Siebel Analytics Web Services Guide > Description of Structures in the Siebel Analytics Web SOAP API >

ItemInfo Structure

The ItemInfo structure contains Web Catalog information about an object. This structure is used in the WebCatalogService service. Table 10 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 10. ItemInfo Structure Fields

String path

The path to the object in the Web Catalog.

String type

A character string that indicates the type. Valid values are:

  • Folder
  • Link
  • Missing
  • NoAccess
  • Object

DateTime lastModified

The date and time that the object was last modified, in DateTime format.

DateTime created

The date and time that the object was created (saved) in the Web Catalog, in DateTime format.

DateTime accessed

The data and time that the object was last accessed by a user, in DateTime format.

String signature

The signature of the Web Catalog object. For more information about signatures, read Using Item Signatures in the Siebel Analytics Web SOAP API.

NameValuePair[] itemProperties

An array of object properties.

ACL acl

Access Control List for this catalog item.

int attributes

Combination of the following flags:

1 = read only
2 = archive
4 = hidden
8 = system

Siebel Analytics Web Services Guide