags.

For information about working in the configuration file instanceconfig.xml, read Making Siebel Analytics Web Configuration Changes.

NOTE:  Most of the URL entries are interrelated.

Specifying How Siebel Analytics Web Command URLs Are Generated

You can specify how Siebel Analytics Web generates command URLs.

If you explicitly specify an entry, it must be of the following form:


where virtualpath is the complete virtual path to Siebel Analytics Web. The default is determined separately for each client, based on the URL sent by the client to the Siebel Analytics Web server.

The following entry is an example:


Specifying How Siebel Analytics Web Static URLs Are Generated

You can specify how Siebel Analytics Web generates URLs for static resources such as images, script files, style sheets, and other user-specified files. The default is protocol://server from the URL\AbsoluteCommandURLPrefix setting, described in Specifying How Siebel Analytics Web Command URLs Are Generated.

If you explicitly specify an entry, it must be of this form:


If you specify a virtual path, it is removed.

This entry designates a separate Web server for delivering static resources, thereby reducing the load on the main Web server. This prefix will be used for the resources that have a fully qualified virtual path of the form '/Path/file'. If a resource file has a relative virtual path of the form 'Path/file', the prefix used is the same used for commands to the Siebel Analytics Web server extension.

The following entry is an example:


Specifying the Location of Siebel Analytics Web Primary Resource Files

You can override the physical location of Siebel Analytics Web's primary resource files (these are the resource files distributed with Siebel Analytics Web, not user-customized files such as custom styles or skins). The internal default is $(INSTALL_DIR)\Web\App\Res.

You must provide a full path. Siebel Analytics Web must have read permission to this path. For example, if this is a shared network resource, the Siebel Analytics Web administrator needs to make sure that the user under which Siebel Analytics Web is running has read access to the share, as well as read access to the file system the share is exported from.

NOTE:  If the value for this entry is different from the physical location of the Siebel Analytics Web DLLs, you must specify a setting for URL\ResourceVirtualPath, described in Specifying the Path to Siebel Analytics Web Primary Resource Files.

The following entry is an example:


Specifying the Path to Siebel Analytics Web Primary Resource Files

You can override the virtual path used for Siebel Analytics Web's primary resource files as specified by the setting URL\ResourcePhysicalPath, described in Specifying the Location of Siebel Analytics Web Nonprimary Resource Files. These resource files and customer-defined resource files must be served from the same Web server.

For generating relative URLs, the virtual path defaults to Res, assuming that the resource folder is present under the same virtual directory as the Siebel Analytics Web DLL files.

For generating absolute URLs, the entry of the value URL\AbsoluteCommandURLPrefix is used as the default.

The value must be a fully qualified virtual path of this form:


If you omit the leading slash, one will be added.

The following entry is an example:


Specifying the Location of Siebel Analytics Web Nonprimary Resource Files

You can override the physical location of resource files that are not part of a default installation. Such resource files include customized styles and skins. The internal default is $(DataDir)\Web\App\Res, where $(DataDir) is the resolved entry of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Siebel Systems, Inc.\Siebel Analytics\Common\7.7\DataDir.

You must provide a full path. Siebel Analytics Web must have read permission to this path. For example, if this is a shared network resource, you need to make sure that the user under which Siebel Analytics Web is running has read access to the share, as well as read access to the file system the share is exported from.

The following entry is an example:


Specifying the Path to Siebel Analytics Web Nonprimary Resource Files

You can override the virtual path used for resource files that are not part of a default installation as specified in the setting URL\CustomerResourcePhysicalPath, described in Specifying the Location of Siebel Analytics Web Nonprimary Resource Files. The internal default is Res.

The following entry is an example:


Specifying Whether Siebel Analytics Web Generates Fully Qualified URLs

You can override whether Siebel Analytics Web always generates fully qualified URLs for resource files that have fully qualified virtual paths. The internal default is No.

When set to No, resources and the Siebel Analytics Web server extension are served from one server. When set to Yes, default resources are served from the same server as the Siebel Analytics Web server extension, and customer resources are served from another server. Depending on the value of the other settings described in this section, you could also set it up to have default and customer resources served from one server, and the Siebel Analytics Web server extension served from another server.

The following entry is an example:


Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide