Siebel Analytics Web Services Guide > Description of Structures in the Siebel Analytics Web SOAP API >

SAColumn Structure

The SAColumn structure represents the logical column in the Subject Area. This structure is used in the MetadataService. Table 18 lists the fields in this structure.

Table 18. SAColumn Structure Fields

String name

Column name used in SQL statements.

String displayName

Localized name, used in the Answers screen.

String description

A string to contain the description of the column name.

boolean nullable

Flag to indicate if the column is nullable or not.

SADataType dataType

Indicates the type of data a column contains. For more information, read SADataType Values.

boolean aggregateable

Flag to indicate if the column can be aggregated or not.

AggregationRule aggrRule

If the column contains aggregated data, this value indicates the type of aggregation used. For more information, read AggregationRule Values.

SADataType Values

The SADataType indicates the type of data a column contains. The following list shows the data types available:

  • BigInt
  • Binary
  • Bit
  • Char
  • Coordinate
  • Date
  • Decimal
  • Double
  • Float
  • Integer
  • Invalid
  • LongVarBinary
  • LongVarChar
  • Numeric
  • Real
  • SmallInt
  • Time
  • TimeStamp
  • TinyInt
  • Unknown
  • VarBinary
  • VarChar

AggregationRule Values

The SADataType specifies the default aggregation rule for the column. For details on aggregation functions, read Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide. The following list shows the aggregation functions available:

  • Avg
  • BottomN
  • Complex
  • Count
  • CountDistinct
  • CountStar
  • DimensionAggr
  • First
  • Last
  • Max
  • Min
  • None
  • Percentile
  • Rank
  • ServerDefault
  • SubTotal
  • Sum
  • TopN
Siebel Analytics Web Services Guide