Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Using Siebel Analytics Web Logging >

Analytics Web Message Structure

Each message that is logged by Siebel Analytics Web has several components, as shown in Table 16.

Table 16. Components of the Siebel Analytics Web Log Message
Message Component

Message Text

The text of the log message to the user.

Message Type

One of four types: information, warning, error, or security.

The first three are self-explanatory. Security is reserved for auditing security type information, such as user logged in, login failed, user accessed catalog item XYZ, and so on.


The severity is represented as a positive integer.

The lower the value, the more important the message. A message with severity 0 is the most important type of message; a message with severity 1000 is not important at all.

Log Sources

Log sources indicate where the message is coming from.

Sources are always of the form saw.component.subComponent.function. There is no limit on the number of periods (.) in a source. The source can be as many levels deep as the programmer decides to make it. Moreover, each logged message can have one or more log sources associated with it, depending on what code path caused that error to be logged.

For example, the message "Unable to open file" might be logged with the stack of sources {saw.delivers, saw.charts} as well as the log source stack {saw.views, saw.pdf}.

The command option sawserver /logsources (case insensitive) prints all known log sources.

Message Properties

Properties indicate other kinds of information. The kind varies from message to message, and might include username, IP address of client browser, thread ID, and so on.

NOTE:  If the log contains the message "Config Key is not set", this is not an error, it is an indication of the status (set or not set) of a configuration key.

Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide