Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide > Connectivity and Third-Party Tools >

ODBC Conformance Level

The Analytics Server supports the following ODBC calls from client applications:

  • SQLAllocConnect
  • SQLAllocEnv
  • SQLAllocStmt
  • SQLBindCol
  • SQLCancel
  • SQLColumns
  • SQLConnect
  • SQLDescribeCol
  • SQLDisconnect
  • SQLDriverConnect
  • SQLError
  • SQLExecDirect
  • SQLExecute
  • SQLExtendedFetch
  • SQLFetch
  • SQLFreeConnect
  • SQLFreeEnv
  • SQLFreeStmt
  • SQLGetConnectOption
  • SQLGetCursorName
  • SQLGetData
  • SQLGetFunctions
  • SQLGetInfo
  • SQLGetStmtOption
  • SQLGetTypeInfo
  • SQLColAttributes
  • SQLNumResultCols
  • SQLPrepare
  • SQLRowCount
  • SQLSetConnectOption
  • SQLSetStmtOption
  • SQL Tables

Siebel Business Analytics ODBC supports full scrollable cursors with static, dynamic, forward only, and key set driven cursors.

Siebel Business Analytics ODBC supports asynchronous and synchronous processing and cancellation.

Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide